•Chapter 62• Little One

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"Liz, come look at this." The television was turned on in the living room. Even though the volume wasn't turned up, the noise was still deafening. Liz walks into the living room with a glass of water for Andrew. "What's going on?" Andrew points at the television in silence. Breaking news: A dead body was found on the roadside just outside of Hill City. A man has been shot through the head and found by bypassers. Two cars have been found at the sight, presumably crashed into one another, although, there is no sign that the car crash has caused the felony. The police state that the body found belonged to Lucas Brown, one of their beloved colleagues, and was shot through the head. It is not clear whether or not the weapon was taken from Brown. The police are advising to be careful when traveling until they've captured this killer. Another man has been spotted near the crime scene by a bystander.
Liz stood behind Andrew and squeezed his shoulder and kept her eyes glued to the television screen. "That's the car Casper used to drive us to the hospital. When Jade... you know." Andrew turned slightly to look up at her. "You don't think they –"
"Do you want me to call someone? Maybe Louis knows something about it. It could just be one of their patrol cars." Liz asked. Andrew wasn't sure what to think. He didn't feel scared, just shocked to hear about a dead body. Someone was murdered today. "Yeah, yeah. You do that." Liz left to search for her phone she'd left somewhere in the house. Andrew's eyes are still glued to the screen. He couldn't tear them away for some reason. Somehow he was feeling a little relieved. Why is he feeling relieved? Someone is dead.

Bill sets his daughter down in a chair even if she doesn't want to be there. She put up a fight but her father was a lot stronger nowadays. "Don't move." Bill moved out of the room. Jade looked around and tried to figure out where they were but she didn't have a clue. It looked like a hotel room but not a very elegant one. It was a small one-person bed right beside her and the bed was not neatly made at all. It was as if a dog had just jumped and wiggled on it without losing the hair. Bill came back very quickly holding something that was way too familiar to her. Bill got on his knees in front of her. "What –"
"Do not fight it," Bill tells her very sternly. She felt like a little girl again for a brief moment. Bill barely used his stern voice in the past few years, and said he was too weak to be authoritative. The kids were always capable of taking care of themselves and each other. "This is going to hurt. You will start to feel sick soon." Jade looked at her father as he rolled up her sleeve. "You're not –"
"You need it. I saw you." Of course, he did, of course, Bill knew. But where did he get the blood from? Bill grabbed the blood bag and started to get to work. He hadn't done this in years. He laughed. "Something funny?" Jade asked. Bill's eyes darted up to his daughter. "Irony. That's all." He answered. Jade starts to squirm again as soon as his hands draw closer to her. "I don't want that animal blood inside of me."
"You still think it's animal? No, no, kid. It's older but still effective. It's going to be a long treatment, you're not going to be cured in one day." Bill sounded no different than Louis. Has he always been like this? Toward the boys? Jade doesn't remember that voice. She sat in silence as her father attached the blood to her. He holds up the bag to get the blood flowing. Jade started to wonder where he'd gotten it from. He said older. But it didn't sound like he'd gotten it years ago, a couple of months at least. Bill read her mind like an open book. He seemed so different these days. "What did you think I have been doing all this time? Sit around, watch TV, and wait for the right moment to come and make an appearance?" He said. 

She kind of hoped that was all he did. "You just gotta sit still, Little one." Why was that nickname starting to bother her? She never had a problem with it before. "Please, don't call me that," Jade mutters to him. Bill just looks at her. "Just Jade, then?" He asked her a little calmer. He doesn't want to upset her. Jade hummed in approval. It just sounded really weird from him, though, he is the person who came up with it.
"She's so tiny." Bill looks down at the little babe in the crib, fast asleep. He never thought he would have another child. "She's smaller than the others." Even though they are triplets, they were indeed bigger than their baby sister. "She came early, honey. Nothing to worry about. They said she's fine." Bill wanted to look up at the love of his life but he feared that he found a new love. He hadn't felt this with his sons, not this badly, he felt so in love with her. The baby started fussing around before she opened her mouth and started crying. Bill quickly lifted her up. "Don't cry, baby, Daddy's here with you. Shh, it's okay, my little one, it's all right." 
Jade looked at her father while he thought back to that day. Bill laughs again. It couldn't be for the same reason, though, could it? Was he thinking about the 'irony' again? What even was the irony? Probably something to do with her and her brothers taking care of him and now she is the one to be taken care of. "I never thought you would be the one to get sick."
"And that's funny to you?" Jade spat at him. Bill let out a chuckle while he shook his head. "Not at all. I just – of course, it was going to be you – it's fate." He replied between laughs. Jade did not think this was funny. Nothing about this was worth laughing. "You are so much like your mother." Bill wiped his nose slightly and readjusted the blood bag. 

"Do not talk about mom," Jade demanded of him. This man is a different person, a dangerous person who keeps making her uncomfortable. It's strange to feel like that about your father. "Why shouldn't I? There used to be a time when you couldn't get enough of me talking about her. She was my wife." Jade simply glared at him. "I don't want you to talk about her."
"Oh, but I will." Bill said, "You are just like her. Trying to take charge and hanging out with people you're not supposed to." Jade didn't want to hear it. She raised her hand and tried to pull everything off her again. She didn't want this. "Stop that. Jade. Hey! I said stop it!" He holds down her hand and arm. "I said, don't move." He repeated. Jade just sat there for a moment, looking a him. "She was a psycho sometimes, you know. You keep looking at me, but your mommy did things too, you know." Jade wanted to kick him in the face, push him away from her, do something. Before she could, Bill grabbed her leg with his free hand. "Don't you want to hear about your mommy, Jade?" 
"You're a sick fuck, you know that?" Bill grinned at his daughter. "Your grandpa would've beat you for that mouth, Little one. Come on, we're gonna be here for a while. Let's tell some stories shall we?" He suggested. "No!" Jade struggled against him again. Bill groans loudly and moves the tube a little which causes her to whine in pain. "Shall we?" Bill repeats.

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