•Chapter 87• Her Voice

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"Are you doing okay?" He didn't know what else to ask her. It seemed like ages since he last heard her voice. Even when she hummed he felt his knees buckle. "Yes. Are you? What happened to you?" She sounded concerned. "Hospital fixed me up. Nothing to worry about anymore." He answered. Should he tell her about Bill? She knew about most of it. Louis made a deal and she did not know about that. And he wasn't sure if she should. She might jump at the opportunity and go back to Bill and Louis. She would put herself in danger and he wouldn't allow that to happen. "Are you feeling okay? With the blood?" He needed to be sure she wasn't passing out every minute of the day. And if she was he wanted to be there for her. "I'll manage for now. Bill gave me some extra when you were gone." She answered softly. He had picked up a thing or two. He didn't trust it, though.
The sound of her soft breathing was enough to calm his heart already. His whole body loosened up. His muscles relaxing. It felt good to feel his shoulders fall. He didn't even realize how tense they were. "You have no idea how happy I am to hear your voice again, Boss. No idea." He sighed softly through the speaker. He must sound like an idiot in love. He felt like a fifteen-year-old again. "I'm happy to hear your voice as well. I really thought you were dead. And before dad- before you could come to us I saw a gap. I was able to get out." She kept rambling until she paused. "I'm sorry."
"Hey, don't apologize for things like that. I get it. I got out too. You did what you had to do. Just like I did." His last words would make her question some things. He knew that. She shouldn't apologize for those things.

"How did you?" Jade asked. She was worried and surprised. "Louis got me and Ian out. He's still with Bill but he should be here soon." He wouldn't lie. He promised he wouldn't lie to her again. He sighed and shut his eyes. "He uh... He made some deal with him. We don't know what it is but it got us out." Jade stayed quiet on the other side. Casper was scared that he might have said too much. What if she was already packing her bags right now? "Boss?" He needed to know if she was still listening. "I'm still here." Her voice quickly appeared again. He let out a quiet sigh of relief. She wasn't doing anything stupid. "Okay." He was terrified of what would happen to her if she went there all by herself.
"So, he let you go?" She questioned. "Yeah," Casper answered. He briefly glanced over his shoulder and back at the door where Ian was talking to the triplets. They were not going anywhere without her and there was no way of convincing them. She needed to stay where she was, where she was safe. She could easily be picked up here. "Promise me you won't go there? Okay? We're on our way back and I would feel a lot better if I saw you and not you with your dad."
"I won't. I don't think it's a good idea anyway. I'm steady but I don't want to rush things and risk anything at this point." She told him. She sounded genuine but he needed to be sure. "You promise?"

He wished he could see that smile. He would do anything to see that smile of hers. "I promise." She assured him. That was good enough for him right now. "Okay good, good." He mumbled. There was so much he wanted to say to her. So much he still wanted to ask and discuss. Anything to hear her talk a little longer. Just a few more words.
"So, you're coming here?" His grin grew not even because of what she said. Only her voice could make him smile like that. "Yeah." He paused briefly. He pinched the bridge of his nose and thought about what to say next. "Coming to pick you up. You excited to see me?" He asked in a slightly teasing tone. "I wanna know if you're okay." She sounded a lot smaller. He wanted to wrap her up in a blanket and surround her with pillows. "I am and I will be better when you're safe. We're taking you and your brothers to a safe house." He explained to her. Those were her brother's wishes. Not leaving without their sister. They were willing to leave everything behind as long as Jade was coming with them. "What about Bill?" She asked him. He did not have a solid answer for her yet. "Louis says he's got everything handled. As long as you four are safe." He could have told her about her brothers and their orders but he didn't. This seemed better. "We'll be here waiting for you." She said. That even sounded better. It made Casper smirk like a Cheshire cat. "Good girl." It slipped, he didn't mean to say that. 

Only a giggle could be heard on the other side. He imagined her blushing. Her cheeks and ears would turn a light shade of red. It was cute. He was careful to not push her too far. He had no idea where they even stood at this point. Not much has changed, as far as he knows. "I should go back to your brothers. I'll see you very soon. Okay?" 
"Okay. See you soon, Cas." He could feel his stomach fluttering when she said his name. He wanted to hold her so badly. "See you soon, boss."
When he returned to the others, he was aware of the bright grin on his face but didn't care for it at all. The boys were still discussing things with Ian. He could only hear Jade's voice. He just kept smiling like he did not have a care in the world.

"That was Casper. He's okay." She smiled as she came back to join Andrew and his brother. They were both looking at her in a different way. Henry had a more questioning look in his eyes whilst Andrew looked a bit uncertain. "He and Ian are out of the house. Louis made some deal with Bill to get them out. They're coming soon to pick me up and get me to a safer place with my brothers." Andrew straightened his back. "You're leaving?" She looked back at him sadly. She didn't want to leave but she also knew that this was safe. Especially with Louis' plan. God knows what that was anyway. "I'm sorry, who is Casper?" 
"I'll explain later. But he thinks you're safer there?" Jade nodded her head. "Yes. It's a safety precaution, that's all. I won't be gone forever." Andrew still didn't like the idea of her going anywhere. She seemed to be so safe here. Was this not enough? They knew best. Not much he could do about this anyway. "Guys!" Liz came barging in with her laptop in hand. All three of them looked at her. "I may have found something."

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