•Chapter 69• 5:03 am

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The beeping sounds on a monitor were bothering him. It sounded like a very slow alarm clock almost. One that his mom used to have on her nightstand. That broken thing never worked the way it was supposed to. Always going off at the wrong times. He forced his eyes open but not very far. When he tried to move, his body wouldn't cooperate with him. Everything slowly started hurting. His arms, his legs, his back, his neck. Everything hurt. "Stay very still." A faint voice spoke up above him. He forced his eyes open a bit further and saw a man and a nurse looking over him. "He got very lucky." The nurse had an angelic voice. Very motherly. She was a bit older than he could see at first. "How long until he can leave?" Another voice spoke up, but it wasn't the man he could see. "Soon if he has a healthy environment at home." The man he could see opened his mouth this time. "My brother will be fine, ma'am. He scared us, though. He's a tough one." The man patted his shoulder a little harsh. Brother? He is an only child. "Then we will be able to release him very soon, hopefully." The nurse chatted with them a bit longer. She told them that he should be fine to move soon. Car accident? Did he hear that correctly? When the lady left, the man right beside him turned to look at him. "Look who's awake? How are you doing, huh, Casper?"

"Since it's safe for someone to come by, I thought it would be better to have some extra company," Louis said. He nodded his head toward the other two kids entering the house. Leah gave him a look. Is he bringing random kids over now? "It's just for a day. I don't want them falling out again." Louis explained to her after catching on with the look she gave him. "You are okay with that, right?" Louis questioned. "They're already here." Leah laughed softly, "If it helps them. Of course. They shouldn't be cut off from everyone." Leah added. Liz and Andrew thanked the woman politely. Leah made something warm for them to drink. Andrew felt very awkward being here. The triplets weren't necessarily fond of him. Louis was being polite as always but he could tell he didn't like him too much either. He didn't know Leah. "So, she's your cousin?" Andrew nodded his head and put his hands into his pockets. "Yeah. Henry's my brother?" Leah remembered his mother's name who was also in school with Selena and Eric. "Is she doing okay? Megan?" He asked. "She's been dealing with some nightmares. Other than that she's fine. She's doing better than I ever did." Andrew felt a bit more comfortable knowing that Megan was all right. "And nothing from Jade?" Louis questioned Liz. "Sadly, no." Andrew felt like he was stabbed through the chest again. If they were going to talk about Jade, he didn't want to be here. "Can I- uh, can I check on Megan?" He suddenly blurts out. Liz gave him a sympathetic glance. What they'd talked about the other day - about Andrew loving Jade - Liz knew it was hard for him. He couldn't accept it and he didn't allow himself to feel anything anymore. Not for her. "Sure. Upstairs, the third door. The boys are in the second one. She might be asleep but she's been having weird nights." Leah explained to him. He muttered a quiet 'thank you' before leaving with his head lowered. Louis looked at Liz. "What's up with him?" He asked her curiously. The young girl shrugged. "He's just having a hard time. He'll be fine."

The triplets were stuffed in one room together. It was interesting. They hadn't shared a room ever, maybe when they were born. Jack was passed out underneath the covers. His brother Jayden was lying horizontally on top of the bed with his legs being all over the place. He even kicked Jack in his sleep earlier but not too hard to wake him. Jerry sat on the floor. He hadn't slept at all this night. He'd picked up one of the books that were on the shelve in the bedroom. It wasn't too interesting but a nice way to pass the time. He wanted to go back home. His own room, his own bed, his own books. Jerry sighed and shut the book. Jayden's foot dangled beside him and - accidentally - kicked him as he started stirring in his sleep. A very gentle knock sounded on the door. Jerry furrowed his eyebrows and checked the alarm clock. It was 5:03 in the morning. Leah was already up? Maybe Megan had a bad dream again. The door opened very quietly trying to prevent any squeaks or sounds from happening. Jerry glanced up to see Liz peeking through the door. "What the -" She pressed a finger against her lips, telling him to be quiet. Jerry stood up and followed her outside the room. As soon as they shut the door, Jerry had her backed up against the wall. "What are you doing here?" He asked her almost breathlessly. Was she here? It could be a dream. "Louis said we could visit." Liz squeaked out in a little voice. She always had that in the morning. Sometimes she needed some time to find her voice. "Didn't you want me to come?" Jerry started shaking his head and stepping closer to her. "No, no, I'm so happy to see you." He said and pressed their foreheads together. Liz grinned at him happily and held his hands. "You're warm." He mumbled to her. "You're warmer than I thought you would be. Why weren't you in bed?" She asked him. "Couldn't sleep." He answered and looked into her eyes. "Well, weren't you cold on the floor?" Jerry shakes his head. All he wants to do is pull her into his arms tightly. 

As if she could read minds, Liz let go of his hands and wrapped her arms around his waist. Jerry rested his chin on top of her head. He turned them around so he could lean against the wall and hold her. "You're so early." He said to her. "It had to be dark out," Liz explained. She lifted her chin slightly to look up at him. "You're really not tired? Do you want to go to sleep or something like that?" She suggested to him. "I won't be able to sleep," Jerry said to her. Liz raised one of her hands to rest in his hair. She looked at him with the softest smile she could give him while playing with the ends of his hair. It wasn't too long. But it was longer than either of them were used to. "You need a haircut." She tells him softly. "I know. I know. It looks terrible." Jerry chuckled. "Don't me wrong. The more hair, the more I've got to play with. But the longer look is not too great." Jerry smiled at her. He admired her honesty with him. "Not good enough anymore, huh?" He teased her a bit. "That's not what I said." Liz quickly replied. Jerry laughed, wrapped his arms around her waist, and buried his head into her shoulder. "So happy you're here." He didn't even bother to think about the situation they were in. He hadn't seen his girlfriend in such a long while and it felt like they were alone now. "Are you okay?" Liz asked him sweetly. "I'm okay. More than okay now, baby." His grip around her tightened. Liz smiled at him. "I didn't know I missed you as much as I did, baby. I thought about you every day. God... I'm so happy you're here." Before Liz could respond or move an inch, Jerry cupped her face in his hands and pressed their lips together. He didn't care about anything or anyone else. Liz's cheeks flushed bright red as well as her ears heating up. Jerry trailed his lips down to her jawline and moved to that soft spot on her neck. Liz let out a very soft gasp, barely audible. "I might've- we uh... Jerry- we found something. F-for your- your case." She managed to squeak out. "I don't want to hear about that," Jerry said and reattached his lips to hers. 

He turned her around to stand with her back against the wall again. "Just you. I just want to hear you. That okay, baby?" He asked her. Liz's cheeks burned up again.  "Y-yeah... just-" He cut her off with another heated kiss. He felt the desire to be close to her. "I missed you so much." He mumbled against her lips. A whistle sounded behind them. Jerry pulled away and glared at the doorway where both of his brothers were standing with smug smirks. "Don't stop on our account. Never seen you like this before." Jayden said, "Awh, Lizzy's blushing. You worked her up. So you are capable of arousing a woman! Hey, he's not a total failure." Jerry let go of Liz and stepped away to grab his brother harshly. Jack also joined in on their brotherly fight, because why not, we're all in this together, right?

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