•Chapter 91• Hide in the Cabin

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"Sit down you brat." Bill forced Selena back on her knees when she tried to stand up. It was a long shot. The door was locked and the room was small. She wouldn't have gotten out.
"If you want to kill us, then just do it! What are you waiting for? Why else would you've brought us here? Old memories? Just pull the trigger!" Eric shouted at Bill.
He had taken them back to the cabin. Back to where it all started for Selena. Her head pounded hard, but she was able to make it through without vomiting or collapsing. This time Eric wouldn't appear out of nowhere to save her from a horrible and painful death. He would make it painful. He would torture her. Eric didn't – he couldn't – understand the traumatic feeling behind her fright. The clammy feeling in her hands and the sweat on her neck. This was where she would die after all.
Bill looked at her like a maniac. He was smiling and breathing loudly. "It's finally happening." He said. Eric locked eyes with him. "You'll get to watch for a little while. See how you like it." He gritted between his teeth.
Bill hadn't felt this unhitched in a long while. He felt free but also angry. It was taking every bone in his body to not strangle or shoot both of them right here, right now. But he had to wait, they had to suffer. Both of them

She has been quiet and frozen so much. Selena felt a sudden outburst. An urge to speak up and fight against the man she feared so much. "You're such a hypocrite." She said.
Bill hummed and started to shake his head and his finger. "Hm, no," he pointed at Eric, "He did it all to 'save you'. Everyone thinks he is the hero and that you're the sole survivor." Bill glared at Eric. "He killed my baby. Beat my wife so badly that it killed my child and eventually killed her too. No one ever speaks about that. He is a murderer just as much as I am." Bill pointed an accusing finger at Eric.
Watching from the side, was Louis. He grabbed his own arms and hugged himself when he thought of Parker. That heartbroken glance she gave him back in the hospital. "Red really wanted that baby." He murmured. Bill looked up at his best friend. "More than anything in this world. And she would have been a perfect mother too. And you robbed her of her life!" He shouted right in Eric's face.
"She was dead either way," Selena spoke up. Bill looked at her. She was looking him right in his eyes for the first time in years. She seemed determined more than scared. "She wouldn't have survived. You kept everything for yourself. Every drop of blood, for you, and you alone." She spat at him. Louis' eyes darted between Selena on the floor and Bill standing in front of her like a predator to see what happened next.
"She wouldn't have needed it if Prince charming over here kept his greasy hands to himself." Bill replied calmly, "She wasn't even able to defend herself." Louis watched as Bill backed away. Put this to an end. Shoot these people and get over with it. "My baby," Bill mumbled.
"You got four other brats." Eric barked at him. Bill grabbed him by his collar. "Do not talk about my kids like that." He threatened but Eric grinned a bit. He was going to die anyway. "Don't care. It's the truth. You had four of them. Surely you can miss one-"
"She couldn't. How would you feel if she was pregnant and I stomped that thing to death?" Bill cut him off. Eric hated to admit it, but Bill was right. He would be just as angry. "The only difference between you and me is that I don't go all serial killer on the entire town." Eric spat at him. "Well, that's where you lack guts. You can't do shit. If you care, you would burn the entire world for them."

Selena hurried to her husband's side when Bill let go of him and he fell on the ground. Louis grabbed her shoulder and pulled her away, separating them. "You will stay put!" Bill shouted at her. Louis' grip on her wasn't as tight as she expected it to be. He wasn't hurting her. "You kidnapped me. You tricked me and my friends." Selena said. "Yeah, and I should have killed you when I had the chance. Didn't know you'd be such a pain in my ass." Bill complained. His gaze lifted up to his best friend. "But you can be useful. Tie her up."
Selena struggled against Louis but was unsuccessful in escaping from him. He tied her hands together with a rope and hung them above her head. Her heart started thumping even more. It was like she was a teenager again. She was trapped. Tears stung in her eyes and she started to kick her feet around. "No! No!" She screamed. "My daughter's sick." Bill started, "Let's do this like the good old days, yes?" He crouched in front of her to hold her legs still. "I know how frustrating it must be for you. He doesn't know what you feel. He couldn't understand." He shot a quick glance at Eric who was sitting up straight again. "Well, I can help with that. Maybe if he sees what happens to you, or even feels it himself, then he will finally understand. That's what you want, right? For him to understand? And we get to spend a little time together. Just like you wanted." Bill reminded her. It was useless to struggle against his grip on her legs so Selena stayed put. "You'll die together. Louis, grab him." Bill ordered. His best friend walked over to Eric. He did try to fight Louis, so he had to knock him out to be able to tie him up. He put him in Leah's old position. He thought about her whilst tying the knots. He felt sorry for her but he couldn't bring himself to feel bad for Eric. This was wrong, of course, it was, but he hated Eric for everything he had done.

Someone pounded on the door all of a sudden causing the silence to be interrupted. Bill looked up and pressed his hand over Selena's mouth to keep her quiet. "Dad? Dad! Open up!" Bill stood up, almost delighted to hear his daughter's voice on the other side of the door. She was here. He opened the door for her and immediately grabbed her hands. "Little one-"
"Dad, stop this." Jade cut him off when he pulled her inside. Her gaze fell on Selena and Eric who were tied up. Selena was terrified. "Stop? Little one, I got them. I finally got them. They'll pay for what they did to Mom, okay? It'll be okay." Bill grabbed her head and kissed her forehead. Jade pushed him away carefully. She didn't want to upset him. "No, Dad, stop. You can't do this." Jade protested kindly. She shot a glance at Louis standing up straight behind Bill. Eric was knocked out and Selena was crying. This was their deal. "What are you doing here?"
"Fox, shut up!" Bill spat at him. Jade squeezed her father's hand gently.

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