•Chapter 3• Megan Greenwood

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Hayden looked up at his partner. "And what of the girl?" He asked, "Greenwood's daughter." He added. Lucas runs his hand through his black hair. "She continues to defend the boys." He answered, "She seems to have had a close relationship with the brothers." He added. Hayden furrowed his eyebrows. "She did?" he asked. Lucas nodded and walked up to Hayden's desk. "Manipulation? Maybe hypnosis?" Hayden suggested. Lucas shook his head. "No," He said. "Fear?" Hayden added. "She didn't seem too frightened when we questioned her," Lucas explained. Hayes sighed and puts his hands behind his head. "Don't you think it's a bit strange?" He started, gaining Lucas' attention, "Her mother was almost brutally murdered by Salvini, she decides to live across the street from him, probably living in fear for the rest of her life. And twenty years or so later, the same thing happens to Greenwood's daughter, and she defends the boys. Don't you think that's a bit strange?" He questioned. Lucas rubbed his chin slightly. "Maybe the girl has become immune to the fear caused by them. Probably because her parents told her everything, trying to scare the poor girl." He pointed out, "Besides, her mother told us she wasn't allowed to go near the boys. And they kept a close eye on their daughter. So, how she eventually ended up with them is still a mystery to me." He added. Hayden shrugged. "Sounds like they were friends. If she's defending them. What if they secretly hung out? Teens don't always listen to their parents. Especially when they're not allowed to hang out with

A few gentle knocks sounded on the door. "Megan, honey, could you please come out of there?" Selena called out. Megan didn't glance up from her laptop. "Meg?" Selena's voice sounded again. Megan continued to stare at the screen of her laptop. A few more knocks sounded on her bedroom door. On the other side was her mother. Selena sighed and rested her head and shoulder against the door. "Megan, can you open the door, please?" She asked her. Inside her room, Megan looked up at her door. She got up from her bed and walked over to her door. "Why should I?" Megan asked her mother. "Because breakfast is ready," Selena answered. "I'm not eating with you or dad," Megan tells her mother. "You've barely eaten, sweetie. Would you please come down and have breakfast? You don't have to sit with us. But at least eat something." Selena pleaded. Megan sighed and leaned with her back against the wall. "I can make something or run to the store if you want. Get you something special." Selena continued. "I'm not hungry," Megan replied. "You've barely eaten in the past four days, now, Megan," Selena said, her voice having a slightly stern tone. Megan turned around and made her way back over to her bed. "Megan, you can't stay in your room forever to avoid your parents." She reminds her daughter. Megan rolled her eyes again and focused her eyes on the screen of her laptop.

The sound of her footsteps echoed through the small hallway. "Hey, can you please pick up your phone? I've been calling you as you might've noticed." Megan questioned as she held her phone up to her ear.  She looked up to see two of the prison guards stepping out of their booths. "Call me back," Megan repeated before placing her phone back in her bag. "Ma'am, you stop right there," The female prison guard spoke. Megan stopped her pace and watched as the guard approached her. She narrowed her eyes studying every inch of Megan's face. "You again." She sighed. Megan smiled politely and waited patiently as the female guard opened the entrance. A male prison guard joined her. The two of them blocked the entry into the restricted prison area "You can't see them." The woman tells her in a stern tone. Megan tilted her head slightly. She pulled a couple of documents from her bag. "Article fifty-two says I can." She replied confidently. The male guard snatched the documents from her hands. His eyes trailed over the words that were on the paper. "Says here only their lawyer is allowed to see them." he pointed out. "I am their lawyer." Megan snapped at him, but not in a rude way. The man folded his arms over his chest. "Aren't you a little young to be a licensed lawyer?" He questioned. Megan shrugged in response. "I might appear young, sir, but I can assure you-" She started. "You're not licensed." The man said, rudely interrupting her. "Nothing in there says they need a licensed lawyer," Megan replied quickly. The two guards shot a quick glance at each other. The woman turned back to Megan. "We can't let you through." She tells her. "Very funny, ma'am," Megan replied. "Do you think I'm making a joke?" The woman snapped back. Megan's smile dropped. "In case you don't know, they're mostly isolated. They don't have anyone else." Megan informs them. "I think that's pretty well deserved." The man replied with a chuckle. "The fact is, you keeping them away from others, and that includes me, will only isolate them more. Do you know what happens to people who are isolated and lonely? What happens when they think they're cast out by the society they were once part of?" Megan asked them. "We don't need you to lecture us, sweetie." The man tells her. "You're only making things worse," Megan added. "You want to get them out and we have been ordered to keep them here." The woman speaks sternly. "Who says I'm here to get them out?" Megan questioned. "Isn't that what lawyers are for?" The man questioned. "I am not your regular lawyer, sir," Megan tells him. She looked back and forth at the two people standing in front of her who kept her from going to her friends. "Can I pass now?" She questioned. The two correctional officers shot another look at each other. The woman sighed again. "You have one hour." She said and handed her a visitor's badge. Megan's smile returned and walked through the narrow gate as she clipped on her badge. "One hour!" The man called after her. Megan rolled her eyes as she walked away. 

The harsh sound of the door being unlocked awoke Jack from his slumber. He groaned as the light hit his face. He shifted in his bed, pulling the covers over his face. "Five more minutes." He groaned. It didn't last very long. The guard yanked the blanket off the boy's body harshly. Jack sat up angry. "Dude." He said. The man in front of him truly could not care less. "You have a visitor, boy." The male correctional officer spoke. Jack looked at him as if he was mental. A visitor? He wasn't allowed to see anyone besides his fellow inmates and the wardens. He pushed himself up from his hard, uncomfortable mattress. As he walked past the man, his hands got cuffed behind his back. The young boy was led into the cafeteria. At one of the tables sat Megan, patiently waiting, and looking around. Their eyes met and Jack almost immediately ran toward her. "Meg!" He exclaimed. He wanted to embrace her but was held back by the man behind him. "You have an hour." He said sternly. Megan nodded. "Thank you, sir." She replied with a kind smile. They both sat down at one of the tables. Megan spotted the guards that stood in every corner of the room with their weapons in their hands and eyes focused on her and Jack. Megan smiled at him and wrapped her arms tightly around him. Jack wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms around her as tightly as possible, but his hands were still cuffed behind his back. He rested his chin on her shoulder and shut his eyes, enjoying her warmth. "I've missed you so much." She whispers to him. When she pulled back she looked at him with watery eyes. She placed her hands on his cheeks. "You gonna cry?" Jack asks her sweetly. She let out a chuckle and brushed her thumbs over his cheeks. "I missed you too." He tells her. "You better," Megan replied. She scooted closer to him. "How are you?" She asked him. He shrugged. "I'm okay. Kinda like the quiet now that the other two are not around." He answered sarcastically. Megan took a good look into his eyes. "If this is your way of convincing me you're okay, it's not working." She tells him. Jack smiled at her. "You know me too well." He said. Megan placed her hands in his hair. "You know, I'm starting to like this new look on you." She admitted. "Yeah, well, don't get used to it. When I get out of here, I am cutting it off. It's itchy." He tells her. Megan couldn't help but laugh and scoot closer to him. "It shouldn't be too long, now, Jack." She replies, "Within a few weeks you're a free man. A month at most." She promised him. "What about my brothers?" Jack asked her. "I hope you three can be released altogether. But I can't promise anything. I'm doing everything I can." She answered. Jack gave her a sweet smile. "I know." He said. He then let out a sigh. "I really wish I could break out of these handcuffs, right now. Can't remember the last time I've touched anyone besides the guards." He said. Megan looked at him with widened eyes. "Not like that. You dirty-minded girl." He teased her. Megan chuckled and gently nudged her shoulder against his.

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