•Chapter 57• You Can Run, But You Can't Hide

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"Hey, you four, up the stairs for now. There's a bathroom in which you can freshen up. A guest room with blankets and everything is on the right." Without saying a word, the triplets hurry up the steps with Megan whose tear tracks were now dried up on her cheeks. Casper watches as the boys disappear before he turns to look at their sister. It all happened so fast. Her anger boiled in her entire body, not one vein left out, as her gaze locked with his. He holds up his hands in defense. "I know you're angry-" He wants to clear everything up with her. Calm and comforting. She marched toward him and shoved him harshly instead. He lied to her.
"What the fuck, Casper!" She screams at him. The girl continues to shove and punch his chest. He allows it. He deserves it. "You lie to me again! And again! And again! What is wrong with you!?" Casper grabbed her wrists but didn't squeeze them too tight. "Hey, hey, stop, alright? I wanna talk to you." He tells her. "About what? Is my dad gonna show up here too? You take us back to your house just to let Bill kill us all? What did you want the comfort of your own home to clean the blood off the floor or something?!" This guy could not be trusted anymore. "Let me explain it to you." Why is he this calm? He sounded a tad frustrated but he was not mad at her specifically. "You lied to me. You almost got Megan and her parents killed! The boys were right there! He wants to hurt them and you let him get too close." Jade barks at him angrily. Outside, another car pulls up. Jade immediately tensed up again. "Relax, it's Louis." 

"I thought no one else knew about this place." Another lie. "I sent him the location." Casper let go of the girl and went to the door to open it for the other two men. When he returns, he grabs her arms and pulls her straight into his living room. "We need to talk about what happened. Just let me- " A hash slap across his cheek shut him off quickly. He expected that. That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. He raises his hand to cover his cheek. "Ouch," He said. "Everything that comes out of your mouth is bullshit. Absolute bullshit." Jade snaps at him. He removes his hand briefly to reveal his already red skin. "This really hurts, though, boss."He tells her. "So now I'm boss again, huh? What's it gonna be tomorrow? Well?"
But Casper did not flinch or blink once. He just stands there and looks at her. Louis came into view first. Immediately his whole body tensed up as he marched over to them. He yanks Jade back by her arm a little harsher than he first intended and separates them. "Hey, hey, easy. She's just scared." Casper speaks up. But Louis waved him off a little too fast. "Listen to me- hey! Listen!" Jade tries to come in between them but Louis shuts her up. "We're going to talk. And you are going to calm down." He then focuses on the young man standing next to them. "Ian's waiting for you. Go." Casper looks at Jade. He wants to explain everything to her, and tell her she can still trust him, but Louis shoves him away. He has a job to do. He swallows his words and marches outside to meet with Ian who is waiting for him in the car.

"What the fuck? You sick bastard." Jade's tone is a lot softer now that she is talking to her uncle. The man towers over her in an intimidating way. "Are you done?" He spat at her. He pinched his nose as he let out an exhausted sigh. "Listen, Bill trusted him. We were so close to him. We would've gotten him too if the boys didn't show up unannounced." He said in a much calmer and friendlier tone than before. "Your dad trusted him. We had a plan. I promise you, little one, it would've worked." Louis added. "I trusted him! That's the problem. He lied to me, and the worst part is, you made him. I can't trust him. Not after you set him up." She replies.
"He's a good kid." Was he trying to sweet-talk all of this? He's just as bad as Bill. He keeps lying to her. "Ian wanted to take Casper as a safety precaution. We want to check out the area. Some cameras. Whatever's necessary. We get the boys, and the girl, somewhere safe. The police saw them. That detective? He's everywhere. He saw Bill. We need to be careful, little one." Jade furrows her eyebrows. "And stay with Casper? Alone? So he can pass through even more information? I don't think so." She replies harshly, "Are you mental?" She questioned. "This is not a question or a suggestion. This is an order. One you will listen to, for once." 

Jade takes a step forward and looks at her uncle with narrowed but very stern and threatening eyes. "You almost got Megan, and might I add my brothers, killed." Louis sighs and pinches his nose again. "He wouldn't lay a finger on them." Jade folds her arms over her chest. "Really? Because it didn't sound like that. And he was just fine when Casper pointed the gun, that he snatched from me on your command, at my brothers. He was fine. He'd bark at me if I ever even shoved one of them. He allowed Casper to aim a fire weapon at them. A gun, Louis. Megan could have died and god knows what happened to her parents. That girl is traumatized even more than she already is. They were going to escape with her. You should have let them." Louis runs his hand through his hair.
"And have Bill hold a gun at your head instead? Casper was holding it for him. Bill would make no exception for you, little one." He raises his arm and cups her cheek in the warm palm of his hand. "He would not kill the boys. But he would have killed you. You're too much of a threat." He says to her, "You know that. Don't you? That's why I told Casper to do this. He would protect you while also staying on Bill's good side." It didn't feel like that. It feels like another betrayal. How could they do this? "You know you're just as bad as my dad, right? Lying to me to protect me?" She asks him calmly. He nodded slowly. "I know. That's where I got the idea, actually." He admitted. She rubbed her eyes. "You're such a copycat." She mutters beneath her breath.

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