What was he supposed to say to his son? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shoot your sister. He held the gun, he pulled the trigger. "Son-" Bill pressed his lips together to stop himself from saying anything stupid, which he would have done without a doubt. Damn, this kid looked so much like him all of a sudden. It was like looking into a mirror. "That's right. You don't talk, I do." Jayden spat at his father. Seeing his baby sister on the ground and struggling to keep breathing awakened something inside of him. Pure anger. Killer instinct. "You shot her." Bill let out a sigh and lowered his head. For the first time, probably ever, Bill Salvini had no excuse. "You shot my sister," Jayden repeated. What he saw in his uncle's gaze earlier was scary. He had never seen the grown men around him this weak. Whatever Bill showed all those years was faked. Maybe with Parker, he didn't fake anything, and that was a small maybe. His very own father. Killing his baby sister. History keeps repeating itself. "I did not shoot her somewhere fetal," Bill mumbled but his words were very clear. Not somewhere fetal? His baby sister, Bill's very own daughter, was bleeding out from a gunshot in her stomach. Blood was even coming out of her mouth and ears. "She's dying because of you."
"She shouldn't have tried to stop me. That was her mistake, not mine." His whole mind turned around. At first, he was shocked when he pulled the trigger and Jade fell to the ground. Now he had shifted entirely. "Her mistake? You're an even bigger asshole than I thought you were. All those people you murdered, then Mom, and now Jade. You're really never going to stop are you?" How could he have thought this would be over and Bill would live? That was not possible. The only way for the murders and terror to stop, was if Bill was stopped for good."She wanted me dead." As if that was a proper excuse to shoot, and probably kill, your child. This was not some act of self-defense. "She wanted this to stop. You promised that it would stop." Jayden started shaking his head. "You shot her because you could and because you felt threatened. I'm going to kill you." Jayden didn't notice both of his brothers looking up at him. Even Jade heard it. Bill started laughing. This is ridiculous. "Teenagers. Think they know-"
"No, Bill. I'm going to give you something that you've wanted. I'm going to be like you, for once actually be like you, and kill you."
"No, you won't. You're my kid, but you don't have the killer instinct. None of you do. Except for maybe one of you. And I got rid of her." Jayden could quite literally feel the anger boiling through his veins. His face became hot with anger. Pure anger. "I'm going to fucking kill you." He didn't want to lose his father, but to get rid of Bill Salvini, that was a whole different story. Bill Salvini needed to die.Liz paced around the room anxiously. Andrew and Henry saw them drive off the other way because something was wrong. This all felt a little too familiar to her. The danger was in the forest. The triplets - among the others - left to stop this danger. But at what cost? Last time they almost got themselves killed. "Have you heard anything from them?" Casper might have contacted them or Ian perhaps. But Henry shook his head. Andrew was in the same state as Liz. He was worried out of his mind about Jade. Seeing the cars speed off like that, only with a brief text message, did not assure him of anything good.
Henry went after his brother as soon as he tried to leave. It was a stupid idea to go after them and try to help. What could Andrew have done? They told them to stay put and that was what they would do. Including Andrew. He didn't like it when his brother yanked him back into the house. On second thoughts, he did appreciate it. He would have gotten himself into a situation again and risked his life. Jade almost shot him the last time. No matter how much she loved him, no matter how badly it hurt, she almost killed him. "Nothing yet. I haven't seen any police either." They were supposed to be here, but not even a siren sounded in the distance. Not one. It was quiet outside. No people on the street, no cars on the road, and fortunately, no gunshots or screams that hurt the vocal cords either. Still, it felt cruel to leave them in the dark like this, even though there probably wasn't much they could do about it. They were too busy trying to save Megan's parents instead of keeping Andrew and the rest informed with text messages. All they could do was hope for the best and that everyone was okay. "As long as there are no sirens or gunshots, we don't have much to worry about."
Even though they would be worried. They wouldn't stop being worried unless everyone was safe and sound in a restaurant with a burger in their hands."What is he- Jayden!" Jerry exclaimed in shock. Jack and Louis looked up only to see Bill knocked to the ground. Jayden was on top of him. "Let him be. He just needs to take out his anger. Keep focusing on your sister." Louis tells the boy. Jerry looked at his sister again like he was told, but Louis kept his gaze locked on Jayden. His knees were on his father's hands as he pinned him down to the ground. His father could no longer fight against him. Suddenly, he was that weak old man again that couldn't do anything. He couldn't even fight against his own son. What they couldn't see were Jayden's hands wrapped around their father's throat. He wasn't cutting off his oxygen just yet. He wouldn't let him die that quickly or easily. "You took so much from us. From all four of us!"So much pain has been inflicted on them and all because of him. One man caused so much. "You'll pay for this. I will make you pay for this!" He lost his mother, he almost lost his brothers and the girl he cares so much about, and now his sister. Is this what Bill felt toward the Greenwood family? So much anger that he could strangle them with his bare hands. Probably. None of that mattered right now. He wanted to kill him. Who cared about the consequences? "Everything is your fault!"
"Yeah, real tough dude you are now. Aren't you kid?" Bill grinned up at his son. Sick smile. Jayden resisted the urge to punch his father's face right then and there. Beating his face with a fist into the ground until he bled. "Squeeze the life out of your old dad. Come on then. Do it." He almost sounded happy. Was that pride? The bastard was sick. Jayden was so focused on his father that he couldn't hear the faint sound of the sirens in the distance. The ambulance was still far away but it shouldn't take too long now.Behind Jayden and Bill, Casper and Ian had made their way over to the others. They sneaked up behind them and pressed their fingers against their lips. They hadn't seen what Jayden was up to yet but they still did not want to disturb them. They were a little scared as well. "You're here..." Jade whispered. Casper grabbed her head and brushed his thumbs over her cheeks. "And you're still here too." Jerry and Jack glared at each other for a brief second. Now was not the time to go all protective brother mode on them both. Casper cared about her just as much as they did. He was worried about her too. They needed to focus on keeping the pressure on that wound and try their best to stop the bleeding. They needed to keep her alive for as long as possible. "You're okay. Hey, hey, keep your eyes open, yeah? You're okay, boss." Casper assured her. Ian looked up to see Jayden on top of his father. The ambulance was getting closer. "I'm going to kill you!" He heard Jayden scream. They all watched as the boy's shoulders tensed up. He started choking the man. Louis' eyes widened.

A Wolf's Purpose
Mystery / Thriller• Sequel to: A Wolf's Betrayal After turning in her brothers, Jade has become a part of 'The Pack'. As time goes on, she discovers more about her father's past. She's very determined to find all the answers. Meanwhile, her brothers are stuck behind...