The boy placed his hands on the back of his head and sighed. "That is a lot to take in." He said. Jade nodded in agreement. "He's an actual psychopath," Jade added. "I didn't want to say it like that." Andrew started. He locked eyes with her. "But yeah," He said. Jade sighed as well. "You're gonna have to tell them." Andrew reminds her. "When? I don't want my dad to die again." She replies. "They won't kill him," Andrew assured. "No, they won't." Jade says, "Jack will." She added. "He won't kill him. He wouldn't kill his dad," Andrew replied. Jade narrowed her eyes at him. "Did you not look at your uncle? Jack almost killed him for making a comment about my mom. How do you think he will react when he finds out my dad is the reason she's dead?" She asks him. Andrew shrugged. "He won't hug him, that's for sure." He answers. Jade crossed her arms over her chest. "He won't be able to hold back. Those murders my dad committed? Jack will make them look like a papercut on your finger." Jade tells him. He shakes his head a little. "I think you're exaggerating." He replied. "I think I know my brothers. Trust me, they're not going to handle this very well. Jack in particular." She continued. "Handle what?" Someone asks. Jade turns her head. Jayden stood beside them. "What are you two whispering about?" He asks with a slight smirk. Jade looked at Andrew briefly before she turned back to her brother. "Nothing." She answers. She walked past him to meet with the others again.
"Jade!" Her brother called after her. When she stepped into the room, Ian pushed himself off the wall. He grabbed her arm when she walked past him. "Let go of me." She ordered. "You're going to tell them." He tells her. "Not yet." Jade gritted between her teeth. "Thought we agreed on no more secrets." Jerry stepped in. "We never made such a promise," Jade tells her brother. She then looks back at Ian. "You're not my dad. You can't tell me what to do." She says. "He can't. I can." Ian growled at her. "Make me." Jade challenged him. Andrew came up behind her. He removed Ian's hand from her arm. "I am protecting my brothers," Jade tells him. "From what?" Jayden asks his sister. Jade looks at the triplets. "You're scaring me a little bit, Jade." Her older brother says sternly. "I am doing this to keep you out of prison. All three of you." She replies in the same stern tone as her brother. "So you're lying to them?" Ian asks her. "I promised myself no more lies. But this isn't a lie. I am protecting them." Jade replies. "Just tell us," Jack tells her. Jade let out a sigh. Andrew locked his pinky finger with hers as he stood behind her. "Just rip off the bandaid," he whispered to her.
Jade bit down on the inside of her cheek. "He killed Mom." She mumbled. "We already knew that," Jayden replied. His tone sounded very annoyed. His sister shook her head. "Not Eric," She started, "Dad." She added. It took a few seconds before the words actually hit the boys. "What?" Jerry asks her. "I didn't know it either. Eric just told me. That's why Dad is after Megan. And why he was hunting down Selena. They have an element in their blood that Dad used to cure himself. It's what he took from Mom, that's why she got the sickness as well." She explained, "He killed her. They both killed her." She added. "He's lying," Jayden tells her. "I don't think so." Ian cut in. Jayden glared at the man. "You need to stay out of this." He said in a threatening voice. "Jack?" Megan said quietly. Jade's gaze went to her brother. His eyes darkened. He lowered his head slightly. His nails dug into the palms of his hands. The others all turned to him as well. "Jack, are you okay?" Jade asks him. When he lifted his chin, visible tears were forming in his eyes. His eyes were red and he seemed to be hurting. Megan placed her hand on his. "Jack-" She started. He ripped his hand away and started to storm away. His two brothers blocked his way.
Jade glared at Ian. "This is exactly why I didn't want to say anything." She whispered. Jack tried to push through his brothers. "Get out of my way." He says. "What are you gonna do?" Jayden asks him. "Get out of my way," Jack repeated. "Take him upstairs," Jade orders her brothers. Jack glanced over his shoulder at his sister. "I'm not going upstairs." He barked at her. "Hey, calm down." Jerry interrupted. Jack turned to him. "Shut up!" He yelled. He tried to push through his brothers again. Megan stepped up, trying to calm him. Jayden grasped his brother's shirt tightly. "Chill." He gritted between his teeth. "He killed Mom! He used her just like he used the others! As if she was nothing!" Jack yelled. Jade's eyes started to flutter a bit. All the back-and-forth yelling caused her to get a bit dizzy for some reason. She stumbled backward a bit. Andrew looked at her. "Hey, woah," He says before he caught her. "Take him upstairs!" Liz tells the brothers sternly. Jayden and Jerry looked at their little sister, who struggled to keep her balance. "Go!" Liz repeated. She walked over to Jade and supported her. "Jade?" Andrew said.
They brought her to the couch to sit down. Andrew held her hand. "Are you okay?" He asks her. She nodded slowly. The black spots covered her vision again for a few seconds. "Her nose is bleeding again." Ian pointed out. He quickly grabbed some paper towels for her to hold beneath her nose. "Again?" Liz asks him. "She blacked out before. She also had a nosebleed. She'll be fine in a minute." He replied. Andrew looked at the man. "Shouldn't she go to the doctor?" He questioned. "It only happens when she's overwhelmed by emotions. It's not a big deal." Ian tells the boy. Suddenly, there was a loud banging on the door. "What's that?" Jade asks. Andrew turned back to her. "Someone's outside." He answered. "Are we gonna open the door?" Liz questioned awkwardly. Jade pushed herself up. "We should at least check who it is." She says. Ian helped her stand up again, shoving Andrew aside a little. "W-Why would we open the door?" Liz asks. Jade groaned a little. "It could be Casper." Jade answered, "He's one of us. But we kind of abandoned him." She continued. "Who's Casper?" Andrew questioned quietly. Ian pulled out his gun, just in case, as he lead Jade over to the front door. Liz looked at Andrew worriedly. "Go upstairs. Make sure no one hears them. In case it isn't... Casper. Do I know him?" Andrew asks. Liz hurried up the stairs to meet up with the triplets and Megan who were yelling up the stairs. Ian hides behind the wall on the other side before Jade opened the door.
Andrew stood behind her. When she opened the door, Casper wasn't standing outside. Jade furrowed her eyebrows. "Uh, hello?" She says. "Miss Salvini?" The man asks. Jade nodded in response. Andrew grabbed her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Miss Salvini, we're officers Hayden Smith, and this is my partner Lucas Brown. We need you to come with us." Hayden tells her. "For what, exactly?" Jade questioned. "We have been searching for you for a few months now. And after your brother's escape, we were very determined to speak with you. Could you please come with us?" Lucas said politely. Jade shook her head, still feeling a bit dizzy. "You have nothing on me. You can't just take me." Jade chuckled. She tried to shut the door when Hayden stopped her. Lucas took this opportunity to grab her arm. She struggled against them. "If you have nothing to hide, you'll be back before you know it. So, stop fighting." He said sternly. Andrew tried to pull her away, and protest, but they took her away. They threatened to take him too if he didn't stay back. He wasn't of any use if he got taken too. He realized that. Ian stepped out, aiming his weapon at the cops that took Jade. Andrew stopped him. "You could hit her." He said. "They're not taking her," Ian growled at him. "If you shoot them, more cops will come, and everything will be for nothing," Andrew says. Ian looks as they drove off with Jade in their car. "Shit!" He cursed.

A Wolf's Purpose
Mystery / Thriller• Sequel to: A Wolf's Betrayal After turning in her brothers, Jade has become a part of 'The Pack'. As time goes on, she discovers more about her father's past. She's very determined to find all the answers. Meanwhile, her brothers are stuck behind...