Chapter 11

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Ew, Mondays, I absolutely dreaded them. It's the start of another long week of being handed endless amounts of homework. I'm as far away from the weekend as possible. I live for the weekends, not the weekdays. But sadly, that's not how life works. Sometimes life has a way of putting us on our backs to force us to look up.

My mom always used to tell me to do what I love, and she'd support it no matter what. I've always wanted to be a psychologist. To be specific, I wanted to study childhood social and emotional development.

In the back of my mind, I've always had second guesses and have considered other careers, but those were just temporary thoughts.

After being assigned a bunch of homework, I head on over to Taco Bell to grab something to eat. I am obsessed with their beefy crunchy burrito with Frito's, it is absolutely amazing.

I come to see there is a line of nearly 10 people, and I'm starving. Not to mention, I get really grumpy when I'm hungry. I decide to wait in line, and decide where I'm going to eat my food because almost every table is taken.

After 15 minutes of waiting, I successfully get my burrito, and I couldn't be happier.

As I'm about to open the door to go out, some girl just hits shoulders with me walking on her way in. Following her were three other guys probably trying to get in her pants.

She turns around to me, whipping her red head. "Oops, my bad. I didn't see you there." And continues walking inside.

I'm fuming, and I didn't even eat my burrito yet. I did not tolerate arrogant people at all.

My mom always used to tell me to kill people with kindness. So that's what I did.

I turned back before I close the door and smile. "Then maybe you should wipe off some of that eye makeup. It looks a bit heavy. Did you need a wipe?"

I hear a couple guys do their lame "Ooooooohs."

I ignore what happened at Taco Bell, and walk back to lawn to start on some homework. I chose to called this the loner lawn, because I was the only one here.

I lay out my blanket, and set everything down. Just as I'm about to dig into my burrito, I hear someone call my name. Ugh, really now? I'm starving.

"Emily is that you?!" I hear the voice coming closer to me, and it's Max. I set down my burrito, and get up to give me a big hug.

"Hey Max, it's me. So I heard you we're looking for me the other day?" I said questioning him, like I didn't know what happened. Even though I knew every single detail.

He sits down on the blanket, so I decide to sit down with him. He takes off his bag, so I'm assuming he'll be here for awhile.

"Yeah, I got worried. I went to Calums, but he told me to go to Anthony, and that's when he told me you stayed the night at his place."

I nodded. "Yeah, well maybe if you had a phone, you wouldn't have to worry like you did." I say emphasizing the 'worry'. It's been three months and Max still doesn't have a phone.

"Actually to be frank, I went to Verizon, and bought one a few hours ago." Wait, did I hear that right?

I shove his shoulder with a surprise face. "Are you serious? About time! Now you can give me your number."

Max and I continue talking for what seems like hours. We we're laughing about our childhood memories, and it made my day. It was nice to catch up with Max, because I've missed him.

After checking the time, we come to realize it's already getting dark, and exchange phone numbers. Sadly, the only thing I touched was my burrito, and I had a bunch of homework to do. I guess I can do it later.

Max grabs his bag and gets up. "I guess I better get going, I've got a test tomorrow."

I start to grab my belongings, and get up with him. "Same here, except not a test. But a 10 page essay. How lovely." I say, sarcastically, adjusting my backpack.

"Well I really enjoyed hanging out with my one and only sister." He says as he pulls me in for a side hug, and messes up my hair.

"See you around Max, text me whenever." If he even does get to send a text, before he does something stupid with his phone again. Like drop it in the toilet?

"Like 2AM, can't sleep, whenever?" He shouts curiously, we were now within a far distance.

"Yup, 2AM, can't sleep, I'm hungry, whenever." I laugh, putting my earphones in my ear.


barbara getting ready to punch this red head

2 updates in 1 day, that's how unproductive i am *sobs*

anyways, if you guys are reading this!!

you guys are awesome, and thanks for taking your time to read this

appreciate it :) Xx

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