Chapter 23

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Many others beside me know the struggle that life becomes during finals week. The hectic, crazy, chaotic mess of way too much to do, with far too little sleep on top of a malnourished diet proves to be a feat to tackle each and every semester.

I've heard the horror stories - the packed libraries, the all-nighters with bottomless cups of coffee, the mental breakdowns. But surely that won't happen to me, right? Wrong. I don't have a good handle on things. Of course, I'm not be the perfect student, but I'm not stupid. I survived test in high school. So, like 98% of college students everywhere, finals are pushed to the back of my mind.

September, October, and November flew by in a haze by meeting new people, writing essays, and getting drunk out of my mind.

Thanksgiving break is now over, and the entire campus seems to realize, "Shit. Finals are coming up." Some people are starting to study. Others ignore them. Me? I know it's there, but I choose to eat, sleep, and repeat. But now finals are just around the corner and everyone is in full panic mode.

Aside from finals, my thanksgiving weekend was more than I could ask for. I'm so glad I got the chance to spend time with my dad, Max, and my dog Lucky.

I was currently in the library studying my butt off. I've been here for almost three hours, and my main priority is passing math. I despised math as much as I despise Mondays. I mean why do I need to learn this? "Your total is the square root of 346" Giiiirl, bye.

I tried not to make so much noise sipping on my coffee, but the struggle was real. I ordered a trenta mocha coconut frappuchino because I felt it was much needed. Besides, I didn't have much to eat today. Luckily, I hid the drink in my bag coming in. I walked to the corner of the library and successfully found a table.

As I'm sipping on my drink, I feel a paper ball hit my head. I turn my head faster than lightning. "Hey whats your prob-"I turn around to see Michael laughing.

I look directly at him. "Michael? Was that you?!" I loudly whisper.

He chuckles. "You seriously can't drink that any louder?" I was wondering when he got here because I didn't see him earlier.

I roll my eyes. "I don't care. I'm hungry." At this point, my stomach was growling I was craving a good box of pizza for myself only.

"Good, cause Calum's hungry for you too." I nearly choke on my drink, and end up coughing for my survival.

I playfully smirk. "And so are those girls for your D." I say as I point to the hickeys on his neck.

He just laughs it off as he picks up his stuff and walks over to my table. There was enough room for one more, so I didn't mind. But if Anthony was here, he'd be more than happy to tell Michael to gtfo.

He leans back in his chair. "So what's up with you and Calum?" He questions, watching me intently. It really annoys me when a guy, and a girl just can't hang out without being questioned if they're more than "friends."

I furrow my eyebrows at him. "There's nothing up with us?" I look away avoiding eye contact, conversations like this were just weird. "We're just good friends." I slowly nod.

He stares at me, with no words coming out of his mouth. I start to feel a little uncomfortable, like he's analyzing me. "I've never seem him with a girl as often as you." He rubs his chin slowly.

"And I'm his good friend, I know him like the back of my hand." He continues.

I'm taken back, rather confused. "What's that suppose to mean?" I don't exactly know what he's trying to prove right now.

Michael scratches the back of his head. "He hasn't been in a serious relationship, or has been with anyone since his not so great of an ex." I slowly nod my head, not sure of where this is going.

I lean back giving him an uncomfortable look. "And why are you telling me this?"

He puts his hands up in defeat. "I'm not going to say anything I just know you he makes you feel some type of way." He then starts to smirk.

There's a few seconds of silence, and then I speak. "You know when you order pizza, and the delivery guy comes to your door and gives it to you?" I begin to smile.

He begins to laugh. "Emily, we're not ten. Just say it."

I ignore his comment, and continue. "When the box of pizza is placed in your hands, how do you feel inside? Just answer it."

He scrunches his eyebrows confused. "I don't know uh warm, and very happy?"

I look at Michael, and smile. "Then there's your answer."

AU: thank you for the 900+ reads!

y'all are the best

*things will get better in December

much love,


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