Chapter 1

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I'm almost 100% sure showing everyone your boobs to everyone on campus isn't the best way to make new friends on the first move-in day of college.

"At least I'm wearing a bra." I mutter as I quickly pull up my tube top. I adjust my top, while struggling to hold onto probably the heaviest duffle bag I have carried in my life.

It's filled with all of my mothers valuables. I heard a few girls in a group laughing at me. They're lucky I don't go over there and just swing them with this duffle bag knocking them down like bowling pins.

"Hey, are you okay?" An unfamiliar voice of a guy. I turn to the person talking and the guy gives me a concerned look.

"Sorry about that peep show. My clothes usually don't fall off in public like that." I say as I'm about to walk away. I really wish that didn't happen but life doesn't work that way.

"Don't worry about it. I've seen worse thing happen around this campus." He smiles trying to lighten the mood.

"Well today is just my luck." I say as I go around him and step into the swell of humanity.

As I continue to find my way through campus, girls everywhere scream and hug as if summer has lasted a thousand years. This definitely isn't high school anymore. And I'm not getting any younger.

All I know is that I could really use a nap right now, and maybe a defibrillator if I even make it across this campus.

"Did you need some help to your dorm? You look like you need it." I recognize the guys voice again. I obliged, he's just trying to being nice. I shouldn't scare him off like every other person I have.

"I'm looking for Victoria Hall." I say as I end up walking with this stranger. He was a nice guy, he insisted on carry my duffle bag and I was more than happy to let him.

Nowdays kindness is so rare people mistaken it for flirting.

I try to look around for signs of my brother, but he's nowhere to be found. This was a moment more worse than trying to find your mom in the grocery store.

"Here we are." The guy says as he snaps me out of my thoughts. I take a look around and it's like someone opened all the cages to the zoo. A catastrophe.

I notice his biceps from under the sleeve of his Nirvana T-shirt. His tattoo of a bird with a name written underneath catches my attention.

"So I'm guess you're a freshman?" He says as he opens the doors to the building.

"And what made you guess that?" I say avoiding eye contact. There's a bunch of people running around carrying their things. I guess I'm not the only one.

"I mean you did ask me where Victoria Hall was. A student would know it's just straight ahead." He chuckles.

I laugh in awkwardness. "Right." Well that was embarassing. What else could I do wrong on my first day?

Minutes later, we finally get to my room. "Thank goodness!" I manage to say under my breathe. It felt like it took centuries to get here or maybe I'm just out of shape

Just as I'm about to open the door to my dorm, my jaw drops. The blonde girl, who I assume is my roommate is really getting some, not with just one guy, but two.

"Seriously?!" I mumble under my breath, as I face palm. But that doesn't stop the trio from doing what they do.

"Whoa, didn't expect that at this time of day." He says lowering my duffle bag.

He quickly closes the door in front of us. "Welcome to your first day of college." he chuckles.

"Thank you for your help stranger." I nod, waiting for him to introduce himself.

"This stranger has a name, and it's Calum. Calum Hood." He says as smiles and holds out a hand.

"Emily." I say shyly as I shake his hand.

"Emily." He gives me a nod. "Well it's nice to meet you Emily."

This is my very first fanfic so don't expect the greatest book of all time. It may be a bit unorganized.. I'm a fetus writer, however I do go back to edit chapters every now and then.

I am open to any ideas or heads up on what I can so to improve as a writer. Anything helps!

Credits* to whoever owns the pictures/gifs used in this Fanfiction. I do not own any unless stated.


[Spring Break/ March 2014]

enjoy :) Xx

💖 kayla

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