•Chapter 92• Room Where It Happened

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"Jade!" Bill rushed after his daughter without thinking twice. Jade had snatched his equipment to torture the Greenwoods; without it, he couldn't do anything, and she ran off into the woods. She had never seen her father run before. He wasn't as fast, obviously, but he managed to stay fairly close to her. She was breathing so fast that her throat was starting to hurt. She felt a bit dizzy but she had to keep going. This needed to be stopped. The sweat on her forehead dripped down her temple. She wiped it all away with the back of her hand.
This she had never imagined, running away from her father through the woods after she stopped a murder in the cabin. It was risky, so risky, but Bill would not shoot her just like that. That's why he was chasing her. He would have shot her if she'd been anyone else. "This is not funny, Little one!"

Louis felt his heart beating in his throat. He rested his momentarily on Selena who was looking at him anxiously. What was going to happen now? Was he going to stay here and wait for Bill to come back? He couldn't forget about their deal but-
He jumped into action, knelt beside Selena, and untied the knots that held her arms above her head. He hushed her when the tears started to form in her eyes again. Louis was so focused on Selena that he didn't even hear what was happening behind them. 
The triplets, Megan, Casper, Ian, and Leah were all standing right there. "Mom? Dad?" Louis jumped at the sudden sound of her voice behind him. Megan rushed toward her parents - also with tears in her eyes - and untied her father's hands. Eric grabbed his daughter and embraced her as tightly as he could. As soon as Selena was free she turned her entire body toward her husband and daughter and held onto them with no intention of letting go any time soon. Louis turned to see the three boys walking into the cabin. He stood back up and let Jayden into his arms first. The other two boys followed. It didn't take long before they let their uncle go again. "Jade?" Jack asked worriedly. Of course, he was worried about his sister. The plan was discussed quickly over the phone and it was a sloppy plan, not well thought out, but it was the best way to get Bill out of there so quickly. "Ran off with some of his stuff."
"That was the plan," Casper spoke up. 

Jayden focused on Megan who reunited with her parent and cried in their arms. He couldn't help but smile a little bit at that. Leah hesitated to get inside all by herself. Louis' gaze landed on her. She immediately made her way over to him. He hugged her tightly and held her head in his hand, almost as if she was shielding her from everything and everyone. "Are you okay?" She asked him. "I'm fine, more than fine. You're shaking. Why are you shaking?" Leah nodded her head against his chest as he held her like that a little longer.
When she pulled away, she focused on Selena. It was like she had stepped through a time machine and was taken back to this moment but years prior. Selena's eyes widened widely when she spotted her old friend walking through the door. "Leah? Lee..." She gasped and opened her arms. Leah dropped to her knees and hugged her old friend on the cold floor. "I'm here. It's okay. You're okay." She whispered. Leah didn't even feel the anxiety of being here. She only wanted Selena to be safe. "What are you even doing here? You should be in Chesterfield with your family, away from all of this." Selena cried into her shoulder.
The triplets looked at their uncle again. "We need to get them out of here before Dad comes back. We have no idea how long Jade can keep him busy. I suggest we help them into the cars and get them back home." Jerry said. Louis nodded at their plan. "What about Jade?"
"She said she would manage. We need to get them out before Dad comes back. Jade has everything under control. She promised." Ian helped Megan with her father, even if he protested and struggled to accept his help.

"That's how it is, huh? You decide to play a little game? Just like you did when you were younger. Little one, that is not how we do these things. You should know that. I was about to put an end to all of it and you decided you wanted to stop me? Baby, you do realize that if you let me do this, then it might have been over for good?" Bill asked his daughter. They finally stopped running, both out of breath and sweaty. If either of them collapsed in the woods the other would have to drag them all the way back and collapse themselves. Jade glanced up at her father worriedly. "Killing them? That was your big deal with Uncle Louis? Kill them and then forget about all of it. Leaving Megan an orphan and pretending like you didn't cause any of it." Jade protested. "If you are trying to convince me how wrong that is, then should I remind you of what you are dealing with right now? What we are both dealing with. They could have supplied us with everything we needed and in the end, they would vanish, just like that." Bill said with a snap of his finger. "It's wrong," Jade added. She suddenly felt very powerful standing in front of her father like this. They were out in a little clearing in the woods where the trees stood further apart from each other. Usually, they would have admired a place like this. 
Bill started smiling at her. "You really are just like her. Always talking the big game, acting tough, until you get attached to people. Then, suddenly, it matters who you hurt." 
"Do you even hear yourself?" Jade asked her father. Bill knew his words were insanity and those of a psychopathic murderer. He had already explained to his daughter that he really could not help himself any longer. It had become a sort of instinct.

"Dad, I know. But you have to stop this. You killed so many people. They're blaming Jayden, Jerry, and Jack. They're even blaming me. They will go back to prison for this. If you kill them, it is over for all of us. Do you really want that?" Jade spoke to him. "No! Of course not! But you understand me, right? If I did this, I could tap at least a few bags for the both of us, Little One. We wouldn't have to worry about it at all. And you definitely wouldn't have to worry about your friend Megan. You don't want her to be in there again, do you?" Jade knew he was manipulating her. And she hated that it was working. She couldn't go against her father. Not fully. "No." She mumbled. Bill stepped a little closer to her again. "Alright, so we understand each other then?" He questioned. She nodded quietly. "It's just two more and then it is all over. I promised Louis that I would stop. Everything would stop. You and your brothers will be safe. I promised Mom that I would keep you all safe." She allowed him to cup her face in his hands and hold her like that a little bit. His eyes scanned every feature of her face. "You're so much like your mother." He whispered to her.

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