Chapter 37

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I fell asleep missing him. This morning, I woke up with his name at the tip of my tongue. Today is the day I am going to see him.

Its weird how you can fall for someone without a warning. You don't find them attractive at first, but as you're slowly getting to know them. The beauty of their personality comes out, and all of sudden they are everything you wanted.

I wish I could explain his brown eyes, and how the sound of his voice gives me butterflies. How his gorgeous smile makes my heart skip a beat.

I smile at the thought of him. I'm falling for him, and no one is stopping me anytime soon.

As I get up from my bed, I begin to start my day. Today the weather was nice, being winter and all, so I decided to dress light.

As I go into the bathroom, I look in the mirror and stare at my reflection. Soft, brown waves that reach my waist, blue colored eyes. I look closer and she's different. I'm different. There's a light in my eyes, a sparkle in my smile. And I'm happy.

I have my morning coffee, and watch some TV. About twenty minutes in, my phone suddenly vibrates. I view the text message I had just received, and my stomach begins to get tingles.

Text Message: Calum (12:30PM)- I think someone outside your door... :)

I get up from the couch and approach the door. I slowly undo the locks, and open the door. A face is revealed that I've been dying to see.

"Calum?" I nearly whisper.

"Yes, that's my name. Now are you going to hug me?" He chuckles, as approaches me with open arms.

I immediately wrap my arms around his neck, and bury my face into his chest. "I've missed you princess." he whispers into my ear.

"I've missed you so much." I feel us move back into my dorm, and the door slowly close by his foot.

In this moment everything felt right. His warmth, his embrace, it was all I needed.

He slowly let's go of our embrace, and takes a good look at me. "It looks like someone's not ready." He shakes his head.

"Well I wanted to hear your plans first for the day." I challenge.

"Hmm, okay." He leans on couch arm, sticking his tongue out.

"Well we still have lots of time so, how about we go for some ice cream, then I'll drive us to the zoo, and we can eat some pizza on the beach."

I look up at him rather surprised. He just described the perfect day with all of my favorite things involved. A smile starts to form on my face.

"You thought it'd be worse?" He cocks an eyebrow.

"How did you know those we're all my favorite things?" I asked quietly, still surprised.

"Because you mention it all the time." A sudden smile appears on my face once again.

"Calum?" I say, as he makes eye contact with me. "Thank you."

"The day hasn't started just yet." He chuckles.

"I know, but this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me." I say as we walk towards the door.

"You deserve it." He says, as he takes my bag and carries it for me.

Just as we get to the parking lot, Calum opens the door for me, and I get in. He goes around, as he gets in, and sets my bag in the back seat.

I turn my face towards the window and let the music flow though my ears. I sing the words like the back of my hand.

I walk a lonely road

The only one that I have ever known

Don't know where it goes

But it's home to me and I walk alone

I don't realize Calum's eyes on me. I glance at him, and my cheeks fluster.

"You like Green Day?" He looks at me rather surprised.

I smile. "Love em."

He pulls up outside of ice cream parlor and smiles. "Cookie dough?"

"Yes please." As I smile, another thing Calum knew about me.

We finish our ice cream within minutes. Calum and I couldn't keep our eyes of each other. Even one worker from the ice cream parlor, said he sensed some "sexual tension" but I just laughed it off.

We arrive at the zoo, and Calum pays for our tickets at the front desk. I start to jump up in excitement. This was always my favorite place to go when I was younger.

I practically pass all the animals we've seen so far, and go straight to the elephants. I am in love with elephants. "How cute could they get?"

"Not quite as cute as you." He rests his chin on my shoulder.

I smile and shake my head. "Smooth. Real smooth."

He raises his head and looks at me. "That was actually, yeah?"

I look up at him. "Better than the Disney lines you've said before."

He grimaces. "Yeah, that wasn't my best."

We start walking again, as we past the Birds Exhibit.

He's gone out of his way to spend the day with me. It probably took a long time for him to plan this. Calum makes me feel in such a way I can't describe.

My stomach starts to tingle as I look up at Calum. He glances down at me, and I see how happy he is. Calum is happy because I'm happy.

It's such a surreal feeling, knowing I've made him happy through my own happiness. I'm not completely sure of how I'm feeling. I know that. But, I'm ready to give him what I have.

I let my arm slip around his waist as we start to leave the zoo. He pulls me towards him, as he wraps his arm around my shoulder. Without the little voice in my head telling me this is wrong, I'm struck by how right this feels.

As we get to Pizzaroni, I ignore the little side glances Calum gives me as I smile to myself.

We get our pizzas, and eat in silence. I'm aware of how close we are sitting. I can feel his body heat leaning into my arm. We don't say a word until we finish eating.

"Better now?" He says as he throws our food away.

"Much better." I reply, as I get up to follow him towards the beach.

The sand sinking between my toes as we walk along the beach. The waves crashing along the shore were soothing to my soul. The sky turning shades of pink as the sun begins to set.

"Emily?" Calum whispers, turning back to look at me.

"Mhmm?" I hum, keeping my eyes on the shoreline.

"I hope you never stop feeling this alive." I tense up a bit, and then slowly relax.

I look up at him, and smile. "As long as you're around." I say softly. "I'll be alive."


WELL SHIT. how cute can they get?! who is happy CALUM is back? give this chapter a vote, if you're happy just as much as i am that calum is back. damn it's been a long winter break without ya buddy. well anyways, if you're like the first person to read this. hey!!! what's up. are you like suppose to be sleeping right now or... is it daytime? hahaha anyways your rad, thanks soooo much for reading. you da 1


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