Chapter 21

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Home is where the heart is.

But what makes a home? Four walls and a roof? No, a home is much more than that. It's a place full of so many stories and where memories are made.

For me, leaving home was an overwhelming process, but in the back of my mind, I always knew I could go back home because home is where my heart is.

When I first left for college, I wouldn't consider myself homesick. I wasn't literally missing my house, but instead what was normal for me. It was just my mind and emotions telling me I'm out of my element.

It was 3 in the afternoon, and I could smell the fresh turkey from miles away. I jog downstairs in my snowflake pajamas and nearly hit heads with my dad.

"Easy squirt! Go get washed up, okay?" The turkey is done, and I'm about to pull out the mash potatoes. Oh, and could you yell for Max, too? He's down the hall talking to what I assume is his girlfriend." Dad air quotes the word 'girlfriend'

Without answering, I head over to the bathroom. I wash my hands and dry them on a rag that my mother had sown herself. I smile at the thought of her, and leave the bathroom.

I come to see Dad has finished setting the food on the table. Aside from the amazing turkey set on the table, I was in love with stuffing.

Max was sitting in his seat at the table when I came back into the kitchen. His eyes were glued to his phone until he looks up at me. He quickly holds up his phone, and grins. "Smile Em!"

I look at him in disgust. I was not in the mood for pictures. I take a seat across from Max, and begin to fill my plate.

Max sips his juice. "This is amazing dad, it's great to be home."

Dad looks at Max and I, and smiles. "I'm glad, I've missed you both."

Max and I take turns sharing what's be new, and how we're doing in college. Dad seems to be doing pretty great himself. He's kept himself busy, and just got another job. I'm happy that he's happy.

I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend my Thanksgiving, with the two most important men in my life. I help clean up, and I follow dad into the kitchen. Max went in the backyard to give Milo, our golden retriever, some leftovers.

He sets the dishes in the sink, and looks at me. "So Em, any boys I need to know about?"

"None that I'd considered more than friends." As I rinse off my plate and put it in the dishwasher. "I'd be more than happy to tell you."

"Remember what matters most is who you are when your with that person." For some reason, Calum pops in my head. But I quickly push the thoughts out. He was just a friend.

"Mom always use to tell me that." Dad stopped as he smiled at the thought, as he powdered soap into the detergent compartment of the dishwasher. "And there's a reason for that." He closes it up with a click, and pushes the start button.

I run my fingers across the couch as I plop myself down on my bed. I was more than full from eating and I think I gained a few extra pounds. Dad wanted to have a movie marathon, so I decided to chill out here until he's ready.

I grab my phone out as I scroll through my text messages. Anthony hasn't replied back to my mines. I wished him a happy thanksgiving. Since I'm at my messages I decide to text Calum.

Hey column 😁 Just wanted to say happy thanksgiving!! If it's even thanksgiving there. The time zones are catching me off guard. And yes, I just called you column.

I hear the screen close, as Max walks back in the house. He takes a seat on the couch across from me. "So, who's the lucky girl?" He's been glued to his phone for awhile now.

I wait for a response, but my phone buzzes. I check to see Calum has text me back. I swipe my phone to view the message.

Our thanksgiving was yesterday :) but yours is today so happy thanksgiving!! its 7am in the morning here lol. nice spelling lol

Max looks and me and chuckles. "I could say the same thing about you." Wow, he speaks.

"Okay, chill. It's Anthony." I lie. If I told him it was Calum, it would be too awkward.

Way too awkward.


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