•Chapter 94• No Sympathy

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"Megan," Selena called out to her daughter to follow her into the car. Jayden held onto her tightly. He didn't want her to go. Megan turned to look up at him again while she stood between his arms. "I have to go," she said. Jayden's gaze softened. He hated it. Since when did he become so clingy and pouty? "I don't want you to."
Megan smiled at his confession and placed her palm on his cheek. Her hand was warm; Jayden melted into her. "I'll be okay," Megan assured him lovingly. She didn't want to leave them behind like this but knew that being home with her parents was probably for the better. There they could be kept safe. "Will you be okay with Jade?" Jayden was worried sick about his little sister. She still wasn't back. They haven't heard anything yet. No shouting or screaming, no gunshots, no cars driving away into the night. Aside from some birds and insects, there was no sound. "We'll hear from them eventually."
Megan nodded slowly. She said her goodbyes to the triplets and followed her parents. Leah was already inside the passenger's seat. Her window was down and Louis was speaking to her. Megan waved goodbye before getting in after her mother. 
Jerry patted both of his brothers on their backs. Jayden and Jack looked at each other and realized they were both looking at Megan the same way - and most likely for the same reason as well. "She'll be fine. After all of this, you three can go back to the love triangle thing you've got going on. Jade better hurry. I could really use a week or six cuddling with my girl to make up for lost time. And after that, we'll get some popcorn and watch the both of you fight over Megan." His brothers gave him a silent glare. "Tell me I'm wrong. I dare you."

"You're taking them back, end of discussion." Ian protested. Someone needed to bring Megan and her parents to safety. Casper seemed like the best option. He was fast and - as far as the police knew - he didn't exist. But Casper was not happy to be sent away. "What if Jade needs me? I need to be here for her." So much has happened between them. He couldn't leave her behind like that. Of course, Ian and Louis knew very well what to do if something went wrong, but Casper still felt the urge to stay here. Ian shook his head. "She has plenty of people waiting for her here. Louis and I won't let anything happen to her, not to mention her brothers." Exactly that. Still, Casper wanted to stay here."But-"
"Kid, listen." Ian cut him off and placed his hand on Casper's shoulder. "I need you to take them away. People won't ask too many questions when they see you, they'll assume that you're their nephew or something. They won't suspect you have anything to do with this. Jade will be fine." Casper looked sadly. He should have gone with her. Oh, why hadn't he said or done anything? She could have really used his support towards Bill. "I promised her-"
"And now you're promising me." Ian cut him off, "We don't have much time, kid. I trust you with them. Please." Casper sighed and gave a nod. Ian handed him the keys and ruffled his hair. "Good kid. Take them back to their home and call the police. Tell them what happened but try to leave out the boys and Jade." Ian instructed. "Yes, yes, I get it." Casper waved his hand and hurried over to the driver's side of the vehicle.

Jade took a step back after hearing her father's threatening tone. His eyes darkened; he looked dangerous. "So are you going to give me that back or not?" He asked her with an extended hand. Bill was right about Parker but this was wrong no matter how much she hated them. It sounded so tempting. Killing them would solve so many problems. No, no! She couldn't let Bill get that far. "I can't let you do this." She said while shaking her head. Her father did not like that. "Come with me, Jade." He tempted her, "You know you want to end it too, Little one. This is your chance to do that."
"I want it to end! I don't want them dead!" Jade shouted back at him. That seemed to be the only way to get her message across. She needed to stay strong against her father. She couldn't go soft now and give in to him. Sure she wanted to hurt them, but murder was not the solution. It was easier. No! She shouldn't think like that. "Dad, listen to me-"
"No, you listen to me, Little one." He cupped her face in his hands, "I'm not going to keep repeating myself, baby. I know you have it in you, and I know you agree with me." Jade squeezed her eyes shut tightly. Bill's hands gripped her tighter and started shaking her a little. "Do you hear me? They will die whether you like it or not because I want it to happen. Got that? Jade!" "Yes, yes!" Jade's eyes were watery as soon as she opened them. He was a monster. Bill removed his hands from his daughter's face. "Yes, I want them dead. Yes, I want them to pay." She admitted. Bill started grinning widely. "But killing them is not the solution. You won't stop after that. You never stop, Dad." Bill's face grew hot. His body was filled with hate. "You need to stop, Dad. Stop comparing me to Mom; stop all of this, please, Dad." Jade pleaded. Bill shook his head rapidly. 

"No, no, no!" He yelled, "You won't go against me! You and your brothers will do exactly as I say! Do you hear me? You do as I say. Now come with me and I won't force you to kill anyone!" Jade backed away again. This time her father didn't grab her like he did before. "It's over, Dad!"
"It's not over until I say it's over!" In the blink of an eye, Bill pulled his pistol and aimed it straight at her head. "Stop acting tough." He threatened. Jade fell silent. 
Jade tilted her head at him. "Stop acting tough," Jade tells him. Jayden holds up his hands. "I will when you do." He replied. Jade didn't respond. "Yeah, I know what you're doing. You're acting all tough when deep down, all you want to do is cry your eyes out." Jayden started. "Shut up," Jade said. 
Now she knows how Jayden must have felt back all those months ago. Tears welled in her eyes as she looked back at her father. The man that was supposed to protect her from all the danger in the world, was pointing a gun at her head. "Don't make me shoot you, little one," Bill said to her. The only difference between Bill right now and Jade back then was that he was not showing any kind of sympathy or emotion. He was ready to shoot his daughter and kill her for revenge. To feed his own delusions.
"I don't want your apologies. I want to do what you couldn't do." Jade replied, "It's what he would've wanted." She whispered. "Dad was a psychopath! He asked us to kill an innocent girl because he couldn't kill her mother. That's insane!" Jayden exclaimed.
Her brothers warned her for this; for all of this madness. "I understand." Jade started. She raised her hands in the air slightly. She had nothing to defend herself with. No knife, no gun, not even her brothers or uncle could help her now. 

"I shouldn't have taken over and I did. That's what this is about, right? You were going to do this anyway." Jade started, "You're threatened by me because I took over. I'm in charge now and you can't handle that." She could see Bill's grip on the pistol growing tighter. "That's why you didn't want to include me. You love me, yes, but you're also threatened. I replaced you. And you're angry about that." Her voice was so calm and collected she almost forgot that there was a weapon aimed at her forehead. "No. I wanted to protect you." Bill said. Jade nodded with watery eyes. "I understand." She repeated softly, "I understand, Dad."
Bill started shaking his head slightly and tried to blink his own tears away. He didn't want this, did he? His daughter. He did all of this for his kids, for her. He loved her. Parker... he promised her nothing would ever happen to her babies. "It's either me or you, Dad," Jade whispered. One of her hands raised up and covered his. "Do you know I've been here before? The last time I held the gun. I was holding it to Jayden's head. That's as mad as I've ever been. I was going crazy because of your plan, something you set up, and we all fell for it. I'm the most like you, Dad."
Bill felt a harsh sting in his chest. His hand was starting to tremble. "Come on. Prove me wrong." Jade spoke up, "Prove to me that I made the wrong decision that night when I didn't shoot him, Dad. You can be on top and in charge of everything again. All you have to do is pull that trigger right now."

Louis pressed a kiss to Leah's knuckles and glanced at Casper getting into the car beside her. "Drive as fast as you can. Take the road on the left side." Casper nodded and shot one more glance at Ian who was standing a little further away. The triplets stood by Megan's window and waved goodbye to her. "She'll be okay," Jerry assured his oldest brother.
Suddenly, a loud gunshot sounded. Everyone turned their heads toward where the sound came from. The same direction as where Bill and Jade disappeared off to. Louis looked at Jayden first. Within a second, he fled off into the woods, followed by his brothers. "No!" Louis shouted and followed them as quickly as he could. 

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