•Chapter 74• It Will Be Over Soon

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Bill's eyes darted from one place to another. He tried to think. Jade looked at both men with glassy eyes. "Dad?" Jade put her hand over her chest. She felt nauseous. Her heart was thumping loudly and her skin felt like it was covered in sweat even though it wasn't. Bill noticed when his gaze fell on his daughter. "I know, baby. I know." He spoke very softly and tapped her knee gently. Ian was watching all of this a few steps back. Bill looked like he was going to attack him as soon as he got too close. "Bill, she needs to go outside or something. She needs to stay awake. Keep her blood moving."
"You do not tell me what to do." Bill shot a quick glance at Ian over his shoulder to show that he was not happy to hear his voice. Ian pointed at the man. "You gotta do something." Bill started to feel more irritated. Ian needed to go. He wanted to kill him. "I am doing-"
"You're not doing shit! You're looking at her!"
Ian barked at him like it was nothing. He cared about Jade even if she was a bit too much like her father sometimes. She would not die under his watch. But he did not know what to do in this situation. Bill stood up and turned his body toward Ian to look him in the eyes. He tried his best to be intimidating. But so was Ian. "I am trying to think!"
"Not very-"
"I will blow your brains out if you start yelling at me, kid!" Bill had his gun in hand now. He surely was not going to use it in front of Jade. He might. Considering Ian has been getting under his skin for some time now. Though, all that mattered right now, was Jade. She was having trouble keeping her eyes open properly and staying awake. She wanted to sleep to make her nausea go away.

Bill focused back on his daughter. He cupped her face in his rough, cold hands and gently tapped her face to wake her up. "You've got to open your eyes, okay? Can you do that?" He asked her. He tapped her skin a few more times to get her to open her eyes again. When she finally did, she only hummed and nodded her head in response to her father's wishes. Her eyelids grew heavy again and they fluttered shut. "You are not opening your eyes, baby." Bill was trying his best. He wanted her to be comfortable, so he had to watch his words, but he needed to shake her awake for her to open her eyes properly. She shifted a bit in her seat. "They're heavy." She started whining like a child. "Jade-"
"I don't care if they're heavy, keep them open." Bill suddenly snapped at her. He shook her shoulders roughly and her eyes shut open. Bill stands up and meets with Ian again standing almost chest to chest. "Stop trying to take care of her," Bill told Ian very sternly. "I thought that was my job." Ian's tone was a bit smug. Too smug for Bill's liking. "It's mine and you-"
"You are a shitty dad." Ian had cut him off rudely by snapping at him. Bill gripped his weapon again. "Shut your fucking mouth." Something twisted inside of Bill's stomach after hearing Ian's words. Because, in a way, he was right. And Bill knew it. Ian pointed at Jade still sitting on the bed and trying her best to stay awake after her father shook her so harshly. "You don't even know how to take care of your kid," Ian said. Bill moved his hands in the air on either side of his head and made it look like he was gripping the air. His blood pressure was rising and he could feel it. "I am trying to figure something out. She's not dying."
"Have you looked at her?!" Ian raised his voice and did not care about the possible consequences. Bill did not seem to mind too much. "She's fine. Her body is just having a hard time." Ignorant prick. He could not be serious. Jade looks at Ian worriedly over her father's shoulder. "You have to take it out of her." Ian tried to move past Bill but the old man stopped him. "Absolutely not."
"If you don't then I will. I-" Bill stepped in front of Ian before he could move toward Jade. "And how do you plan on doing that, huh? You don't even know where to start, kid."

Ian almost shoved the old man away. Instead, he just walked past him and held out his hand to Jade. "Little One, get up." He said to her. Bill followed his movements and stood closely behind him. "She needs to stay put."
"What she needs is to get her blood flowing so her body can at least absorb something if you're not going to help me get that blood out of her system." Ian sounded a bit like a typical know-it-all. "Taking out the blood is too risky," Bill told them both. "Hence why she should be on her feet. Little One." Ian helped her up on her feet. Jade briefly glanced at her father. "You know she doesn't like that nickname anymore," Bill told Ian. "Maybe she doesn't like the person who gave it to her. Come on." Ian spat at the old man

The small group was left behind in the house. Jack wasn't too bothered by it. He just waved goodbye and sat on the couch by himself. Megan stood with Jayden near the window to wave goodbye. "Think he'll be okay?" Jayden asked her. He wanted to show her he cared for her family. That includes the one that snogged his sister a while back. When he asked it, it didn't seem like she'd heard it. He repeated his words only to get a shrug and a quiet hum as a response. She has been like that for a while now. "Meg?" Jayden nudged her hand with his pinky finger very gently. "Are you okay?" Megan hummed again in response but no words came out. Jayden chuckled awkwardly at that. He moved his hand up and scratched the back of his head, messing up his hair a bit as well. "That's not very helpful." He took a step closer to her, "You've barely spoken to any of us the past few days." Megan shrugged slightly. "Not much to say." She was very quiet. Jayden smiled a bit when he heard her voice nonetheless. "I know. Nodding and shaking your head is not helping the mood, though." He tried to be reasonable with her. He did not want to upset her in any kind of way. But the only response he got out of her was another shrug. At this moment, he'd rather have her yell at him than for her to stay quiet. Why wasn't she speaking? "Meg-"
"If she doesn't want to talk, she doesn't have to." Jack cut in abruptly. He knew his brother would be glaring at him for that. Megan was a bit thankful for it. Jack shifted in his seat on the couch to look at them. "Meg, you wanna sit down?" Megan nodded and walked over to the spot beside Jack on the couch. Jayden excused himself, feeling a bit frustrated, and left the room. They could hear a door slamming shut upstairs. "Sorry."
"Nothing to be sorry about." Jack pulled her a bit closer and kissed the top of her head with an arm draped around her shoulder. "You don't need to talk." He added. Megan looked down at her hands in her lap. "He's right, though." Jack sighed and rubbed his eyes a bit too hard. "Maybe." He reached out and touched her shoulder. "You're speaking in your head. Rambling all day long. I get it. You don't have to say anything to us, to me, if you don't want to." An overflowing mind is a quiet mouth. Megan nodded her head again. She liked sitting with Jack. He was calmer than Jayden and less possessive. "Did you have a good chat with him?" Jack asked her. "Yes." Megan thought back to little fragments of her conversation with Andrew. Jack's fingertips touched her shoulder again. "Did he know something about your parents? How they are? Something to calm your mind a bit." He asked with a kind smile. "Didn't come up," Megan answered.

Jack sighed again but a bit quieter than before. He did not want to strike the impression that he was Megan was frustrating or anything like that. She didn't even seem to pick up on it at first. "I've been thinking." Megan turned her head to look at him again. She waited patiently for her to continue. Jack hesitated. He could barely tell her when she looked at him like that. "Maybe you should go." Megan's expression barely changed to his surprise. But the tone in her voice did. "Go?"
"Yeah. To your parents. Away from us. Back to Hill where you're more protected than here and get to see your family. See other people." Once those words left his mouth, he realized how much it sounded like a breakup. Which was not what he intended. "No..."
"You're shutting yourself off. I just want what's best for you, Meg." He told her in a very soft tone. He did not want to hurt her feelings. "I don't want you to leave, don't get me wrong. I need to know that you're okay. You're here because of us. You're here for us. And you shouldn't be. We're the ones who have to sit this out not you."
"What am I supposed to do then? Go back to school?" She asked him in a little voice. Jack gives her another smile at her sweet tone. "I want to stay here." She added.
"Hey, I am more than happy to have you around. Just want you to be okay. You've been sleeping a lot. You're quiet. I'm worried about you, that's all. You can understand that, right?" He reached out his hand to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear. She knew he was right and it was sweet of him to think like that. "Don't want to leave." She repeated. "If you don't want to leave, you don't have to." He smiled at her, "We're just a bit worried about you. Jayden is- you know how he gets? Always wants to keep everything under control."
"I know." She sighed. Megan scooted closer to him and placed her head on his shoulder. "It'll be over soon. I'm sure it will be." He assured her and pressed another soft kiss on top of her head.

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