•Chapter 39• Obeying Orders

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The youngest triplet anxiously bounced his leg up and down while biting on his nail. Was this the best option they had? Really? Leaving Jade all by herself just to not get caught. "Hey," Liz speaks up. Her voice pulled him out of his thoughts. He watched as she sat in front of her boyfriend. "You're going to be okay." She tells him. Sweet Liz reaches out and grabs his hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. Jerry keeps his head lowered. "I don't want to go," Jerry mumbled. Liz pulls his hand up to her lips and kisses it. "You won't be alone. Your brothers will be with you. I need to run home real quick to get some more clothes. After that, I'll be there too. Maybe we'll even have our own room." She chuckles. He looks up at her through his eyelashes. "I don't want you to come." He tells her. Liz frowns at him. "What?" She says. He leans closer to her while holding her hands. "I would never forgive myself if your parents worry about you when you're perfectly safe. When this blows over, I want to keep seeing you. And I want you to be safe, at your house, where your parents can protect you." He explains. Liz shakes her head slightly. "They know I'm with Megan. I'm safe with you." She interrupts him. "You're much safer in your home." He repeated. She would probably be, but she didn't want to leave him. She wanted to be there for him and his brothers. "Can you do that for me, baby?" He asks her gently. His tone was so sweet and caring. He squeezed her hand gently. She nodded while keeping her eyes on him. "Okay," She agreed. 

Megan walks up to them, noticing that the couple was having a tough conversation. She places her hand on Liz's shoulder. "I'll drive. I want to check up on my mom and dad." She tells the girl. She gives her friend a smile. "Yeah, that'd be great," Liz replied. She turned back to Jerry. He smiles as well as he pulls the girl closer by her hips. Liz wraps her arms around his neck as Jerry hugs her. Megan smiles at them. "She'll be okay," Megan assures the youngest triplet. He nodded and turned his head to kiss Liz's cheek. "I love you," He whispers to her. Liz pulls away slightly. She stands on her tippy toes and peck his lips briefly. "I love you, too." She tells him. She stepped away before their goodbye would get any harder than it was. It broke her heart to leave him behind at a time like this. Jerry wanted her to stay more than anything but this was the best thing to do. Megan tells the others goodbye, stopping by Andrew. "I'm not coming." He tells her. Megan sighs and looks at Jade near him. She rolls her eyes and shakes her head. Megan looks at her cousin. "I can't force you. But whether you agree or not, I think giving them a moment is a good idea." Megan tells him quietly. Andrew decided to swallow his response. He turned around to look at Jade but she avoided his gaze. He groans and walks away with Megan and Liz instead. "So, you're not going to talk to him?" Louis asked Jade. "He's being stubborn. Just like my brothers. There's no use in talking to them if they're not willing to listen." She tells him. Her uncle sighs in response. "If he's smart, he will stay at home. Just like the girls. I don't want his comments flowing out when I'm trying to focus." She added. "You know that they're all just looking out for you, right?" He asks. 

Jade takes a brief look at her oldest brother standing a few feet away from them. "I know," She sighs. Louis notices her looking at Jayden. "I think you should talk to him." He says. The girl looks back at her uncle. "And have him snap at me again?"  She questioned. "Hey, I don't agree with this either. And he wasn't entirely out of line either. But I don't think this is the right time to start fighting with each other. You said you wanted to be the bigger person, right? This is your shot." He nudges her toward her brother. She sighed and walked toward him. "Hey, have you got a second?" She asked him. Jayden glares at her. "Depends on the time you're going to ship us off to our new home. Do you have our cradles ready for us?" He asked. Jade was holding in her sigh. Argue again with Jayden? That could only end horribly and there was no way around it. "I wanted to apologize for acting the way I did earlier." She said softly, "That wasn't fair." She continued. "I'm not apologizing for anything I said before," Jayden tells her. "I'm not asking you to take back your words." She assures him. "Then what do you want to talk about, exactly? Gonna boss me around some more?" Jayden asks her, "Gonna point a gun to my head if I don't do what you say? Not obeying your orders." He added. "Hey, hey!" Louis cut in. Jayden glared at his uncle. "You're coming with me, big guy. Let's go." He says sternly. Jade stayed behind, looking awkwardly at the other two triplets. She silently turned to walk away. Jack and Jerry followed her quickly, dropping whatever they had in their hands.

A while later, Megan pulled up at the hospital. Liz's parents were happy to have her back home again. They were incredibly caring, as always, and asked Megan inside for a cup of tea. She lost track of time, which made her curse under her breath when she realized what time it was. She hurried towards the entrance and went to the front desk to ask about her father. She made her way toward his room. When Megan stepped into the hallway, she bumped into her father's nurse. "I am so sorry." She quickly apologized, "Oh, hi, it's you. I was just about to see my dad. How's he doing?" She added. The woman smiled at her. "That's quite alright, dear. Your father is doing fine." She assured the young girl. The nurse was shorter than Megan by a few inches. A few grey hairs in between her black hair too. She had a thick British accent and a kind smile. Megan sighed in relief. "That's great." She said. The woman held out her arm to stop Megan from passing. "I do have to ask you to come back later. Your father already has two visitors. We try to not crowd him too much." The woman explained. Megan nodded and thanked her nonetheless. She turned around again to leave the hospital. Her mother and Henry were still with him. Megan reached for her phone in her pocket. She started texting Andrew, telling her she would run by her house first and that he could too if he wanted to. Of course, Andrew left her on read. He was so angry with Jade for making a decision like this. He cared for her, he really cared, but this was her choice. And he couldn't change her mind. Especially about this. Megan thought it was sweet, in a way. Seeing her cousin care for someone the way he does with Jade. Poor girl. Megan was her cure, but she refused to take it. She really tried to be better.

After a short drive, Megan returned home. It has been a while since she's been here. She used her key to unlock the front door. Stepping inside and slamming the door shut a little louder than usual, and tossed her keys in a small bowl her mother had put in the hallway. "Hey, you're home." She heard someone say quietly. Megan glanced up as she entered the living room. Her mother was laying on the couch. But that was impossible. "Mom, why aren't you at the hospital?" Megan asked. Her mother kept her eyes shut as she snuggled back into the pillows on the couch. "Henry told me to go home. I could barely keep my eyes open. Where have you been, honey?" Selena asks. Megan stood behind the couch and looked at her mother. "I've been staying with Liz," Megan answered. "Elizabeth Martin? Oh, she's nice. You should bring her over here, someday." Her mother replied. "Yeah, maybe. I will be right back. I'll make you a cup of tea." She said, flabbergasted by her mother being on the couch instead of the hospital. Megan briefly turned back. "Was there anyone else besides you, Mom? You and Henry. Was there anyone else there?" She asked. Her mother shook her head no. "Shit." Megan cursed.

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