•Chapter 24• Secrets

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"Okay, you've been together for a year?" Jack questioned. Jerry sighed as he leaned back in his seat on the couch. Jack was sitting in front of him and Jayden stood behind him. Jerry just wanted to disappear into the couch. "And you're telling me that it never crossed your mind?" He questioned. "I never said that." Jerry sighed. His older brother leaned down, resting his arms on the back of the couch. "But you haven't done it either," he replied. Jerry grasped a pillow that sat next to him on the couch. He covered his face. "I would've by now," Jack admitted. Jayden briefly glanced over his shoulder. Liz and Andrew stood together searching through old papers. "Oh, yeah," Jayden started. He turned back to his brothers. "I definitely would've." He added. Jerry removed the pillow that covered his face. "First of all," He said. The youngest triplet pointed his finger at the girl. "Mine." He added sternly. Jayden rolled his eyes at him. "Second of all, weren't you two fighting over Megan?" He questioned. His two brothers looked at each other. "Well," Jack started. "Yeah, but," Jayden stuttered. They were both a bit lost for words. "We were talking about your virgin ass." The oldest triplet protested. "Don't change the subject." Jack agreed. Jerry groaned and reached for the pillow again. 

Their conversation was cut short by a loud yell coming from the other room. Eric was yelling at the top of his lungs. Everyone looked really worried. "The hell was that?" Jack questioned. The triplets got up and walked back to the others. Jerry stood behind Liz. "Uh, should anyone check on them?" She suggested. Jerry looked at his older brother. "You're the oldest. Go for it." He says. "You know, I don't mind hitting you unconscious again." His brother says. Their sister came walking in again. Small bits of blood were dripping down her clothes and hands. "Oh, my god." Jack gasped. Jade looked down. "What?" She questioned. She followed their gaze down to her clothes and hands. "Oh, that. Oh, that's not mine." She tells them. "You killed him?" Jerry asks her. Jade shrugged a little. "No, I just wanted him to talk." She answered. Everyone except Ian stared at her with widened eyes. "He's still breathing," Jade assures them. "What did you do?" Liz asks her. "I got him to talk," Jade replied. She turned to Ian. "He is still breathing, right?" she asks. The man shrugged as he leaned against the wall. "Last time I checked." He answered. Jade looked back at her brothers. "See, nothing's wrong." She said. "Well, did he say anything useful? And if so, was that before or after you almost killed him? Why was he screaming like that?" Jayden questioned. "I showered him in Ketchup," Jade replied sarcastically. Jack glared at her. "Hey, hey, that's over now. You've become the serious woman of this family, you gotta stick with it." He tells her sternly. 

Jade made eye contact with Andrew. "Can I have  a word with you?" She asks him. "In private?" Jack smirked at her. Andrew nodded and walked up to her. They walked into the hallway together. Her brothers made fake kissing sounds as they left. "Is it about something Eric said?" Andrew asks. "Yeah," She started. The strawberry-blonde-haired girl let out a sigh as she paused. "But I also wanted to tell you in person how sorry I am. For what I did to you." She added. Andrew scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "Yeah, that," he said. Jade took a step forward. "I know that what I did... it's not just mean it is just crazy. I was so blinded by everything. My brothers, my feelings for you, my dad." She started, "I wanted to say that I'm sorry you got involved in this. I wish I could take it all back, and cut you out of it before it's too late. I didn't want you to get hurt. And never because of me." She continued. He placed his hands on her shoulders. "It's okay." He tells her. "No, it's not. It's insane what I did to you and my brothers. I've had some therapy sessions. I'm going to get more... I..." She rambled. "Hey," Andrew said. She looked into his eyes. "It's okay. I'm glad you're getting better." He added. He carefully pulled her into an embrace. "With everything that's been going on, I'm okay with you being here. I'm actually glad you're here." He tells her quietly. She smiled and relaxed her muscles. When they pulled away, Andrew gave her a kind smile. "So, Eric?" He asks. She sighed. "Brace yourself, because you're not gonna see this one coming." She replied.

The two men stood opposite of one another, leaning on the table. Louis narrowed his eyes at his friend. "Can't you see how fucked this all is?" He questioned. "If you would just let me explain-" Bill tried again. "What else is there to explain? Do you have an explanation for your fucked up brain?" Louis snapped at him. "I don't see why you're this stressed out. This isn't some new characteristic I developed." Bill replied. "But this is insane! It used to be so easy. Killing, draining blood, and going on to the next one. What you did, is insane. You abandoned your family. Your daughter, who needed you. You lied to them, over and over again. You lied to me." Louis tells him. "There is a lot more that happened that you have no idea of, man. I did that to protect you, to protect everyone I love and care about!" Bill tells him, raising his voice. "Well, if we're throwing everything on the table, why don't you tell me what happened then? Tell me what you did that you want to protect us from." Louis challenged him. "You don't know half of the people I've killed!" Bill replies. "I don't need to know! I helped with all the others! I know what you were doing!" Louis reminds him. "Well, you didn't know about Parker either!" Bill yelled. "Is that what this is about? That incident?" His friend asks him. "That's not what this is about!" Bill exclaimed. Louis shut down. Someone entered the room. "Boss!" Casper exclaimed as he rushed in. Bill snapped his head toward the boy. 

"What's wrong? Is it that bad?" Andrew asks her. Jade nodded slowly. "It's pretty bad. I'm not sure they can handle it." Jade says. He furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?" Andrew questioned. "It has something to do with my mom. I'm not sure they're going to handle it all too well. After everything. I mean, Eric's face was like that when I got here." Jade says. "What did he tell you?" Andrew wondered. "Well, he kept repeating that he knew the real reason behind Megan's kidnapping. Why Megan." Jade started. Andrew nodded as he listened closely. "We thought it was just because of Selena and the whole history part," Jade explained. "And it wasn't?" Andrew replied. Jade shook her head. 

"What did you do?" Louis asked his friend. Bill covered his face with his hands. He started to walk away a little. Casper also kept silent. He felt very awkward barging out like that. "Bill, what did you do?" He repeated. He didn't say anything. "Bill!" Louis almost yelled. "I killed her." Bill blurted out. "What?" Louis replied. Bill removed his hands and placed them on the table again. "I needed her. You knew that." Bill says. "Yeah, she had the blood. The blood you poisoned afterward." Louis reminds him. "I picked her for a reason," Bill tells his friend. Louis backed up a little. "I did some research. She had it, Selena had it, and Megan has it. That's why I picked them. They could cure me. They had the elements in her blood that I needed." Bill explained calmly. His friend put both of his hands on either side of his head. He didn't know what to think. "I cured myself. Then when Parker got sick, I searched the state for another one like her. And I found her. But Eric took her away from me. And eventually, that's how I lost the love of my life." Bill barked at him. "If you hadn't taken it from her, she wouldn't have died in the first place!" Louis says. "Uh, boss," Casper spoke up again. "Shut up!" Both men said to him.

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