Chapter 9

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I wake up to the sound of loud knocking at the door. With my eyes still closed, I groan and cover my head with the pillows.

I hate being woken up, unless its to the smell of some chocolate chip waffles.

"Calum? You up?" I hear the a voice of a guy.

No he's not now leave.

The knock continues being 5 times louder. "Calum, it's Max. Have you seen Emily?" My stomach suddenly drops.

Holy shit, it's Max. My eyes shoot open and then I realize everything that happened last night.

Calum and I played fifa, we got hungry, and when he made us dinner, I decided to take a nap.


I thought he would've woke me up, but I guess he took a nap too???

If Max saw me here with Calum, we'd both be doomed. I mean he could've raped me or intoxicated me

Ah screw it, it's college. I need to let loose and stop freaking out. Besides, he didn't do any of those things.

I look to the other side of the bed, and Calum wasn't there.

I take a good look around the room, and I see a figure shaped under the blankets on the couch.

I head towards the couch and I start to tap Calum lightly. "Calum, wake up now." He still doesn't answer, instead he just makes himself more comfortable.

I'm now talking in his ear trying to make him up. "Psst, Calum. Wake up!! Max is at the door."

He wakes up, and quickly goes to get to the door. "What the hell?! Hide somewhere."

I get on the ground and wiggle myself under Calum's bed.

I hear Calum unlock the door, and open it to the sound of Max's voice. "About time man, I knew you'd be in there it's only 9AM."

Without hesitation, I hear Max past him and come into the room.

Crap, crap, crap. I feel my heart beating 10x faster, and probably even 10x louder. I try to distract myself as I look to see what's under Calum's bed. But that's when Max decides to sit on it.

"What happened man?" I hear Calum say. He's used to keeping his cool, so I'm depending on him to keep it that way.

"I can't find Emily. I went to go visit her at her dorm, and her roommate said she hasn't seen her since yesterday morning." Now he knows how I feel, when he left me lost and alone on my first day of college.

"And you come here out of all places?" Calum says.

Calum really needs to clean the bottom of his bed, geez louise it's so messy.

My eyes look to the side to see a guitar. What? Calum plays guitar? That's something new.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear Max laugh sarcastically. "Man, you're the only one that met her."

"Doesn't mean I brought her here, where do you think she'd be?" Calum says. I hope Max's gives it some time, he should know about my good friend Anthony. He's met him, and has seen us together a bunch of times.

"Anthony? She's always with that sunflower." He says as he gets up from the bed. Anthony is now a sunflower, how lovely..

"Maybe you should try and look for him then." He suggests. Damn it, now I need to text Anthony.

I try to grab my phone out of my dress pocket, but I have limited space. After 5 long minutes, I successfully grab it, and make sure my phones on silent.


Within seconds he replies. This was one of the reasons why I loved Anthony.


To Anthony (8:31AM): No time to joke. Max is going to look for u around campus!! Please tell him I stayed the night at your house. I'll explain everything later I promise

To Emily (8:33AM): Ok, u better do some
explaining. Today after my history class 2pm

To Anthony (8:35AM): Okay see u then

I haven't never felt so relieved in my life. I owe Anthony, or should I say 'sunflower' big time. I hear Max say bye to Calum.. There's a few seconds of silence, and I wonder if Calum left me too. I'm still down here??

I hear him move closer to the bed, and get down on his knees to lift up the sheets. My eyes meet him, and he laughs. "Coast is clear Emily, you can come out now." He gets up, and I try to wiggle myself out, but I find myself stuck.

"Uh yeah, I don't think I can. I'm stuck. Calum can you pull me out?" I stick out my arms cause that's the only thing that isn't stuck.

He's laughing as he grabs my hands and pulls me out from under the bed.

Now, I need to mention last night, because I had no intentions on sleeping here.

"Hey, so about last night. I'm so sorry I fell asleep here, I thought it'd just be a nap."

"Don't worry about it, I told myself the same thing too." He chuckles.

I go to the mirror that's hanging over his bed, and fix my hair. It was like a birds nest. I looked terrible. My dress was wrinkled, and my mascara was smudged. How dysfunctional.

My eyes get distracted as I start to take a closer look at the photo frame he has on his night stand. It was a picture of his family, and it made me miss how mines used to be.

Then I get interrupted by a voice, and look away from the picture frame. I almost piss myself.

"Hey, did you want to eat the dinner from last night for breakfast? He questions me.,

I nod and walk into the kitchen. "Yeah, I'm starving."

We devoured the food within minutes, and to my surprise Calum was extremely good at cooking.

I didn't realize that time has past and it's almost 1. Anthony is done with history at 2, so  it was time for me to go.

"Hey I've gotta get going." I get up and start to gather my things.

"Alright. Calum responds.

"Oh hell no." I mutter as I see rain coming down from outside the kitchen window.

Calum leaves to go into his room, but I don't worry much about it.

He comes out with a grey and navy blue hoodie and hands it to me. "Put this on, and use the umbrella too. Let me know when you're back at your dorm."

Calum and I both exchange numbers and now I'm outside his door. I look up at Calum and smile. "Thanks again, see ya."

He leans against the door. "Yeah, no problem. See ya Em."


Thank you to all of you reading this fanfic! I appreciate it. I hope you are enjoying it! It's my first fanfic, and I'm always making edits and changing it to my best extent! You're amazing 💜🌸

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