•Chapter 42• Blood Dripping

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"Baby?" Bill calls out. He slips off his coat and makes his way up the stairs. "Not fair!" He heard Jerry whine. Bill sighs with a smile planted on his lips. He walked over to the bedroom from which the sound came and pushed open the door gently. The four kids sat in a small circle together on the floor. Bill approaches his kids and crouches down behind his youngest. Jade lifts her head out of curiosity. Her eyes are wide with joy. "Daddy!" She cheered. Bill kissed the top of her head. "What are you guys doing?" He smiles. "Playing Uno," Jayden says proudly. "Yeah, we're gonna play 'dos' after this." Jack joked. All four of the kids started giggling a little. Bill looks down at his daughter's clothes. Her pants didn't match the small jumper she wore over it. A bright green sweater and pretty pink pants with little pigtails. She still looked absolutely adorable. She was still young. "Little one, did Mommy dress you this morning?" He asks. Jade shakes her head. "We dressed her," Jayden says proudly. Bill frowns a little. "You all dressed yourselves? Mommy didn't help at all?" Bill asks them. The triplets shook their heads. "I'm... I am so proud of you boys." Bill chuckles. "Mommy said she wasn't feeling well. She wanted to, but we tucked her in. Mommy always does that to us too when we're sick." Jerry explains. Bill ruffles his son's hair a little bit. "I'm going to check on Mommy quickly, okay? Uncle Louis is coming over with a pizza." He tells his kids. The children turned to play with their cards.

Bill slowly stood up straight again. The man approached his bedroom and knocked gently on the door. "Park? You okay in there?" He calls out quietly. He opens the door to find his darling in bed by herself. "Hey," He greeted her quietly. Parker opens her eyes slowly. She smiles weakly at the man entering the room. Bill sits beside her on the bed. A small drop of blood trails down from her nose. "The kids said you weren't feeling well." He started. His hand reaches out carefully to wipe away the blood. "I just... I feel like a terrible mother. I couldn't even dress the Little One properly. I- I just -" Parker said breathlessly. "Shhh. I know." Bill whispers to her. He kissed the side of her head. "It's adorable the way they dressed her. Her sweater does not match her shorts. Pink and green" Bill chuckles softly. Parker smiles as she shuts her eyes. "Sounds like they're making a fashion statement." She chuckles. "Have they been good today?" Bill asks. "Of course they have. They have been quiet all day so I could rest. Checking in on me." Parker answers, "I miss my babies." She added. "Louis is taking care of dinner. We could ask him to take care of the kids so we can stay here together." He suggested. Parker lifted her head slightly and looked at him. Bill's gaze met hers. "I can handle them. I want nothing more. I want to hold my kids, even if I'm tired." She tells him. "Little ones don't understand." Bill mumbles. "They don't have to. Please, Bill. I'm feeling better." She pleaded. He nodded and kissed her head again. "Anything for you, you know that." He said softly.

Bill looked through his darkened eyes as he pushed the wheelchair toward the house. He was humming a little tune as they moved. "Are you having fun? I know I am." He tells the man. Eric raised his still-heavy head. "Where are we going?" He questions. "Don't worry. I'm taking you home." Bill shushed him. Eric wasn't quite grasping all of this yet. His eyes darted back and forth as Bill pushed him further and further down the street. They could hear some kids chatting far away from them. Bill rolls his eyes at the thought of teenagers standing in his way. But he was avoiding them. Bill leans down slightly to Eric's ear. "Don't worry, we're almost there." He tells the man. Eric felt himself slowly drift off again. His body was weak and didn't allow him to stay properly awake. When he opened his eyes again, he was inside a house. "Isn't this lovely? Back at your old house." Bill cooed at him. Eric glanced around. Bill pushed the man further into the living room. "Doesn't this feel a little familiar?" Bill questions. "I don't know what you're talking about," Eric replied. He turned his head to his left and right. His gaze fell upon his elderly mother. She was too frightened to speak, let alone scream or call the police, she just sat there. Bill grasped the back of the man's head and turned it to look at him again. "Oh, yes, I remember already. Don't you... friend?" Bill questions.

The murderer walks over to the older woman sitting painfully still in her seat. She wasn't tied up. There was no weapon held to her head or throat to keep her from moving. Bill stood behind the woman. "Yes, I remember. You came here one day. You had quite the news for your mother." Bill started, "You found her. Selena. Oh, such a precious girl. Not a very loving family... poor thing. But when you got together your sweet mother took her in as her own, right? After I took her you were all devastated... but then you found her. You came here as soon as you could to tell your mother all about it." Bill continued. The woman met eyes with her son. Eric was slowly starting to regain some power over his body. It was like he was fully waking up now only he was too weak to move. Bill pulls out the knife from before. He started playing with it a little, inspecting every inch of the blade, and looking at his reflection. "But at what price?" He says. He suddenly walks back to Eric. He crouched in front of the man slowly and tilted his head. "She asked, no, she pleaded and begged for you to stop. She didn't know, and yet the only thing you could do was keep hurting her. Her." Bill reminds him. Vague images started to come back into Eric's mind. Poor Parker. She was a sweet girl. "But she did know," Eric spoke up. Bill's eyes darkened even further. "She didn't know for sure. I never told her." Bill replied.

Eric exclaimed with a weak chuckle. "I should have killed her." He started. He looked at Bill through his lashes. "I could've saved you the trouble." He added. They both looked like psychopaths. Bill's anger was only growing. "You killed that poor girl. You wanted to kill her... and you fell in love with her. You doomed her since the day you first laid eyes on her, and you know it. I am not the one who killed Parker." Eric tells him. It took most of the strength he had in his body to speak those words. Something in Bill's eyes shattered. He thought about Parker. Sweet little Parker. "Oh, but you couldn't wait to tell your mommy what you did to her, didn't you? She never even came up in court. The judges never even acknowledged her because no one ever mentioned it. She was nothing to you." Bill started again. "What do you want me to say, Bill?" Eric asks. Bill walks up to the old lady. He holds the knife to her throat in one swift movement. "I want you to say it." Bill answered, "That you hurt her. That you wanted to hurt her. I know what you did to my Little one... because she looks like her mother..." Bill's words started to become unclear as he continued to ramble. "Look what your little ones did to me!" Eric yelled at the man. He started panting heavily, like an animal, from the sudden outburst of energy. "You're not gonna get her back," Eric added.

Bill looks down at the old woman. Tears were streaming down her face as she listened to the men speak. "Did you know about the child?" Bill asks her. More tears started to burst from her eyes. "My child... You took it all from me. All of it. My wife, my kids, my everything. The Greenwoods took everything away from me." Bill spoke quietly. Eric opened his mouth to protest. The only thing that came out of him was a small breath. Bill sliced the old woman's throat right then and there. Bill's emotionless face slowly turned into a happy one. He was proud and happy... After years of waiting and holding back... He looks down at the woman as the blood drips down from her body. He licks his finger clean which is covered in blood. "I'm not waiting any longer." Bill tells him, "I wanna hear it." He adds.

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