•Chapter 80• To Be In The Moment

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Ian moved the chair aside to sit beside Casper at the table. Casper looked up at him as the man sat down. "So, you're still alive?" Casper survived a lot in the past years. Being shot at, nearly beaten to death, drowning, and even poisoned once. He lived through it all. Somehow. "Is that really a surprise?" He questioned. Ian shrugged slightly and leaned back in his chair. He looked over his shoulder to see Bill's men who were left behind to watch them – as if they were children – watching them closely. When he looked back, he felt relieved. He never thought he'd be so glad to see that kid again."Really thought you died this time, kid." It was hard not to care for him. They pulled him out of a terrible situation and saved his life. It was terrible to think that it might have been for nothing. Casper sighed sadly. "I think I almost did. The bastard left me behind in the car. He only cared about Jade. Not that I blame him for that. Still worked for him, you know. He trusted me with all his little secrets." He mumbled the last parts. Casper was not sure if he was mad or upset. Ian tapped his fingers against the table. "You did stab him in the back twice now."
"On your order," Casper said in a tone that almost made it sound as if he was whining. Ian barely noticed it. "Did a pretty good job at it too." Ian praised him with a genuine smile filled with pride. Casper had a goofy grin on his face and thanked him quietly. "Felt like you stabbed us in the back as well, though." And there it was. Ian did not want him to feel guilty but he felt like Casper needed to know how he felt. Some people whispered behind his back on their side of the organization. He wanted to give him a little heads-up in case he ran into someone.

"Sorry about that. You said to make it real." Casper reminded him. Ian had told him time and time again to make it believable. They all fell for it. Good actor. "That you did." Ian leaned a little bit closer to Casper, briefly looking over his shoulder again to see if anyone else was listening in. Which they weren't. "She's alright, by the way." He whispered as quietly as possible to him. Casper's eyes widened at his words. Jade was all right. He felt like he could breathe normally again. "He did not." He said with a pause. "Did so. He would have taken her himself but as you saw for yourself, he didn't." Louis would have gotten her out, yes. Casper was confused when he saw both Louis and Ian earlier. Alive and without Jade. "The others?" Casper guessed. "Boy toy number two." He did not like the idea of Andrew and Jade all alone together, though. But she trusted him. However, Casper can't help but frown a bit. He slumped back into his chair. "I don't know how I feel about this nickname." "Whatever. Point is. Everything's okay. Nothing to worry about." Ian muttered to him. They parted again not to draw more attention to themselves. "Is that so? Then where exactly are the two old men off to? Random road trip?" Casper asked him quietly as he looked around. Ian shrugged again. "To get the boys." He said it as if it was the most casual thing – which normally it would be – only this could mean possible death for many people. Casper did not believe it and shook his head as he laughed a bit. "Louis sold them out? No way. Nah uh."
"He did. I'm not sure what's behind it." Casper's eyebrows furrowed together. Louis always had a plan, sure, but this felt off.

Ian assured him that Louis knew what he was doing. "Here I was thinking he cared about them," Casper said. Ian gave him a look. "He does, you know that." Louis would do anything for those kids. But it still did not feel right for some reason. Everything here felt oppressive. You could see it in everything. Even Louis seemed a little anxious earlier. Casper kept thinking about Jade and how she was doing. He was worried. "And what are you doing here, exactly?" Casper asked. Ian let out a sigh. "Got caught when I was looking for Jade." Casper raised his eyebrows. "You got caught?"
"Wasn't thinking straight and made a mistake. I wanted to get her to safety since I thought you died in that car crash. No one found her body, so I came here and forgot to check behind me. Also, since you're still breathing, who killed that cop?"
"Bill, I assume. I was passed out and Jade didn't have a weapon from what I remember." Casper answered. He barely remembered anything. "Well, he did one good thing. That guy was getting on my nerves." Ian chuckled. "Tell me about it."
They sat in silence for a minute or two. Looking around the house and avoiding as much eye contact with anyone else there. Not because they were scared but to keep them away. Don't give them a reason to speak to you. "So, Jade was okay? You were here with her?" He questioned. Ian nodded and tapped his fingers on the table. "Her body was rejecting the blood that Bill gave to her, but she seemed okay earlier," Ian said. He could already see the worry return in Casper's eyes. Poor boy cared so much for her. Always worried. "She's fine, kid," Ian assured him. "The wrong blood?" Casper whisper-yelled at him. Ian sighed and held up his hands a bit but kept them close to the table. He briefly looked up at the men spying on them, but they hadn't noticed anything. "How did he even do that? It's Bill!" Casper whispered in an angry tone. "I know! I know! I said the same thing." 

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