Chapter 61

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I feel the touch of someone's finger tips lightly trace shapes on my bare skin.

I lazily turn to my side and slowly open my eyes. I come face to face with my handsome boyfriend of mines. Calum Hood

I feel an arm wrap around my waist. "I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" He asks softly.

I slightly shake my head. "It's alright babe." I respond groggily.

"It's just, it's already 11 and I was getting bored." He pouts.

I straddle him, and peck him on the lips. "Well now I'm up." I lazily stretch out my arms.

His hands go up my shirt, and he plays with the waist band of my underwear. He leans his head against the headboard looking sexy as hell.

"You buy me a shirt, and you end up wearing it." He chuckles.

I was wearing Calums gray Nasa shirt, the one I bought him a few weeks ago.

I shrug my shoulders. "Well you took it off last night so.. I slipped it on."

He slowly gets up, his grip still on my waist. Now I'm just sitting between his legs.

He begins to kiss me all over my face. "You just love to drive my crazy."

I nod my head and wrap arms around his neck. "Of course I do." I whisper softly.

I admire Calums facial features and his eyes lock with mine. "Let's get away this summer. Just me and you." He says in a soft tone.

I tilt my head to the side. "What did you have in mind?"

He slowly bites his lips. "How does a weekend at Lake Tahoe sound?" I like the sound of that I've never been there myself.

I switch my eye contact to his perfectly shaped lips. "As long as I'm with you, it doesn't matter, I'm all for it."

His face immediately lights up. "Damn, I have the greatest girlfriend in the world." He wraps his arms around my waist and rocks me back and forth.

"Nothing without you." I playfully wink.

I suddenly hear a phone vibrate, and I look on my side of the bed and it's mines.

I quickly get off of Calums lap, and retrieve it. It's my dad calling.

I quickly clear my throat and pick it up. "Hey dad!" I manage to say enthusiastically.

I point to my phone saying it's my dad, and Calums nods.

He leans against the headboard of his bed, and watches me. Oh, he looks so hot right now.

"Hey sweetie, how are you?" My dad questions me.

"I'm doing good, just a few more weeks of the semester!" I smile, actually happy it's almost over with.

"I know I'm excited to see you, I've missed both you and Max." He sighs.

"Speaking of seeing us, when exactly are we seeing you?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Well see there's something else we need to figure out." The time in his voice changes to rather serious.

"Like what?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"How are thing with you and that column guy?" My eyes go straight to Calum and he's already looking at me. Well..

I take a few moments to answer. "Um.. It's going good." I pause debating if I should tell him were together. Ugh, he's my dad I can't just hide it. He's too smart. "We're together."

"Emily that's great, because I want to meet him." My dad has never met any of my past boyfriends, what makes him want to meet Calum?

"Wait what?!" I shriek. Did I just hear my dad correctly?

"Yeah, Max told me he's a very nice young man. I mean they're both good friends." That's right, I had forgot about Max and Calum.

I was still hesistant. "Dad, I don't know. I mean-" I stutter. I'm trying to take all of this in at once.

"I'll pay for this ticket, he can stay with us." I'm taken back by this. My dad is very determined to meet Calum.

"That's not the point dad, he has family he has to see too." I sigh. I look at Calum and he's on his phone doing who knows what.

"I'll send him to them. Sweetie, don't stress yourself out. It's just an idea I thought would be nice."

"Alright dad I'll let you know. We have plans for a weekend that's why."

"That's fine, I'll text you your flights and everything. I've got to get going. Love you Em!"

I sigh. I felt like he only called to know about my love life. I wonder if Max had anything to do with this.. "Okay dad, it was nice hearing from you. I love you too!"

And with that I hang up the phone. I walk to the edge of the bed and sit down trying to process everything.

Finals? Wedding? Lake Tahoe? Dad's? Ugh.

Calum sets his phone on his night stand, and looks at me concerned. "What's going on princess?"

I crawl back into his embrace and sit on his lap. "Babe, are you flying home this summer?" I was mentally crossing my fingers hoping he wasn't.

He rubs light circles in my back. "No, my family's staying here for a few weeks after the wedding. How come?" He tilts his head in confusion.

I avoid eye contact nervously biting my lip. "My dad.. um he wants to.. uh meet you."

Calum cocks an eyebrow. "He knows who I am?" Yes of course.

I nod. "Yeah, I've talk about you before. Like when we were just.. friends."

"Oh really?" He smirks.

"Yeah, he knows your good friends with Max, so he's heard a lot of great things." I nod.

He watches me intently and smiles. "Yes I'd love to meet him. Let's do it."

My eyes suddenly widen. "W-wait are you serious?" That was easier than I had planned.

His hands gently cup my cheek. "Yeah, it would mean a lot to you, and me." My lips meet his and sparks of happiness spread throughout my body.

I thought Calum would cause a scene. "Thank you, this means so much." I jump into his arms and give him a big hug.

He securely wraps his hands around my waist. "We can go on our little trip at the end of the summer. Don't stress baby, this will a work out just fine."

Calum makes everything so much easier. I don't know what I would do without him.

I'm excited for this summer, and what it has in store for the both of us.

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