Chapter 26

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As soon as Luke is out of sight, Anthony quickly pushes me back inside. I nearly fall backwards but I catch my fall. Now here comes the questions.

"Woah easy, pushing me inside my own place?" I chuckle.

He walks to the couch and takes a seat. "I mean if Calum was here I'd understand but Luke?" Anthony was always one to jump to conclusions.

I roll my eyes. "He helped me with my groceries. I mean I did buy a lot." I walk to the fridge and open it for him to see.

He sets his duffle bag on the side of the couch. "But he doesn't even live in this building?" He questions.

I turn my back to Anthony and begin to make some brownies. "I know that, I saw him at the store and he offered a lift."

"Cause your booty does wonders. Look at you in those yoga pants!" I quickly turn to look at him admiring my butt. I just laugh it off, I know he's just joking around.

"He did say he didn't notice me from behind." I wink. I put the pan for the brownies in the oven.

Anthony snaps. "Mmm, Luke's definitely got his eyes on you. Calum better step up." Luke does not have his eyes on me. I mean maybe my butt but that's it.

"Calum doesn't need to, this is all his." I joke and do a little dance.

He dramatically gasps. "I knew it! I fucking knew it!"

I burst into laughter as my head tilts back. "It's a joke. Chill!" I walk back to the couch with a handful of chips.

"I know I know, but c'mon you have to admit it, you think he's hot." He grabs a few chips and begins to eat them.

I look through the DVDs to see which movie looks good. I had my eye on Elf, but I continued to look through. "I wouldn't say hot, but more like sexy." I say smirk.

He claps his hands together. "Anyways, I don't want to bother you about your lovey dovey life. So let's watch a movie!"

"Yeah, enough is enough. Let's watch Elf!" I cheer.

I get up from the couch, and put it the DVD. After that, I walk over to the oven, and take out the brownies to cool.

Anthony walks back to the couch, and sets snacks on the table. I wanted to make ourselves comfortable so I grab a few pillows and blankets from my room.

There's nothing wrong with getting into the Christmas spirit early. Elf was a classic movie, It is probably one of my favorite movies yet. This is the kind of movie I can watch over and over again, without getting tired of it. I am ready for the endless stomach aches.

I turn the light off, and we make ourselves comfortable as the movie begins to play. I grab the sour patch gummies to have something to chew on during the movie.

We're halfway through the movie and there hasn't been a moment where we haven't laughed. I'm glad majority of the students have left early for winter break because we wouldn't be able to keep the noise down. Will Ferrell is hands down the perfect part for this movie.

"Hi Buddy The Elf here, what's your favorite color?"

"Deb, you have such a pretty face. You should be on a Christmas card."

Anthony gets up to use the bathroom, so I pause the movie. As soon as the bathroom door closes, his phone vibrates on the table.

Being the nosy person I am, I pretend to grab some brownies and my eyes scan over Anthony's phone screen.

From Michael to Anthony (8:45PM)- I think he really cares about her, but something is holding him back

My eyebrows furrow in confusion. I wonder who they were talking about. Anthony and I share everything, he was like another brother to me. I try not to think much of it because it wasn't my business in the first place.

The phone screen suddenly turns black, and the bathroom door opens. I instantly lean back, and click the play button on the remote. "About time, did you spray?" I ask looking at him.

He does a courtesy bow. "You know I always do." He sits back down in his seat, and grabs some cookies.

I laugh as we continue to watch the movie. The credits begin to roll, and we were already planning on another movie.

Anthony picks up his phone from the table, and checks his phone. I look at his reaction in the corner of my eyes, but he stays calm.

I look at him. "You can choose the next movie before I fall asleep." His eyes are still glued to his phone.

He sets his phone down and goes through the DVDs. "Let's watch this one!" It was Silent Night, Deadly Night. I think I'm about to crap in my pants.

"Alright, why not." I say coolly.

He puts in the movie, and it wasn't as scary as I thought. It fact it was extremely boring. Anthony was really into it so I didn't want to say anything. I feel my eyes begin to shut during the movie. I've had a long day, and I couldn't say up as late as I usually do.

I feel Anthony get up from the couch. So I begin to make myself even more comfortable and put a few blankets over me.

I hear him whisper. "Hello? Yeah, she's sleeping Michael. What's up?


so who is michael and anthony talking about

and what are they planning?


anyways lmao this gif got me dyin

i love elf

and y'all

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