Chapter 29

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Emily's room is a light hint of blue from the carpet to her bedspread and the wall. It suits her. It made me feel at ease, and that's how I felt around her. I look around and notice a bunch pictures hanging on the wall.

I run my finger down one of them, it was of us on Halloween. Anthony must have taken the picture, although I'm not 100% sure if he did.

I wish I could go back to that night, it was great, Emily was great.

I turn to look at her. "Halloween. I remember this night." I chuckle. "It was a fun night."

"Yeah, it sure was." She giggles.

I turn around to face her. "So what did you have planned for tonight Ms. Creighton?" I ask mischievously.

"Did you want to watch a movie?" She questions, looking at me for an answer.

"What kind did you have in mind?" I ask. I wasn't planning on going back to my dorm anytime soon. I was wide awake, and if anything it's just a 10 minute walk.

Her cheeks begin to turn a light shade of pink. I could tell she was going to be embarrassed. "Uh, I kind of, sort of, wanted to watch The Grinch."

I smile at her. "Ah the green guy, we can watch that."

Her face lights up, and she's grinning from ear to ear. "Yay! I'll go grab some snacks, so make yourself feel at home."

I take off my jacket, and just as I'm about to sit on her bed, I hear a bowl drop.

I go into the kitchen making sure Emily is okay. I look to see her on the floor, throwing candy in the trash.

"Ugh, I'm a bit clumsy." She shakes her head, keeping her eye contact on the mess.

I get down to help her clean up the mess. "Hey, it's okay. Nobody's perfect."

She looks up at me with a shyly smiles."Well you're quite close to it."

I shake my head and laugh. Emily is something else.

After the mess had been cleaned, I helped her make new snacks. We we're 20 minutes into the movie, and she was already saying what was going to happen next. I assumed she has watched this movie more than once.

"Cindy Lou is in the Christmas box!" She enthusiastically points at the screen. We were in the part where The Grinch wrapped her up in Christmas wrapping.

I smile at her little eccentrics and turn my attention back to the TV.

My right arm finds it way around her shoulder and motion for her to move closer to me. She relaxes herself into me, and securely wraps her arms around my waist.

My heart is beating out of my chest, right beside her head. I know she can feel it.

"Your heart is beating like crazy." she whispers, reading my mind. Her lips look soft, like a rose petal.

"Let's focus on the movie now." I relax my chin on the top of her head.

Without even knowing, the credits begin to roll. After Emily and I began to cuddle, I lost all interest in the movie.

She checks the time on her phone, and looks at me. "Did you want to just stay? It's almost 2AM."

"If that's cool with you."

She nods. "It's fine." She switches her position, as she sits in between my legs.

Her eyes scan my face, slowly her fingers reach up to intertwine with my hair. "I like this blonde. It's different."

"You do?" I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Mhmmm." She continues to play with it, twisting my hair around her delicate finger tips.

I wrap an arm around her back, slowly tracing circles in her petite back. I don't know what was happening but everything in this moment felt so right.

I clear my throat. "So when do you leave to go back home?" I question.

"The 16th, I'm catching the morning flight. What about you?" She replies.

"Same day but night flight." I nod.

I feel her finger tips trace around the outlines of my tattoo. "Calum?" She says sleepily.

I look down at her. "Yeah?" Her eyes remaining close drifting on into a deep sleep.

"I enjoy your company, a lot." She snuggles closer to me cutting all space between us

When you have a crush on someone, you notice every little thing and when they do or say something to you, you feel touched no matter how small.

I have to admit it to myself, no matter how much I want to run from it and save myself. Michael was right, Luke was right, and damn even Anthony was right.

I'm falling for this girl. They way she makes me feel is indescribable. I'm not sure if I want her to stop now, not anytime soon.

She's different. Am I scared for what the future holds? Hell yeah. But as long as Emily is with me, I know everything is going to be okay.

I slowly pull the sheets over our bodies, making sure I don't wake her up. I remove her beautiful brown locks from her face, and tuck them behind her ear.

I lean down and plant a light kiss on her forehead. "Good Night Emily."


yo about time calum

but how cute huh

tysm for reading

u guise are

~ kayla

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