Louis focused on the road with one hand on his steering wheel. "Turn left by the next block," Jade tells him. Louis' grip on the wheel tightened. "I know where I'm going." He tells her without looking up from the road. Jade rolled her eyes and peeked over her shoulder. Cas was sitting in the backseat with his eyes closed. "Poor boy stayed up all night." She said quietly. "Is that the only reason I'm driving?" Louis asks. Jade turns to look at the older man driving the car. She gave him a glaring look. "Care to tell me what your dramatic speech was all about last night?" She asks him, changing the subject and leaning back in her seat. Louis shot a quick look over his shoulder to check if Cas was asleep. All he could hear was soft and slow breathing. But it doesn't mean someone's actually asleep. "You heard what I said, right? That's all I have to say about it." He answers as he turned back. Jade furrowed her eyebrows. "I want to know why you said it." She continued, "Usually it means something when someone makes a statement like that." She added. Louis bit gently on the inside of his cheek and his jaw clenched. Jade noticed and peeked over her shoulder again. "He's asleep." She assured her uncle. But he stayed silent. "Louis," She started. "I ended this conversation last night. I am ending it again right now." He replied sternly. She rolled her eyes again and folded her arms over her chest. Louis looked up into the rearview mirror. Casper shifted in his seat, turning his head to rest from one shoulder to the other. He didn't trust the boy. He couldn't. Jade sighed and looked outside the window where small drops of snow started to fall from the clouded sky.
"And you're absolutely sure we shouldn't go after them?" Jack asks. Megan nodded as she shut the trunk of the car. "A hundred percent." She answers, "We need to get you boys home first." She adds. Jayden looks at her as he leans against the car with his hands in his pockets. The sky was gray and small snowflakes were descending down. "I can't wait to sleep in my own bed again," Jack added. "We need to get in without being seen by anyone. Let's focus on that first." Jayden reminds his brother with a chuckle. Jack shoved his shoulder gently. "When did you become boring?" Jack questioned as he walked up to his brother.
Jayden shot a quick glance at Megan. She just smiled and made her way over to Jerry and Liz who stood by her car. Jayden shoved his brother's hand away when he tried to pet his hair, earning a deadly glare from his brother. "Dude, don't," Jayden tells him. "Do I get bonus points if I pretend I care?" Jack chuckled. He grabbed his brother and put him in a headlock before he rubbed his head with his knuckles. "No! Jack!" Jayden complained as his brother laughed. The two boys started to fight and turn, even bumping into the car a few times. "Hey! Don't break each other or the car" Megan calls out to them. Of course, the siblings continued to wrestle with each other. "He started it!" Jayden called out. "I did! I do not regret it! I have a few months to make up for!" Jack joined in. Megan rolled her eyes and turned the other way. "Stop it!" Jayden exclaimed. "No, you stop it!" His brother yelledMegan smiled as she approached Jerry and Liz. She was standing on her tippy toes as she wrapped her scarf around the boy. It was deadly cold outside and the boys didn't have a coat or anything. They just had some pants and a shirt with long sleeves. "Thank you, Darling." He smiled at her. The two looked up as Megan approached them. "You ready to go?" She asks. Liz nods in response. "Great. You should go ahead of us. We'll be right behind you." Megan added. "Can we leave? We're freezing out here!" Jayden called out to them. The two girls rolled their eyes. Liz turned around and stepped inside her car.
Jerry walked over to the other side before Megan stopped him. "Wait," she said. He furrowed his eyebrows when she handed him a sealed envelope. Although it had been opened before. "This is why we shouldn't be heading after them." She tells him. He looks down and recognizes his sister's handwriting. "What is this? How did you get this?" He asks. "I found it on my cousin's desk." She explained. "And you took it?" He questions. "He would've burned it if he saw it." Megan shrugged, "She told him she was leaving for a while." She added. Jerry looked up to see his two brothers getting in the other car. "Did you show them yet?" He asks. She shook her head. "I wanted to run it past you first. And I don't want to worry them. Especially Jack." She answered. He looks down at the envelope. "I'm not going to hide this from them." He tells her. "I'm not asking you to. I just didn't want to drop a bomb like that on you guys after last night." She replied. He nodded. "I will talk to them when we get home." He tells her.He stepped into the car. "What was that about?" Liz asks her boyfriend. "Megan found something." He said and holds up the letter she wrote to Andrew. "A letter?" She questions. "Apparently, Jade wrote something to Andrew before she left." He answers. Liz looks up and starts the car. "I thought they broke up. Andrew's changed a lot since everyone disappeared." Liz informs him. Her tone was a tad depressing.
Jerry looks at her and puts the letter down. He carefully reaches out to grab her hand. He brushed this thumb over her knuckles. "I'm sorry." He apologized. Liz looked at him briefly as she drove the car onto the road. "For what?" She asks. "For leaving." He tells her. She gave his hand a tight squeeze. "You couldn't really help it." She says with a small chuckle. "I still feel guilty." He tells her. She raised his hand up to her lips and kissed it. "Hey, that's my move!" he complained. She giggled and made a turn. "You're forgiven, Darling." She assured him. He smiled and looked down at the envelope on his lap. Should he read it? Right now? It was a personal letter after all. "You know, when we're back, we should make snow angels. Look how beautiful it is outside." Liz tells him. "Yeah, sounds good," he replied. He wasn't completely focused on her. He pulled out the letter and decided to read it.Please, don't tear the letter apart. I know you hate me. I wouldn't like me either after what I've done. I want to be honest with you. I wish we were never friends. That I never trusted you. You got hurt because of me. I didn't try hard enough to keep that from happening. I'm sorry about that. I did something terrible. I want you to know I'm sorry.
I couldn't leave without getting this off my chest. I hurt you. And I will have to live with that, no matter how much it would hurt me. If you don't believe me, I would understand. I made you think I didn't love you. I do. I still need you. But I realize now that you don't. You never did. I'm sorry for all of this.
With only a small chance you will have actually read this far, I'm leaving for a while. And I am not sure if I'm coming back. I feel horrible about all the pain that I've caused. I want to ask you to do something for me. In case I don't come back, could you tell my brothers that I'm sorry. I should have never called the cops on them. It was wrong and I left them. I betrayed them. But I will make this right one way or another. Please, Andrew, you're the only friend I have left

A Wolf's Purpose
Misterio / Suspenso• Sequel to: A Wolf's Betrayal After turning in her brothers, Jade has become a part of 'The Pack'. As time goes on, she discovers more about her father's past. She's very determined to find all the answers. Meanwhile, her brothers are stuck behind...