•Chapter 72• Some Time Alone

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Megan looked at Andrew - who sat on the bed with her in the bedroom - with a questioning look. She didn't think the triplets would have actually asked him for that favor. Understandably, Jade's brothers would be worried about her. They didn't know about Andrew's feelings toward her. He didn't object to it – which surprised Megan a bit. Andrew nowadays would often shut down at the mention of Jade's name. It was hard enough for him to be here now with her brothers. Taking her in? Hide her from Bill? By his lack of response, she could tell his mind was all over the place. Going through every scenario there was probably. Telling him things would be alright was not the way to go. She didn't want him to get mad or frustrated since he was already on edge. But she needed a moment with him before he and Liz left again in a few hours. "Andrew?" He glanced up at her. "No one is forcing you." She told him again, just like Jayden did. He bit down on his thumb again nervously. "I know. I know." He said. The triplets didn't beg. Anyone from a mile away could spot their desperation, though. They were powerless. Unable to help their sister. "You came to me and said we're all they have. And sad as that may be, we're not. You and Liz are. Not me. I am not doing this for them because they're, quote on quote, helpless. They're not. Jade is not helpless. You're not even sure if she wants to be there or not."
"The whole house is surrounded by people. Bill's people. Louis said he's keeping Jade and Ian there." Megan tried to explain to him in the calmest tone she could. "Louis told you that? Okay, so, we're trusting Louis with all of our lives right now? Do I need to remind you who he worked for? What he did. If anything he's just as bad as Bill." Andrew snapped at his cousin. She expected something like this to happen. Yet he seemed so calm before. Why was he snapping at her right now? Build-up tension no doubt. "No need for that."
"Why not? I'm sorry that I'm not very comfortable with hiding someone who could've killed me from her psychopathic murderous father just because I had a little thing for her." Megan furrowed her eyebrows at that. A little thing? Had?

"They are worried about her," Megan spoke up. She decided to not speak her thoughts to him now. "Yeah, well, everyone is. I'm sorry. I am just wondering why me. What about her new boyfriend, huh?"
"Casper is still missing," Megan told him. "Okay then. Why can't it be Louis? He's her uncle right? He cares about her why can't he do it? Or anyone else? Didn't they have a whole group?" Andrew barked back at her. "Because Bill is not after you," Megan replied as quickly as she could. Bill was currently not on his killing or hunting list. He would not go looking for Andrew if Jade disappeared. It was a solid plan. "How would you know? I dated his daughter. I am probably number one on that list. After everything that happened between me and her? She might put a bullet in my head... he! I meant he!" Megan looked at him after his mistake. Something clicked in her thoughts. She. "You're not scared of Bill. You are scared of what'll happen when you two are together."
"I'm not scared of Jade, Meg."
"You are. You're nervous about spending time with her again."
Andrew rolled his eyes and slumped back against the headboard and the pillows on the bed. An image of Jade appeared in his mind. Back when they had their sort of date in the diner. That smile she had... He shook his head and tried to get rid of the image as soon as it appeared. He didn't want to think about that. "You can't blame me. She wanted to kill me." He spat at his cousin. "That is not what this is about. You're nervous about spending time with her again because you still love her." Megan blurted out. Andrew's jaw clenched. He already had this conversation with Liz after they visited his brother in the hospital. He looked up at Megan again. "What do you want me to say, Meg?" He asked in a very calm and low tone. "I want you to stop lying to yourself. If you didn't care about them, you wouldn't be here right now."
"Liz said –" He started but was cut off by his cousin. "Liz said what she said because she knew you would regret it later." She said, "Andrew, be honest. Why are you so hesitant about spending time with Jade?" They were on fine terms. They had talked before and everything seemed fine. Megan noticed he was a bit intimidated by Casper. Jade never said anything about it, though. Andrew let out a sigh and ran his hand through his hair. "Because if I'm alone with her... I'm not sure I will ever let her go again. Okay? Is that what you wanted to hear?" He asked her. "Is that what you wanted to say?" Megan spat the question at him. Not entirely. He wanted to say so much more. So Andrew shook his head no. "What else?" He inhaled deeply. "I'm still in love with Jade." Megan's eyes lit up at his words. She scooted closer to him and wrapped her arm around him. "Took you long enough."

Jayden furrowed his eyebrows together whilst tapping his brother's arm harshly. The one time he was not focused on Leah, this happened? He could not believe his eyes. His baby brother. "What are you hitting me for, dickhead?" Jack asked him. Without even looking at him, Jayden grabbed his brother's head and turned it in the same direction he was looking. Jerry was holding Liz's hand as they were walking back to go upstairs. "Where are you two going?" Jayden asked his brother. "Somewhere you two are not," Jerry replied before he disappeared up the stairs with his girlfriend. Jack's eyes were wide. "You don't think he –"
"Hey! Not on the bed! We still need to sleep there!" Jayden jumped up from the couch to go after them with Jack following close behind. After rushing upstairs, and reaching the door, they found that it had been locked from the inside. "Dude! Not on the bed! Hey!" Jack tapped his brother's shoulder to make him turn to him. "What?"
"Does that mean Lizzy too? I mean... you know what I'm saying, right? Elizabeth Martin. Think about it. You could be lying on that same pillow." Jack tried to reason with his brother. Jayden turned back to the door. "Lizzy's fine. She can do whatever she wants. Not you. Get your ass off the bed!"

Meanwhile, inside, Jerry chuckled as he rolled his eyes at his brothers' comments outside the door. Liz hopped on the bed and waited for her boyfriend to join her. "They're going absolutely feral out there." He said as he walked over to her. He couldn't help but smile at her. Liz could hear some things but not everything. Their words still made her blush. "They think we're –"
"Oh, yeah, for sure." He chuckled and sat down in front of her, "I just wanted to spend a minute with you. Some time alone." He added. Liz reached out to hold his hands. She wanted that skin contact for some reason. "I don't know when I'll see you again. I just wanted to spend a little more time together without the whole situation going on in the back. Or my brothers bothering us... which they are right now. I mean they're right outside trying to listen in." He shot a glance at the door, "We don't have to talk. We can just cuddle or something. Just you and me, baby." She smiled and blushed at his words. "I'll miss you." She told him. It broke their hearts to think about leaving the other one behind. He wanted her to stay more than anything. He told her to stay put, go on with her life, and that he would handle it. But when she appeared earlier he was so happy to see her. Liz missed him every day when she was at home. She would cuddle up in his clothes and imagine he was there with her. "It'll be over soon. And we will make up for lost time." He promised her. She believed him. "You better. When all this is over I am not leaving your side for at least a month." Liz said to him. "I am very much looking forward to that." He laughed. Liz wasted no time to set her hands on his shoulders and straddle his lap. Jerry looked up at her with puppy eyes. "Baby-" She shushed him with her hand. "I know. Just you and me, right?" She asked him. He gulped a little whilst keeping his eyes locked with hers. Liz removed her hand and leaned down to kiss his lips. He wrapped one of his arms around her back whilst the other moved up to cup her cheek as they kissed. 

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