•Chapter 55• Distracting

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"You do realize you're angering him more, right?" Jade shrugs in response to her brother. Jack looks at Casper's hands that were on her waist again now that she was sitting on his lap again. The young man's fingers soothingly trailed over her hips. "And me too. Cut it out." Jade turns her head to glare at her brother. "You cut it out." She tells him sternly. Jack's jaw clenched as he looked at her seating position. He wasn't a huge fan of her and Andrew hanging out, big brother thing, but he didn't have much time to worry about it or let the images even cross his mind. They didn't show it off like they did. He briefly glanced up at his father who was pacing back and forth again whilst rubbing the gun against his forehead. "I'm just not used to seeing my sister sitting on her boyfriend," Jack said quietly as he turned his attention back to her. "He's not my boyfriend." Jack furrows his eyebrows together and glares at her with a confused look in his eyes. "So, what, you sit on random dudes, now? What the hell have you been doing all this time? I really hope for him that he still has his thing in his pants." Jade's mouth opened to let out a gasp in response to her brother's words. "Please do not tell me I'm an uncle already." Jade leans over to smack the back of her brother's head. "No, you dumbass." He rubbed the back of his head over his hair. "You're mean. You know that?" Bill walked in front of them again but didn't pay any attention to his offspring. He was growing more irritated as the seconds ticked by. Jade looks at Casper who still seems nervous to be so close to Bill. "Are you okay?" She asks him quietly. He hummed quietly and nodded his head in response. Casper's gaze seemed to only be focused on the weapon the old man was holding in his hand.

When she turned to look the other way, just to look at the rest of the house, her eyes fell on the window her father stood by earlier. Her eyes widened when she spotted two pairs of familiar eyes peeking inside. Her brothers duck down when their gazes lock with their sister's. She mentally cursed them in her mind. Actually, curse them. "Jade?" Her brother had noticed something change in her posture, something had startled her. "Jack, come here." She mutters to him. "No," He earns another glare from her. "Why not? Come here." He shifts a little in his seat. "No, you're gonna hit me again." He complains. Jade rolls her eyes at him and gets up herself before yanking him out of his seat. She stands right in front of him. "They're here." She grits between her teeth. "I seriously can't understand a word you're saying." Bill looked up at his children and was curious about what they were talking about. Jade repeated her words very, very, quietly. What if Bill heard them? "You're really going to have to speak up." Bill steps closer to the two teens. "Is everything okay here, kids?" He asked them. "Just trying to ask this dumbass about the safe house I put him in." Lying almost seemed like second nature at this point. "Safe house?" Bill is curious, it is one of his flaws, but he can't help it. "Dad," Jade said in a warning tone. The old man hesitated but turned away again so his offspring could chat in private. They would tell him soon enough. Well, Jade would. She's daddy's girl she tells him everything, eventually.

"They are here," Jade spoke a little clearer this time since Bill was humming a tune to himself. Sit was this song that Parker always sang to her kids, and apparently, Bill, when they were upset. She'd recognize it anywhere. Maybe Bill just overheard it one day. Whatever the case, it distracted his ears and mind from any other sound in the room. "They're not that stupid," Jack said. His sister motioned for him to look out the window, and once he did, he spotted his brothers on the other side. "And I'm known as the stupid one of the family, huh?" Jade rolls her eyes at him. "If Dad sees them, we're all screwed." Jack tilts his head slightly. "Thanks, I didn't know that. What do you want me to do about it?" He whisper-yelled at her. Not in a mean way. But how was he supposed to sneak them inside? "I shouldn't have left without saying anything. I know. But Megan was going all by herself." He tells his sister. Jade let out a small sigh. "I can understand that." She looks up at her brother with a softened gaze, much less concerned, "You care about her. Really, I understand. You want to protect her while still allowing her to make her own decisions. That is... well, incredibly sweet of you. You're good to her, Jack" She added. It felt nice to get praise from his baby sister again after all this time. She felt like his Jade again. His baby sister. Jade glances over her shoulder at Casper who was also keeping his attention focused on them. She needed to think about this, think of a plan, maybe they could be useful. They are outside and Bill doesn't know they're here, she thinks to herself, they can get them out. She straightens her back slightly. "I've got something." She says to them.

"What are they doing in there?" Jayden peeks inside again. "Well, Jade's talking to Jack." He answers while carefully peeking through the window. "She's not sitting on the guy's lap anymore right?" Jerry questions. "Nope. Got off after she saw me. Saves us the trouble of killing him. She is not allowed to do that." Jerry looks up at his brother. "And you're sure she saw you?" The oldest triplet nodded his head. "For sure. She panicked. You know that thing she does with her shoulders?" Jerry hummed in approval. "Oh, wait, something's happening. They're talking... And talking... And talking...." Jerry rolled his eyes as his brother repeated those words over and over again, until he didn't, "Jack's sitting down again. He's looking at us. Oh, wait, Jade's walking up to Dad. Jack is making that little movement with his finger. He's trying to say something. Oh, oh! He's pointing at the back door. Why is he pointing at the back door? Jade's leaving with Dad. What?" Jerry elbowed his brother harshly in his side. "She's distracting him so we can get Meg out. They're telling us to go through the back door, dipshit. Go!"

It was a clever idea. Jade suggested that they gather everything the Greenwoods still have in their house regarding Bill's case. Might as well take what is theirs before the police did. Bill liked that she took the initiative. So, as they left to go up the stairs to look for those boxes, Bill was leaving the Greenwoods behind with Jack and Casper. He heard the door open up the stairs and Jade and Bill's voices faded away. Jack stands up from his seat and hurries over to Megan. She looked terrified of what happened with Bill earlier. "Jack-" He brushed some hair from her face and shook his head. "No, no, no, don't be scared. We're gonna get out of here, alright? You and your parents." He assured her. He looked up at the back door to see his brothers waving their hands in front of the glass, but the boys themselves were out of sight. Jack hurries over to the door and opens it for them. "No, time to argue about who left who. We've got to get them out of here." For the first time, all three of them agreed on the same thing and knew exactly what to do. Jayden makes his way over to Eric, who is still weakened, grabs the man's arm, and lifts it over his shoulder as he helps him rise to his feet. Jerry goes to Selena and somehow manages to get her out of her trance to stand up from the couch. "You're okay, Mrs. Greenwood." He assured her. Megan stood by Jack and hid her face in his chest. "It's gonna be okay, Meg, we're going to take you out of here. You'll be safe." He assures her.

"Yeah, I wouldn't be so sure of that if I were you guys." Jerry turns his head toward where the voice came from a second ago. "You're staying right here." Casper was aiming his own gun at the boys. "Dude-" Casper tilts his head slightly. "Nothing 'dude', kid. Really, it's nothing personal. Just doing my job." He says. He motions his gun from them to the couch. "How about we get them back on the couch, huh?" He pulled the safety off the weapon. "Now." He orders. Eric and Selena were placed back on the couch but Jack kept his arms wrapped tightly around Megan shielding her from Casper's weapon. "I'm not stupid, kid. The girl too." Casper barks at the boy. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Jayden asks him. "Hey, Boss!" Casper shouted. Jade was the first to come down the steps, seconds later, but she was shocked to find them like this. "Cas? Wha- what are you doing? Where did you get that?" Bill appeared behind his daughter and placed his hands on her shoulders. "I told you, no one stops working for me, little one." He says and looks up at the young man. "Well done, son. Well done." He praised him. Casper smiled a little in response but was forced to look at Jade's teary eyes moments later. "This is, indeed, a family reunion," Bill added with his boyish smile.

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