Chapter 47

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Don't you hate it when you're having a really good dream and someone has to wake you up? And when you try to go back to sleep and imagine where you left off, you just can't?

Well that's me. The life of Emily, and many others who can relate to me.

Cal, just let me sleep." I groan. He's been poking my face for the past 5 minutes.

"But it's already 10!" He sighs.

"It's Sunday, there's nothing to do on Sundays." I say lazily.

Calum comes underneath the pillow, and whispers into my ear. "Well, there is a few things." His hands find my waist and I know exactly what he's going to do.

I quickly jump off of the bed and put my hands in the air. "Okay okay, I'll get cleaned up."

"Good cause today, we're going on an adventure." I hear Calum shout.

"Adventure?" I pop my head out of the bathroom door.

He walks into the bathroom, and leans against the door frame. "Yeah, so don't take long beautiful."

The car ride was hilarious, Calum and I got dirty looks from people as we sang to Green Day.

As we walk through a small trail, we approach this beautiful park with a huge water fountain. It was breathtaking.

I walk around observing the scenery around me. "This place is amazing."

A smile grows on Calum's face. "I thought you would like it."

I hear my stomach growl. "I do, and I would also like to know what we're facing for brunch because I am starving."

Calum swings his backpack to his shoulders, and pulls out a blanket, with a few lunch boxes, specifically ninja turtles. This was the cutest thing anyone anyone has done for me. 

I have to admit I'm impressed with Calum. Every time I spend time with him there is always something up his sleeve. I love surprises, and they are constantly coming my way. 

"I hope you like ham and cheese." He nervously looks at me.

I smile at how cute nervous he was getting. "I love it." 

He hands me a sandwich. "Good, here's yours, and here's mine."

As we enjoy our food in silence. I sneak a couple glances at Calum. 

"You don't have to be shy, you can look." I sends me a playful wink.

I roll my eyes and laugh. "Oh shut up."

As if he can sense my gaze on him he turns his head and smiles at me, that makes me blush.

I lower my gaze and when I glance back up he's laughing at me silently.

"You know Em, you're not like other girls."

I let out a chuckle. "Well not every girl is exactly the same."

Calums eyes meet mines and my stomach is filled with butterflies. "I know that, but what I meant is that it's fun being around you because you're interesting and you're different and well I like that."

I sit there in silence with a smile on my face. I can't find the words to say. It's such a great feeling to hear someone you really care for say sweet words like those.

"Cal, you know it's nice to hear those words, especially from you."

He raises an eyebrow. "From me? What makes me so special?"

Well because I like you. A lot.

I make eye contact with him and smile. "A lot of things make you special."

His face lights up and he smiles. "That's the nicest thing I've heard in a very long time, and it feels really good." I smile back at him.

With no words spoken, I just admire him, and this moment.  Everything feels so right. And I realize, I really like Calum. I really do, and I can't stop myself from falling. 

Ugh sorry another crap chapter I'm trying forreal

But aye valentines is around the corner (in this story) hmm... What will happen? We will see in a few chapters!!


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