•Chapter 79• Why So Tense

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Saying tension filled the air would be putting it lightly. If Bill had pointed a gun at him, it would have lightened the mood a bit. Instead, they sat in silence. Louis's hands held the steering wheel, and he tried his best to focus on the road ahead of him. "They better still be there when we get there." Bill spat at him annoyedly. "Jade did not escape because of me, Bill." Without removing his eyes from what was ahead of him, he replied. They were on their way to Chesterfield. Bill, of course, insisted that Louis drive. This way he could put a bullet through his head if he steered wrong. Not that that was a great idea, but it was the principle of it. Bill almost refused to leave in case Jade was found and needed him. And yet, here they were. "I don't trust you anymore." Knowing Bill better than that, Louis shot him an annoyed glare. "Yes, you do. You're mad you weren't there to stop her." Bill pressed his teeth together. "She escaped."
"She's your kid, no?" Louis snapped at him. Bill let out an annoyed huff beside him. "Little one sneaked away and then disappeared into thin air, almost like she was never there in the first place. And you are telling me that no one came out to help her? Not by your request?" He questioned his friend. Louis sighed. He tried to stay calm and not punch Bill. "If I wanted to get her out, I would have done it myself and you wouldn't have caught me. And you know it. We would have been out of the country with her brothers by now, on a plane, and heading off to Europe or something." He said, earning an eye roll from Bill – which annoyed Louis even more. "Quit whining."
"She's my daughter, Louis! She's sick!" Bill almost shouted at this point. Sure, Louis was also worried about her, but he knew someone was with her. He understood better than anyone that Bill was terrified of losing his daughter. "Don't you think I know that?!" The two friends sat in silence after barking at one another. Louis gripped the steering wheel tightly as he turned his attention back to the road instead of Bill. Even though he set Andrew up for it, somehow, he still felt angered by the fact that she was out by herself. Jade is sick.

"You gave her enough to last a while. She'll be fine." Louis told him after he'd calmed himself down a bit. Bill's jaw clenched. He let out a long sigh. "Yeah? What do you know? You weren't there." No, he was not, but Jade was more than capable of taking care of herself. "That's because you kidnapped her." Louis reminded him. "After you tricked my rat." Calling Casper a rat was mean and unnecessary. Even after what he did. He was a good kid and meant well. He only ever wanted a place to sleep without getting beaten up by someone. "Your rat? You don't own the kid and you did not bring him in. You tried to shoot him at least three times. Don't even pretend you care for him even a little bit." He continued. "He deserved it," Bill replied.
"You think everyone deserves it." Louis cut in. "Oh, please, you make it sound as if I'm the monster here." Louis shot him a glare. Bill didn't even need to look at him to notice the look on his friend's face. "Shut it, Fox." He ordered. Louis had to think of something to lighten the mood. "Aren't you even a little happy to be back in Chesterfield? Like even a bit?" He asked him. Bill's eyebrows furrowed together. "Why would I be happy about being back here."
"I don't know. Maybe the fact that you would sometimes sneak your wife, then your girlfriend, when you wanted some alone time." He'd heard the stories more than once. Bill would brag to the others with Parker. She was his gold, his diamond, his everything. Of course, he would brag. "I took her twice because she wanted to go to that hotel with the swimming pool."
"You're gonna tell me you didn't have a nice time?" Bill sunk back into his seat. "Because that is total bullshit. You came back with a stupid grin that wouldn't leave your face for a week. Even if I tried to punch it off it wouldn't leave." Louis added. He pointed a finger at Bill. "She was the only good thing about it." He groaned beside him. Bill couldn't help but smile a bit as he turned to look out the window on his right. He thought about Parker in that hotel. Taking her to dinner in the dress she insisted on wearing. "Yeah, yeah. Quit being grumpy. You know you enjoyed the fancy hotel setting. Not to mention the fact that you could show off Parker to everyone else there." Bill grins a bit to himself. God, how much he missed her. He would have done anything to wrap his arms around her one more time and let her comb her hand through his hair and down to his back as he fell asleep in her lap.

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