•Chapter 45• A New Home

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Jayden rubbed his eyes and groaned as he went down the steps. His stomach rumbled slightly in the middle of the night. He makes a few turns and ends up in the kitchen. Two other heads snapped up from the fridge as he switched on the light. He wasn't surprised. He lazily raised his hand to greet his brothers and joined them by the fridge. "Anything in there?" He asks. "Well, there's some meat in here. Jerry found a can of tomato sauce as well. We can make some pasta. This guy's gotta have some pasta, right?" Jack answered. Jayden agreed and walked over to one of the cabinets to grab a pan. His brothers gathered the other supplies they could find in the fridge, cabinets, basically, everywhere they could look. Jack fluttered his eyes and groaned slightly as he put together a quick meal for them. "I didn't want to come out of bed at first." Jerry chuckled quietly. "Yeah, I bet you were thinking about Lizzy." Jack teased him a little. "I was dreaming about her, actually. I still have dreams." Jerry spat back, not in the mood for his brother's jokes. "Sleeping peacefully, huh?" Jayden questions. He leaned against the kitchen counter with his arms crossed over his chest. "Not enough to ignore the need for a midnight snack." Jerry answered, "The beds are pretty comfortable." He said. "I'd rather be home." Jayden responded softly and pinched his nose. "Wouldn't we all? We'll be home soon." Jack cut in. When he finished cooking up their midnight snack, or dinner, he added the pasta to the sauce and handed his brothers some forks. "Dig in, gentlemen," Jack said. The triplets gathered around the stove and started on their delayed dinner. "This is pretty good," Jayden tells his brother. Jerry hummed in agreement. Jack simply smiled in response, feeling a bit more loved.

"Do you ever think they'll be able to clear our names?" Jack asks them. "There has to be a way. Megan's been working hard, trying to figure things out. She'll come up with something." Jerry answered. Jayden looks at their youngest brother. "You're smart. Why don't you, Meg, and Lizzy plot something together?" He suggested. "What do you think we do all day? Sit around with our feet up and make out? And could you stop calling her that?" Jerry asks him. "What? Lizzy? I kind of liked that name." Jayden replied with a smug smirk. "I call her that. No one else." Jerry tells him sternly. "Can't we all go to law school or something? All three of us could become lawyers. No one could go up against us. Three terribly handsome, young studs." Jack suggested. "We could try. Not the worst idea, actually" Jayden chuckles. "What are we even gonna do when this is all over? Go back to school?" He questions. "I know I am. Probably gonna look for another job." Jerry says. "Maybe we should do that too." Jayden cut in. "Yeah, or hook up with Lyla again," Jack mumbles. Jayden dropped his fork. "Can you stop mentioning Lyla Grace?" He snapped at his brother. "Why? Because she kissed both of you accidentally?" The youngest triplet chuckles. "She didn't know we were triplets," Jayden said defensively. "Everyone knows we're triplets." Jack chuckles, "She just couldn't pick one. God, sometimes I miss her." Jack continued. "Stop talking about Lyla!" Jayden complained.

With a psychotic smile on his face, Bill pushed Eric inside of his home through the back door of the house. Bill inhaled deeply. "It's good to be home, isn't it?" He started. He looked down at Eric in his wheelchair. "My home. Not yours. Oh, how things have changed. Isn't it lovely how the tables have turned, friend?" He added as he leaned down to his ear. Eric was fast asleep. Bill pushed him toward the window he used to sit by in his wheelchair and look at the Greenwood's house. He grabbed the man's hair and lifted his head. Eric's eyes barely opened. "What a view change. I bet you looked at my house every day. Day and night. Just waiting for the message to come from one of my children that I was dead. Just like Parker." Bill spoke softly. Eric only hummed and groaned. Bill released his hair and pushed him back to the living room. "You wait here. Don't go anywhere." He tells him sternly. He seated Eric on the couch before disappearing for a brief moment. Bill returned with a glass of water and some crackers. He sat beside the nearly knocked-out man on the couch, leaving a large gap between them. "Oh, this isn't for you." Bill teased slightly. He chugged down the glass of water after taking a bite of his crackers. He slapped his hands against his thighs once he finished. "I'm off to bed. It's been a while since I've slept there. You can stay here. I'll allow it for tonight. You know, since you'll be dead tomorrow." Bill chuckles.

"There you go." Casper praised her quietly as he helped her through the doorway. He took off her coat before kneeling beside her to untie her shoes and help her take them off. Jade smiles shyly at him. "I can take them off myself." She tells him. "I know." He said. Casper stands back up and takes off his own shoes and coat. He placed his hand on her back and gently guided her through the hall and toward another door. Jade's eyes widened a little and she raised her eyebrows as he switched on the lights. "This is my house," Casper tells her shyly. It was so cozy. It was definitely smaller than her house. A small kitchen to her left. A little bit further she spotted a couch sitting in front of a TV that was surrounded by a large bookcase. "I love it." She tells him. He takes her hand and takes her to the couch where she sits down. He pulls out a warm blanket and places it over her lap. "I'll make you some tea," he says. She smiles at him. "Cas, you don't have to do that. This... well, princess treatment, it's not necessary." She spoke up. "I want to," he assures her. He walks over to the kitchen and boils some water for her. He soon walks back to her with two mugs filled with hot water. "There you go, Ma'am." He tells her and sits right beside her on the couch. Jade smiles at him again before snuggling into him, pulling the blanket over the both of them. She rests her head against his shoulder. He wraps an arm around her protectively. "I really love you, Cas. You know that, right?" Jade mumbles. Casper looks down at her as his cheeks heat up slightly. "I love you too," Casper said softly. Jade shut her eyes as she rested against him. "I really don't know what I would do without you," she added. Casper just smiles. 

She felt safe with him and he felt comfortable with her. "So, we're roommates, now?" She asks him. "I guess so." He answers, "You can have the bedroom. I'll sleep on the couch." He continues. "No, you're not giving up your bedroom." She spoke a little more sternly. He chuckles at her. "I want to." He tells her again. She sighs, realizing she probably won't be able to bring anything against him. They sat there for an hour, maybe two, simply sitting together and enjoying each other's warmth. She certainly was. His hand found its way into her hair again. He gently rubbed her scalp again like he did in the car before. "I won't stop until I find a cure, boss. Cut someone open if I have to. Force you to take it when you're being stubborn." He whispers to her. She lifts her chin slightly. "God, I love it when you talk dirty to me," Jade said jokingly. His expression was serious. "I'm serious." He said sternly. She sits up straight and looks at him. She ruffles his hair gently as she looks into his green eyes. "I know." She replies softly. They locked eyes for a moment or two. She sits back down against him. "Stay with me tonight? Boss's orders." She asks him. Another blush flushed over his cheeks. He shuffled around and placed some pillows against one end of the couch. He lay down with Jade crawling on top of him causing his breath to hitch slightly. She closed her eyes, finally feeling some sense of peace inside of her. Casper's fingers trailed over her figure gently. "I love you." He mutters again. But Jade didn't hear him. He wrapped both his arms around her tightly and held her close to him. He shut his own eyes and felt himself drift off into a peaceful slumber. Not having to sleep alone tonight.

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