Chapter 40

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I feel the sun burn against my skin, as I'm at Calum's soccer practice with Anthony. I told Calum I would come, and it made him happy that I was, so that's all that mattered. I asked Anthony to come along because I didn't want to be alone.

"So.. what's exactly going on between the two of you?" Anthony raises an eyebrow as he nods his head towards Calum.

"Uh, not much that I know of." I shrug my shoulders, keeping my eyes on Calum.

He rolls his eyes at my response. "Oh please, I'm definitely seeing more fireworks than the Forth of July."

"To be honest, I don't even know what we are. But I hope it's more than friends." I sigh, really confused at this point.

I really hoped he wasn't just leading me on because "friends" don't cuddle with each other, or give kisses on the cheek, or sit on each others laps, or basically do all things couples do.

He tilts his head to the side. "I knew it!" He screams. "I knew you would end up having feelings for Calum, oh my g-"

I reach over the table and cover his mouth before he could announce to the whole soccer team that I have a crush on Calum.

"Well fuck could you be any louder?" I whisper loudly, keeping my hand on his mouth.

I wait a few seconds and take my hand off from his mouth. "Emily you know you're basically mooning the whole soccer team." Anthony whispers into my ear.

My eyes instantly go wide, I didn't realize I had bent myself over the bench that much. I slowly turn my head towards the soccer team.

My face suddenly turns red as I catch Calum looking at my ass with a smirk. Well I guess that made Calum happy.

I adjust my yoga pants, and sit back down in my seat. "Well that was embarrassing." I feel my cheeks burning, and it's not from the sun.

"Not if the guy liked it." Anthony says raising an eyebrow.

I take another look at Calum, and I catch him adjusting his crotch. Guys, they literally don't care.

I begin to observe every part of Calum. From his perfect tanned skin, to his perfectly toned biceps. Everything about him drives me crazy, and he doesn't even know it. He's perfection, his face was carved by angels. How is a guy like him even spending time with a girl like me?

"So is Calum getting lucky on his birthday?" Anthony raises an eyebrow, watching me intently.

"Not that kind of lucky, but I've got something up my sleeve." I playfully smirk. I was excited for Calum's birthday, and I can't wait for it.

I knew what I had planned for Calum's birthday, but I don't know if I'm really going to do it. I mean I may need a few shots before I can have the confidence to even do so.

Just as Anthony and I are discussing Calum's birthday, he begins to walk towards us with his duffle bag on his shoulders.

I look behind him, and see all the other boys going separate ways. I'm assuming they just finished practice.

I hit Anthony's thigh to warn him that Calum is coming our way. I was praying that he wasn't going to say anything stupid, but you know.. I never can control Anthony's mouth or mind.

We immediately stop talking and I smile at Calum.

He furrows his eyebrows at us. "Why so quiet all of a sudden?" He takes a seat down on the opposite side of me and Anthony.

"Oh, just one of our awkward moments. Not like we were talking about any surprises." Anthony says unconvincingly.

I really wanted to slap him upside the head but I know I couldn't.

"Uh okay cool, are you ready princess?" Calum smiles keeping his eye contact on me.

This was the first time he had called me a nickname other than Em in front of other people. I wonder how Anthony is going to take this.

"Ready if you are." I get up as Calum comes around the bench.

"Alright well, I guess it's my cue to get going so. Bye Calum, and bye princess." Anthony mocks as he gets up from the table and begins to walk away.

Calum and I laugh it off, and wave to him goodbye.

As we leave the field, Calum leans down and whispers in my ear. His breath sending chills down my spine.

"If you we're trying to tease me earlier at practice, you could've done it in private."

I turn around so that I'm face to face with Calum. I slowly trail my fingers down his arm, keeping my eyes locked on his.

"I wasn't trying to tease you, if anything I'm saving that for later." I say innocently.

I run my fingers through his hair, and cup the nape of his neck pulling him towards me.

"I mean if I was going to tease you, I would have done a lot more." I wink.


is there something coming up that we should all get prepared for? dun dun dunnnnn

really trying to make emily sound seductive af, but its hard. lmao i know some of you guys aren't really getting the picture in your head, and others are like really feeling it. im just kinda like in between.

but* credits to whoever owns that calum gif from above, because he's fucking sexy. excuse my language but shit. UGGGHHH its not fair to make me suffer like this, SO NOT FAIR.

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