•Chapter 44• New Plan

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Megan lifts her head as she spots someone running straight toward her. Liz immediately wrapped her arms around her friend. She briefly looked at Andrew who was still sitting down. His expression said everything she needed to know. "What happened?" She asked Megan. "Bill. It had to be him." Megan replied quietly. Liz pulled away from their hug and turned to the boy who was staring forward without even acknowledging her. She sat beside him slowly and placed her hand on his back. "Hey," She spoke up. He slowly turned his head. His eyes were bloodshot and watery. "He almost killed him," Andrew mutters to her. Liz furrows her eyebrows. "Could've?" She questioned. "There is a ninety percent chance that Henry will make it. And the doctor said he's doing well." Megan tells her. Liz moved her head between her two friends. "But that's great, right? Isn't it?" She said. Andrew pinched his nose. "This never would've happened if we hadn't gotten him involved in this. There is still a small chance he won't survive." He explained. Liz rubbed her hand up and down his back. "Henry's going to be fine." She assures him. He sighs and puts his hands in his hair. "It's a lot to take in right now," Megan tells her best friend. Liz nodded and pulled the boy into her arms. He accepted her hug and melted into her warmth. Even if it was just for a short while. She smiled and petted his hair gently. She could only imagine how horrible it could've been to see your sibling bleeding out on the floor. And there is nothing you can do about it. Doesn't matter how irritating they are sometimes. Henry used to be a jerk, but he didn't deserve this.

"What now?" Liz questioned. Megan paced back and forth slightly. "Uh, I texted Casper with the emergency contact. He told me they would head out and join the pack on their search themselves. Louis is already out on the field but there are no updates yet." She answered, "The only thing we can do is wait." She sighed loudly. She joined her friends on the uncomfortable, plastic, hospital chairs. Andrew lifted his head and sighed as well.

"This doesn't feel right," Jade admitted. Casper holds out the phone for her to take. "I can't make the call for you." He reminds her. Jade's gaze moved between the phone and Casper sitting in front of her. "Make the call, Jade." He tells her. This is what they needed to do. The gaze with which he looked at her was loving and not at all pressuring. "You're getting worse every day." He softly reminds her. Jade sighs and takes the small, old device from his hand. She carefully dialed the number. Jade let out one last sigh before pressing the call button and holding the phone up to her ear. Casper watched her closely. One of his hands moved into her hair and gently massaged the back of her scalp and his fingers played with her hair. "It's me. Yes. We're postponing the search." She said into the phone. She hummed quietly as she listened to the man on the other side of the line. Casper continued to gently play with the hair on the back of her head. "I know. Tell everyone to stop. We'll continue our search later. We might've found a lead. Cas and I want to investigate a little further before we make another move. I don't want you to waste your time either." She explained. "You're the boss." The man tells her and hangs up. Jade sighs and rests her head against Casper's hand. "I don't like lying to them." She spoke quietly. "They owe you nothing." He mumbles. She turns to look at him. "Let's get you somewhere more comfortable, alright?" He suggested. She sighed and nodded her head slowly. Casper unbuckled his seat belt and stepped out of the car. He walked over to her side and helped her out of her seat. She was perfectly capable of standing on her own feet, but Casper wouldn't let her.

His arm wrapped around her waist as he helped her toward the passenger seat. He buckled her in and kissed the side of her head. "You're gonna be okay. I promise." He tells her. She jumped slightly when he shut the door. When Casper joined her in the car again she turned her head back to him. A sudden wave of exhaustion washed over her. "Want me to sing you to sleep?" He suggested. "If you start singing, I don't think I would ever be able to go back to sleep." She giggled quietly. Casper gasped dramatically as he started the car. "You're so mean." He complained. "I'm saving the car windows." She replied. He briefly glanced at her to catch her eyes. "You ever think about what would've happened if we never met?" He asks her, trying to take her mind off things. "I don't want to think about it." Jade admitted, "You're mine." She added with a smirk. Casper chuckled at her. "Mine, mine, mine..." She mumbles under her breath. The smile on his lips never faded. "Way to be subtle. Have you bought your collar and leach yet?" He asks her jokingly. "Are you kidding me? I've had them ready since the day we met." She replied with a mischievous smile. "That's a calming thought." He said. One of his hands reached out to hold hers. She smiles at his warmth. "Where are we going?" She asks him. "I know a place. Don't worry about it." He assures her. "I trust you, Cas." She said softly.

"Can I ask you something?" Casper spoke up after a few moments of silence. Jade hummed in response. "Why did you agree? I'm glad you did. But why?" He asks. Jade shifted slightly in her seat. "You want what's best for me. And I trust you. I wanted you to be close to me for a reason, Cas. As I said, I trust you" She tells him. Casper felt his cheeks heat up a little at her compliments. "Plus, you're always putting your ass on the line for me. I think we could both use a few days not having to worry about anything or anyone, as selfish as that may be." She added. Casper nodded his head in agreement. "Bill takes care of Greenwood while we take care of you." He smiles. Jade briefly looks at him with a glimpse of hope in her eyes. "Just relax. I'll get us somewhere safe. Where no one else will be able to find us. Just you and me." Casper tells her. "What is it with you saying that?" Jade asks him sweetly. He shrugged while focusing on the road in front of him. "I don't hate it." Jade mumbles. But Casper overheard her. He could only smile and feel warm inside. "You're the best," Jade added.

"You're the best." Parker smiled at him. Bill shrugged. "It's the least I can do for the pretty lady." He said. She shut her eyes and let Bill massage her shoulders gently. A thud could be heard from upstairs. Parker almost immediately jumped up to hurry to her children but Bill pulled her back. "No, no, no." He tells her, "If someone's bleeding we would've heard. Just relax for me, I'll make you feel good." He continued. Parker smiled and hummed quietly. "What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" He questioned. "Us killing that girl. A few years ago." She said quietly. Bill smirked a little to himself. "Is that good or bad?" He asks. "I'm not sure." She tells him with a slight smile. He kissed her shoulder blade softly. "It's certainly something every woman thinks about when their husband is giving them a massage." He chuckles. "You and me," Parker said softly. "Always will be," Bill replied sweetly.

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