•Chapter 76• Talk Amongst Old Friends

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Bill looked surprised. His friend looked at him as if it was nothing unusual. "Information?" It had to be foul play. A plan A setup. Louis had to have given this some thought before he came here, he's not stupid. "Well?" Claimed to have information and didn't say anything. "The boys are with Leah Elms. In Chesterfield." Bill tilted his head slightly and folded his arms over his chest. "She still lives there?" Bill questioned. "I thought you still had eyes on them?"
"Well for all I know they moved. I don't live there. Been busy with other things." Louis stayed quiet. His gaze locked with Bill's. Leah Elms. Bill hadn't thought about her in a long time. Not a proper thought. "How did they find her?" He'd made sure his children didn't know who the women were for everyone's safety. It was better to keep those worlds separate from one another. So no one would go looking. "I took them. Told them they'd be safe there." Louis admitted. There was no point in lying. Bill would see through him. "Not anymore.
"Clearly." Louis looked at Bill with the slightest bit of guilt hinting in his eyes. He knew what his friend was trying to do. "And why are you telling me this?" Bill didn't look certain of this information. "Little bird told me it would've been a good idea. Convince you that I'm on your side." Bill could tell he wasn't lying. But it was strange. "Aha, smart bird you've got. It's not working, though."
"I'm loyal to you. You know that." Louis assured him. Bill raised his eyebrows. "Are you? You've done a pretty shit job proving that." He spat back but still, his tone remained calm. It was hard to tell if he was angry or playing a game. "You haven't made it very easy on me either," Louis replied.

The two friends look at each other again. They both grinned. Just a little. Like old times, before all the murders and crazy heists. "They're okay?" Bill worried for his sons. Of course, he did. Louis nodded his head. He always made sure Parker's kids were safe. He wouldn't break that promise. Not without a good reason. "And the girl? Greenwood's girl?"
"The girl is with them. She's tired and scared. Understandable, of course." Louis replied. Bill wasn't interested in her wellbeing. He needed to know if she was still alive. "Gets her heart pumping and her blood flowing." Louis smiled but he wasn't pleased. He thought Bill would say something like that. A short silence followed. Long glances without exchanging words. "How is Jade?" Louis asked him. Bill's expression changed. He let out an annoyed and frustrated sigh. "She's outside. She needed to move around a bit in the fresh air. Blood failure."
"Different bags?" Louis guessed. That wouldn't be the first time. Jade was too fragile so he couldn't take out the blood. That would have been too much of a risk. Bill hummed and nodded his head. "Bill-"
"You can't see her." Bill spat at him quickly. He bit on the inside of his cheek. "I don't want to see her," Louis told him. He wasn't here for Jade. He eyed his friend up and down. "I wanted to ask you how you're doing." Bill narrowed his eyes a bit. Casual conversation. "Could be better. I shot someone in uniform, killed an old lady, and almost got my revenge on a rather popular family in town. Not exactly your typical Tuesdays." He answered his friend. "When's the last time we had a typical Tuesday?" Bill chuckled. He thought back to the days when he used to pick up Parker from college.

"Blood supplies?" Louis asked him. It couldn't be easy with another person here. The question still remained if Bill would pick his daughter over himself. "We manage. Giving her everything she needs. Not taking any risks." Louis nodded again. Bill wondered if this was a way for him to win over his trust so he could see Jade. He wanted to see her and make sure she was safe, which was understandable. "You still can't see her," Bill said with a stern voice. "I don't want to see her."
"So you came here to... chat?" Louis shrugged. "And apparently snitch on your children." Nothing about this felt right, but he needed to do this. Bill sighed again. "Why?" He questioned. "Because if I let you do this, then it'll all be over, no? The boys can go back to their regular lives and Jade can step down." Simple solution. "She's doing a pretty good job from what I've heard," Bill confirmed. Louis raised one eyebrow. "That's the first time you've ever said that."
"I need to stay on my daughter's good side." Louis started to become more and more concerned. He was not allowed to go to her, Bill complimented her on the tasks she had taken over from him, which he completely disagreed with, and there was talk of the wrong bags of blood being used. "I'm surprised she let you anywhere near her," Louis spoke in a smug tone. "Because I'm a psycho?" Bill questioned. Louis rolled his eyes at his friend. "Was that an actual question?" The two grin at one another as if they're five years old. Until Bill stopped smiling. "You brought them to Elms? I didn't know you knew where she lived." Bill tilted his head back a bit whilst looking at him. "Keep an eye on them, right? That's what you said."
"Is this how you try to win my trust? Because you did what I asked years ago?" Bill asked him. He was – understandably – highly suspicious of him and his words. Louis glared at him. "I don't need to win your trust. Quite frankly I am the only person you have ever trusted for as long as you know me." Bill just looked at him. Louis let out a sigh and put his hands into his pockets. "I need them to stay out of prison, Bill." He said. Bill shrugged slightly. "What do you want me to do about it?" There is no way he was that heartless about his kids. "Finish the job – do it right – and move on. Frame someone else but not your sons."
"Need I remind you that their sister was the one who turned them in?" Bill pointed out to him. Louis took a step closer but Bill didn't move. He wasn't threatened by him. Not whilst they were having a casual conversation like this one. However, no one else would find this casual. "They're holding them for your crimes, Bill," Louis said.

His jaw clenched. The triplets had tried to save Megan – and others – not kill her. Even Bill Salvini knew that locking them away for his crimes was a bit gruesome. If they couldn't kill, how were they supposed to survive in jail for the next years – or worse, the rest of their lives? Their last name did not help them in the slightest. "So kill and move on?" Bill questioned. Louis nodded again. "Exactly." He furrowed his eyebrows. "And what's your part in this?" Bill asked. His part wouldn't change. Stay low. "Being a friend to the family. As always."
"And for telling me about the boys?" Nothing comes for nothing. Both men knew that. There was a reason behind every action, good or not. "That it stops. After this, you're done. You stand down and stay down." It almost sounded like an order. Louis didn't give him orders. Bill ordered him. "I'm not a dog." He replied. "Dogs listen better than you do, that's for sure." Bill rolled his eyes. "How do I know this is not their plan? Use you against me?"
"Little bird did suggest it. It made me realize this is what's best for them and that's all I've ever wanted. You know that. Even if that means selling them out." Louis felt a little insecure about mentioning 'little bird' again. Bill didn't know about Liz. Jerry specifically told him not to bring Liz into this. That boy would burn the world for his girlfriend and Louis was very aware of this. But it was important to stay true to Bill. As close to the truth as he could be. "They're not your kids, Louis, you have to remember that."
"They might as well be. I've been there for them. For all four of them." Louis mumbled, hoping that Bill didn't hear him. Sadly, he did hear. Louis didn't know what to do or say. Bill wasn't happy with his comment, but it was the truth. "I love them. They're my kids too." Bill's gaze softened a bit but also still stern. But less threatening. Louis meant every word. "Okay." He agreed, "Can I trust you to pick them up?" He questioned. Louis nodded. "You can."
"Good. You wait upstairs. My room."

Louis walked upstairs as quietly as possible. He didn't waste a second to go into Jade's room instead. His eyes widened when he came face to face with Ian, his partner. "Louis? What are-" He pressed a finger against his lips. Ian followed him out to have a look outside into the backyard. "The boy should be here by now. He's taking her away."
"What did you do?" Ian asked him a bit panicked. There was something off about this whole situation. Ian felt relieved to see Louis here. But why was he here? Louis didn't answer, he kept looking at Jade who was moving. "How is she?" He asked. Ian looked at the back of his head. "She's fine. As far as she can be after Bill used the wrong bags." He explained. Louis hummed but didn't move. "Fox, what did you do?" Ian used the nickname. But even that didn't stir a reaction. "Louis?" Ian whisper-yelled at him. Bill couldn't know they were together. "What did you do?" Louis shut his eyes and sighed. Ian didn't know Louis was here so he came here in peace. Bill didn't kill him, he allowed him to go upstairs, and he offered him something. "I told him about the boys."
"You did what?" Louis hated himself. His gut twisted. "He promised to stop this. All of this needs to stop, Ian." He sighed. "So you told Bill where to find them? What about Leah?" He whispered her name. His head was spinning and his heart pounded. He opened his eyes and looked outside again. He watched as Jade sneaked out when Bill's men weren't paying attention to her. Ian stood by his side. "Did she just-" Louis nodded. "The boy's here. He'll keep her safe until we've worked everything out. Take Bill down. Put a stop to all of this." Ian's face turned a bit red from anger. "But the boys-"
"Are still safe. She's leaving as we speak. She'll bring them back in case Bill sends someone with me." Louis started to explain the rest of the plan to his partner. It was absolutely insane. But it was the only way. This had to end.

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