Jade couldn't sleep. She was lying on her bed, looking up at the ceiling, lost in her thoughts. The image of her dead father repeated in her brain. The sight burned into her eyes forever. To haunt her. "What...what is he doing?" Jade questions. The man checked his watch. "Patient passed away at...nine forty-seven." He said. Jade shook her head. "No...no! You have to save him! He'll die! Please, help him! Please!!" She begged them. She collapsed to the floor, pulling Louis along with her again. "Dad!!" She screamed. The doctor and two nurses looked at the girl. "I'm sorry." The doctor said. "I can't lose him!" She screamed. She crawled over to the bed. She grabbed her father's hand again. "You can't go! Please! Don't leave me like mom! You're all I have!" She sobbed. Louis still sat on the floor in the corner of the room. His best friend just passed away. He closed his eyes, letting one tear slip from his eyes. "Please, don't leave me, Daddy." Jade whispered, "You can't leave me. Don't leave me alone." After that, she didn't feel much. It was as if most of her emotions had slipped from her brain. Maybe she'd locked them away without realizing it. Anger and sadness were all that was left. She couldn't accept his death. He was gone, although, it didn't always feel like that. A gentle knock sounded on her bedroom door. She looked up when a dim light entered her room. Louis stepped into her bedroom. He walked over to her bed and sat down at the edge. "Can't sleep, huh?" He said. Jade shook her head silently. The older man sighed and looked down at her. The dim light was just enough to see her eyes. They were watery. "We'll find him, little one." He assured her. Jade didn't respond. She could only see his face in her mind. He wasn't evil. Louis let out another sigh before getting up again. She didn't want to talk.
Before he had reached the door, Jade turned her head to look at him. "Who would do something like this?" She asked questioned. Louis looked at her. It was almost that little girl again, with those big watery eyes. Not quite understanding what happened to her parent. That look hurt him. "You don't want to know." He assured her. She slowly sat up straight. She pulled the covers over her as she sat to avoid getting cold. "He's dead. What more could they want?" She asked him. Louis walked over to her bed again and sat down. "Some people want more than that." He spoke softly. "They want justice." Jade filled in. She could understand that better than anyone. She continued to blame her brothers for Bill's death. Jade wanted nothing more than to get back at them for this. "Death is not enough. They want revenge. Some believe that the dead still watches them and then want to harm the people they love most. Make them feel the pain they once felt." Louis explained. "Was Dad like that?" Jade asked her uncle. The older man hesitated. He didn't know what to tell her. There once had been a time when Bill was unreasonable. Killed those who in his eyes deserved it. Taking their loved ones too if he had to. It all changed when he met Parker. But he didn't want Jade to get a negative image of her father. "Once. But that was a very long time ago." He said, "He changed when he met your mother. She had way too many people caring for her for him to kill her. He didn't want her or her family to get hurt." He answered. Jade smiled when she thought about her parents, together, happy. She couldn't recall any clear memories. Just a few vague ones. She was so young when Parker died. But she did know her mother was loved by her father. But also her friends. She had real friends. Friends. Jade's thoughts sharpened. Louis noticed immediately when she straightened her back. "What is it?" He asked. "I might have an idea who took his body." She replied. He furrowed his eyebrows in response. "Think about it. Someone who wants justice. Death is not enough." She started. "Greenwood?" Louis questioned, "Would he do that?" He added. "Maybe he had some help," Jade suggested. Louis' eyes widened a little. "Selena's friends." He filled in. And Jade nodded slowly. "They took him." She said.
"Listen, we don't know where she is," Jayden tells Donna for the hundredth time. "Mister Salvini, we are not leaving this room until you've told me everything about your sister," Donna spoke politely. The triplets gave each other a look. "We need to know everything. Anywhere she could've run off to." Donna added. "She didn't run off," Jack tells her. "She fled." The woman snapped at the boys. The triplets narrowed their eyes at her. "And those who are fleeing, are always guilty." Donna continued. "She didn't do anything," Jayden spoke up again. "We would've spoken to her if she hadn't." She replied. The triplets shot another concerning look at one another. No matter what she did, she was still their little sister. They had already lost so much. Each other for a while. They had never been separated for so long. No matter how angry they were with each other, they never betrayed each other to the cops. Not just. What Jade did, she did out of fear and anger. Jerry sighed and looked at his feet. "Jade didn't do anything wrong. She's gone because she has no one left. She's alone." he says. Donna looked at him questioningly. "Oh, yeah, huh?" She said, "That uncle of yours. He has also disappeared. And your sister has been spotted with a strange man who has interacted with your uncle before." she pointed out. "If she's been spotted then why are we here? Why are you asking us where she is? Can't you follow her instead of wasting our time?" Jerry asked. "We tried, but the car she got into disappeared. Like they went up in smoke," she explained. "And that matters because?" Jack asked. "Because an extensive investigation has been launched into this man. He has already been spotted, with your father. If you can tell me where they are, there is a good chance of a reduced sentence. Be sensible." Donna explained. But they didn't know. Even if they wanted to tell, they couldn't. So they remained silent. After a few minutes of silence, she sighed and stood up. "This isn't going to work. Separate them," she ordered. "What? No!" Jayden exclaimed as he was lifted out of his seat. His brothers followed soon after. "We don't know!" He added. "If you're not willing to cooperate-" Donna started. "We don't know!" The three boys shouted at her.
That same evening, Andrew pushed himself up from his bed. He pulled his hood off his head. It was quiet. Everyone else had already gone to bed. He grabbed the handle of his door and opened it. When he stepped outside he almost bumped into Megan. She was looking up at him. "I don't want to talk to you." He tells her in a cold tone. He tried to push past her when she stopped him by pressing her hand on his chest. "Megan-" He started. He let out a sigh when he looked at his cousin. "You can't change my mind." He assured her. "I didn't come here for that." She replied. "And you also can't barge into my house. Especially not to talk about the Salvini's again. I am done with that family." He tells her sternly. "They're looking for Jade, Andrew," Megan informs him. "I hope they catch her." He said. His cousin furrowed her eyebrows at him. "You don't mean that." She said. "She almost shot me, Meg." He said, now raising his voice a bit. "They need our help, Andrew." She tells him. He didn't want to think about it. About them. Her. Megan let out a quiet sigh. She moved her hand from his chest to rest on his cheek. "I can't do this by myself. I need you. And Jade." She said. "They belong behind bars." He spat coldly, "All of them." he added. "Jade has lost her mind. But I need her to get her brothers out of there. They are innocent. They are held captive for their father's crimes." Megan rambled. Andrew carefully moved her hand away. "She can tell the court what they need to hear. I just need to find her." She continued. Andrew looked down at her with a sad look in his eyes. All those feelings came rushing back all at once. "You love her, don't you?" Megan asked him. Andrew wouldn't answer. "If you do, you will help me bring her and her brothers home." She spoke. "Why would I do that? After everything that has happened, why would I help them? They wanted to kill you. And me. Why do you keep helping them?" He asked her. "They have no one else." Megan tells him, "No one aside from us. They are scared." She added. Andrew shook his head. "No," he started, "I'm not doing it. I'm sorry, Megan." He continued. He walked past her. "I don't want to get near them ever again." He added. "But you love her, right?" Megan questioned. He stopped near the stairs, resting his hand on the post next to the steps. Andrew glanced over his shoulder with a cold look in his eyes. "Please, get out of my house. And don't try to involve me in this anymore." He asked her. Megan watched as he slowly made his way down the stairs into the almost completely darkened house. She peeked inside his room. She spotted a letter laying unopened on his desk. His name was written in red. The handwriting was very familiar to her.

A Wolf's Purpose
Mystery / Thriller• Sequel to: A Wolf's Betrayal After turning in her brothers, Jade has become a part of 'The Pack'. As time goes on, she discovers more about her father's past. She's very determined to find all the answers. Meanwhile, her brothers are stuck behind...