•Chapter 54• The Dipshit and The Nerd

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The two boys tried to keep their heads lowered as they passed an elderly couple and muttered a quiet greeting. "This is so messed up," Jerry mutters to himself. "We shouldn't be walking out in the open. What if someone sees us?" He added. "Just keep your head low. It's not far. They're not outside, we would've seen them already." Jayden said to his brother as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Jerry let out a curse under his breath. "We knew this would happen." Jerry runs his hand through his hair as he lifts his head. The youngest triplet glanced over his shoulder to see if anyone was following them. But the streets were almost empty. The cold was still keeping people inside, somewhere where it was nice and warm, but here they were, walking outside with nothing else but the coats Megan managed to snatch from their house all those months ago. "Can't believe Jack gave in so easily," Jerry added. "You wouldn't have given in if it were to be Liz?" Jayden asks his brother as he gives him a look. "No, I wouldn't have. Believe me, I know how hard it is to say no to her, but I wouldn't have risked her life." Jayden rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Oh, yeah, because you're so great." Jerry glared at his brother. "Hey, no need to make me look bad here. I just answered your question. And aside from that, Liz knows better than to walk straight into a trap spread out for her." It hurt having to talk about her, even think about her. It was like being in prison, or the cabin, all over again. But Liz is safe and that's what matters to him.

"Are you saying that Megan's dumb?" Jayden questioned. The youngest triplet turned to him and narrowed his eyes. "When did I say that?" He replied. "You said Liz knows better. What, so, Liz is such a genius? If she were then why's she not here trying to clear our name or help us come up with a plan to stop our father?" It wasn't hard to tell that Jayden was on edge. He was worried about what would happen to Jack and Megan at the hands of Bill. He made it very clear that he wouldn't make an exception for anyone, not even his children. "You know what, never mind. We're here." Jayden kneels in front of the outside of the window. Jerry joined his brother and mentally cursed him for getting so close. People could see them if they walked passed on the sidewalk. The youngest triplet glanced over his shoulder again. Still no one. Jayden very sneakily peeked through the window. "Jade's inside." He whispers to his brother. "What are you doing?" Jerry snapped at his brother and tried to pull him down and out of sight of anyone inside. Jayden flinched, ducked down, and pulled his brother along with him. "What the hell, Jay?!" His brother covers his mouth with his hand quickly and remains very still. Jerry protested until Jayden shushed him completely. "Shut up." He said to him

"Dad –" Bill paced from the couch with the Greenwoods on it to the window to see if his sons were maybe walking on the streets to get to the house. But nothing. Absolutely nothing. He spotted a small group of friends, around Jade's age, walking past his house across the street. "Dad, I don't think they're coming," Jade speaks up. "You sit and keep your mouth shut. I didn't ask you anything." Bill tells his daughter. The tone is his voice is calm, like a manner any father would speak in to their child, but his words were hurting her deeply. She slowly backed up to the chairs where both Jack and Casper were sitting. As she got closer, Casper gently grabbed her hand and guided her over to sit on his lap. You're not going anywhere, Casper thinks to himself. Jack glares at them in the corner of his eyes but quickly focuses his gaze on Megan again.
"Even if they did come, which they won't, because they're not stupid, your plan's not gonna succeed." She tells him. "One way or another, you're going to die. I want to do this as a family." Bill replied. "Why do you even want to kill me? My parents I can understand. But me? What did I even do?" She didn't want her parents to die, but Megan never wronged him. She's always been the girl across the street, who just so happened to be the daughter of the girl he tried to kill years ago. And not even for himself. For his wife. "Parker's dead." Megan reminds him. Bill's head snapped up at the mention of her name. He walked over to her and pressed his gun firmly against her temple making her turn her head slightly. "I do not need you to remind me, sweetheart. This is all about getting revenge on your family. They need to pay for what they did. And you, are the worst part of it all. You were never even supposed to be born. I needed to see you, and your parents, and even your grandmother, burn for their name. All thanks to your daddy over there, sweetheart."

"But it's never enough, Bill. You're not going to stop. You're a psycho. Your children are not. You can't force them to be like you!" Bill grasps the girl's throat tightly with his free hand. "Well I made a pretty good start, didn't I?" He gritted between his teeth, "My sons are cowards. All three of them. They could've killed you, but they didn't. Even threatening them or locking them up in prison didn't crack something in them. It worked for me. But my boys, much like their mother, need a little push." He said. "And that little push is murdering their friend." The man nodded his head and gave her throat another tight squeeze. "They care too much about me," Megan says very quietly. "I hope that causes a greater effect on them. Jade, stubborn as she is, and I will need to speak with her about her position," He said as he briefly turned to look at his daughter, "But I can work with my little one. But, her brothers will catch up with her soon enough. They just need to get rid of you." After that, Bill tapped her cheek a little harsher than she'd expected him to but kept his gun in place by her head. "Do you get that, sweetheart?" Megan hummed and nodded her head very slightly in response.

Jerry grasped his brother's shoulder quickly before he could jump up and storm in. "Don't." He mumbles. "He's gonna kill her." Jerry pulled his brother along as they got away from the window in case Bill could hear them from inside. Jayden huffed annoyedly, mostly because his brother probably made a clever move. "We gotta do something," Jayden says. They had to stall him. No matter what, Bill was going to kill someone, if not today then tomorrow or the day after that. There has to be something they could do to stall him or, at least, save Megan from a brutal death. "They're all inside. Even that– what's his name again? Jade's little puppy."
"He's not a puppy. He just likes her. He protects her." He clearly wouldn't side with her now that her father was on edge with a gun in his hand. Jayden let out a sigh and briefly disappeared as he crawled back to the window to have another peek inside. Jerry soon followed after him but decided to keep his eyes on the streets again. "What are you doing?" He whispers. "She's on his lap." Jerry furrows his eyebrows. "Megan? On Dad?" He could already picture it in his mind, Megan sitting on Bill's lap, disgusting. Jayden looked at Jerry with a repulsed and nauseated look in his eyes. "What? No, gross. Jade on her puppy." Jerry immediately raised his head to have a look at himself. "We certainly missed something." He said. "Maybe Dad's gonna get his wish after all." Jerry nudged his brother harshly with his elbow. "Ouch."
"Don't joke about that, dipshit." Jayden glared at him. "Don't call me dipshit, nerd." Usually, they would start fighting both physically and verbally. Now, it was only a few smacks on the back of each other's heads, without any yelling.

The old man turns to look at his daughter. His eyes darkened even more once his gaze fell upon her current seating situation. He marched over to her and grabbed her arm yanking her off Casper's lap. "None of that." He focused on the boy, who now, looked more terrified than ever. "You really enjoy getting on my nerves, don't you, son?" Bill gritted angrily at him. Behind him, Jade cleared her throat. "You do not look at him, you don't talk to him, you don't threaten him, you don't touch him, you do not come near him." She said, repeating her previous words. Bill pressed his lips together, his mouth forming a thin line, as he slowly turned to Jade instead of Casper. "Getting comfy, huh, little one?" He questioned. "They're hogging all the space." Jade points a finger at the Greenwood family sitting together on their couch. "I can solve that problem for you, very easily, little one." Bill aimed his gun at Selena whose eyes suddenly filled with fright. "No, that's not necessary," Jade replied as she lowered her father's fire-armed hand. "Your dear old Dad's just not used to seeing you so intimate with someone, Little one."
"Well, you would've if you hadn't left. Or pretended to be sick so you had to stay in bed all day." Casper had to hold back a grin, though, Jack didn't mind showing it.

"Uh, hello, I'm calling because I have some information about those boys you've been looking for. The ones that escaped from prison."Hayden sat up straight in his seat. "The boys?" He asks. "Yes, sir, I live near their house. I saw one of those boys with that Greenwood girl entering her house. Should I be worried? Is there anything you can do?" The woman on the other side of the phone asks. "Ma'am, stay where you are. Do not interfere or approach the scene. We will be there as soon as we can. Thank you, Ma'am."

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