Jerry took both his brothers into the living room. "I need to talk to you guys about something." He started. Jack sat on the small salon table. His two brothers sat in front of him on the couch. Their younger brother pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket. He unfolded it slowly. "What's that?" He asks. His brother looked down at the letter. "Jade wrote something before she left." He tells them. "She left us a note?" Jayden asks. Jerry shook his head. "Not us. Andrew." He answers. He hands Jayden the piece of paper. "She asks him to apologize to us. She's not sure she's coming back." Jerry tells his brothers. "I thought she hated us," Jack responds. She was sorry? "She doesn't hate us," Jayden said while reading the letter. He looked up at his brothers. "I didn't know she felt this way." He added. "But she betrayed us. She called the cops." Jack reminds them. "But she regrets it." Jerry pointed out to him. "Where did you get this?" Jayden asks his younger brother. "Megan found it. Jade probably left it on his desk." He answered. Jayden handed the letter to his brother. "Do we know where she went?" Jack asks before looking down at the paper in his hands. "It doesn't say," Jerry answered.
Meanwhile, Jade and her uncle were heading back out into the abandoned house. Jade pushed the door open roughly, making it hit the wall next to it. The cold breeze hit her face but she had gotten used to it by now. Her uncle walked in after her. The strawberry-blonde girl walked over to the windows to see if anyone had followed them. No one seemed to be here. Jade met her uncle again in the small living room of the house. There wasn't much furniture standing in the room. There was only a small fireplace in which Louis made a small fire. Jade let down her hair and slipped out of her coat. "What the hell was that?" Jade asked. Louis kept his eyes focused on the small flames. "I had a clean shot." Jade continued. Her uncle wouldn't look at her. Jade throws her hands in the air and lets out an annoyed sigh. "You're unbelievable." She complained. Louis stood up and turned to her. "W-what? I am unbelievable?" He asked her, "You were about to shoot someone. Someone who could tell us everything we needed to know. Someone who you accused of stealing your father's corpse!" He added.
Jade had turned away from him, putting her hands on the back of her head. "I have no idea what you're doing. But it needs to stop. You are losing your mind." Louis tells her. The strawberry-blonde-haired girl groaned in response. "I'm not doing anything. Thanks to you." She sighed. Louis balls his hands into fists making his nails dig into the palm of his hand. "Cops are all over the place looking for us." Louis started. Jade turned around to face him. She was glaring at him with cold eyes. "I don't care about the cops!" She said, cutting him off. Louis raised his hand and pointed his finger at her. "You should! You turned in your brothers, that's how all of this started in the first place! Then you went back to the house, to the town, when I told you not to go! You disobey me over and over again!" He reminds her. Jade throws her hands into the air. "Of course, blame this on me. Again!" She exclaimed. Louis kept his eyes focused on the teenage girl in front of him. Jade's breaths started to get heavier by the second. More anger grew inside of her. "I didn't turn on them. They turned on us!" She reminds him. Louis walks up to her at a fast pace. He raised his hand again, pointing his finger at her again. His finger started to shake slightly as he looked into her eyes. Tears were burning behind his eyes out of frustration and anger. He turned away from her again, putting his hands behind his head. "Do you know why your father never told you the truth?" Louis asked.
Jade glared at her uncle as he stood with his back facing her. "You already told me." She said quietly. He turned around again to look at her. "It was because he was afraid. He was afraid to lose you to this. He tried to keep you away... but you wouldn't listen!" He tells her. His voice was louder but had a slight tremble. He pointed his finger at her again. "You wouldn't listen!" He repeated. Jade continued to glare at him. She noticed his hand trembling slightly again. "It is because he fucking loved you! He didn't want to expose his only daughter to the thing that almost drove him insane!" He yelled. Jade raised her hand and pointed at the door. "Yeah, then why did he send my brothers in there?! How did he intend that, huh?!" Jade screamed, "Because he loved them as well? He always preferred them over me! They were always better than me!" She added. Louis stepped closer to her again. "Bill Salvini was a cruel man. But he cared for all of his children. Equally!" He tells her. "Well, it didn't look like that!" Jade exclaimed loudly, "He didn't-" She started. Louis suddenly grabbed Jade's face with his hand covering her mouth. Jade glared at her uncle again and tried to protest. Louis used his other hand to push Jade against the nearest wall. "Shh!" He whispered to her. The strawberry-blonde-haired girl tried to push the slightly older man away from her but failed. "Someone's here." He whispered to her. Her eyes widened slightly. They both reached out to grab their pistols from their holsters. Louis removed his hand from Jade's mouth, keeping his eyes focused on the hallway.
Loud thuds could be heard up the stairs. Jade and her uncle kept their eyes focused on the ceiling. The thuds were moving around slowly as if the person was inspecting the room upstairs. Jade looked at her uncle. He pressed his finger against his lips. Jade nodded in response. Louis then signed for Jade to go into the kitchen. The strawberry-blonde-haired girl nodded again and moved into the kitchen. Louis tightened his grip on his weapon as he slowly moved over to the small fireplace. He carefully put out the fire. The thuds from upstairs now sounded on the stairs. Jade came back into the small living room. Louis pressed his finger against his lips again. He carefully made his way over to her. Thud, thud. As soon as Louis reached her, the mysterious figure stepped into the hallway. Jade gasped quietly. Louis quickly covered her mouth. Thud, thud. The mysterious figure moved further into the hallway. The posture appeared masculine. A black hood was pulled over his head. He was wearing a long, black coat. In his hand, he was holding a pistol. Louis grabbed Jade's arm and carefully pulled her away while keeping her mouth covered with his other hand.
They slowly stepped back into the kitchen. Thud, thud. The hooded figure was still in the hallway. Louis and Jade continued to step backward slowly. Jade's heart was pounding quickly inside her chest. She could feel Louis' heart doing the same thing. Thud, thud, thud. Jade and her uncle could no longer see him. But they could still hear him. They continued to make their way towards the back door oh so quietly. Clang! Louis had accidentally kicked against the old trash can. Without hesitating, Jade and Louis rushed over to the back door, trying to open it, only to learn it had been locked. Louis kicked against the door as Jade continued to twist the doorknob. "Shit!" Louis exclaimed. He looked up to see the mysterious figure. His eyes widened at the sight in front of him. He carefully tapped her shoulder. Jade glanced up as well. "No fucking way," Louis said. The man in front of them lowered his weapon. His face was visible to both of them. Dreadful eyes looking into theirs. Jade's were filled with shock. Her whole body stiffened. " can't be you." She stuttered while she kept shaking her head no. Tears started to form in her eyes and pressed her lips together forming a thin line. She tried to keep herself from breaking down. "Dad..." She said, her voice cracking with every letter.

A Wolf's Purpose
Mystery / Thriller• Sequel to: A Wolf's Betrayal After turning in her brothers, Jade has become a part of 'The Pack'. As time goes on, she discovers more about her father's past. She's very determined to find all the answers. Meanwhile, her brothers are stuck behind...