Chapter 32

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I don't know how I will survive winter break without the guy who can effortlessly make me giggle, smile, laugh and melt from the inside like chocolate.

Today was the day I have been avoiding after these amazing past couple of days. I'm now on my way to the airport, and later on today so is Calum.

Calum pulls me into a hug. "I'm going to miss you." He mumbles into my hair. I feel a light kiss on my forehead.

I wrap my arms around his waist, and bury my face into his chest. "I'm going to miss you too Cal. But we'll see each other soon."

He chuckles. "Yeah, next year."

I let go of our embrace, and get into the taxi. He closes the door for me, and I wave at him until he's no longer in view with me.

I smile to myself; I adore Calum's forehead kisses. He thinks I don't remember the ones from before, but I do. I remember the kiss from Halloween, and the one from Saturday.

I get through security, and wait for my flight which is at 10:15. Dad and Max said they will be at the airport waiting for me.

For some odd reason, I'm not ecstatic about going home. I mean I'm more than happy to see them, but at the same time I'm sad I won't be seeing Calum for awhile.

My phone vibrates in my pocket. I grab my phone and view the message to see it's from Calum.

From Calum: 9:45AM- Have a safe flight home 😁 text me when you land

In response to Calum: 9:46AM- Thank you I will 😎

When it comes to flying there's only one word to describe it, boring. Unless your're in first class getting everything you please. Other than that, the seats are uncomfortable, and way to close to each other. It's like what happened to personal space?

After a dreadful 6 hour flight, I make my way to baggage claim. I grab my suitcase I hear a familiar voice. "Emily?!" I quickly turn around to see Max. I run up to him and give him the biggest sibling hug I could have ever possibly given.

"Hey, I've missed you!" I grin. He puts me back on the ground, and I give my dad a hug.

We walk out of the airport, and into the car. I remember that I needed to text Calum, so I grab out my phone and shoot him a text message.

To Calum: 3:55PM- Caaaaaal, I'm on my way home!! 🏡🚙

From Calum: 4:00PM- Now it's my turn to board my plane. I miss you already 😕

To Calum: 4:02PM- Have a safe flight! I miss you too 😔

From Calum 4:05PM- I'll call you tomorrow

Dad clears his throat and I instantly look up. He's looking at me in the rear view mirror. "So Em, who ya texting?" He raises an eyebrow. My stomach suddenly drops.

"Ohh, just my roommate, Britney." I lie. "She wanted me to text her as soon as I landed." Psh, who am I kidding.

I watch him shift in his seat. "Oh okay, seems like a nice friend." He smiles.

"Yeah, with a good set." Max motions holding his boobs. I roll my eyes, typical boys and boobs.

The ride home is peaceful. Everyone is occupied with something. Well my dad is obviously focused on the rode. Max is asleep and snoring. Me? I have my headphones on currently listening to the Bob Marley Radio on Pandora.

We drive through the country to get to our home. I'm glad I grew up on the country side. I've always loved being away from all the noise and the ruckass. Everyone has their own privacy here. I feel at ease with such peaceful surroundings.

As soon as we get home, I spend most of my time with Lucky. I remember Calum told me about his love for dogs. I wish Lucky suddenly turned into Calum. Hmm.. Wait nevermind that's weird.

I sigh and lean against my German shepherd. "I miss Calum."

"Who?" My heart literally skips a beat. Max didn't hear me, dad did.

I point next to our mango tree. "Oh you know the column of bushes."

He begins to look at me weird. "Emily there were never bushes there??"

I look away and mentally face palm myself. "Well shit." I whisper.

"So who is this column guy we speak of?" He said quoting the word column.

I roll my eyes and avoid eye contact. "Dad his name isn't column, it's Calum."

"So is this column guy staying in his lane?" He chuckles. I look at him confused. "Cause you know columns are straight?" He begins to burst out into laughter. I look at Lucky and he covered his face with his paws.

"Uh yeah, real funny dad." I smile awkwardly.

He takes a seat down next to me. "You know I'm just kidding Em."

"I know, so are you going to bug me about Calum now?"

"That's not even a question." He criss crosses his legs and looks at me intently.

After 2 hours of being asked about Calum, dad now knows everything. I confessed the little white lie I told too. I mean I understand he's my dad. He just wants what best for me like all fathers do.

I begin to think maybe this father-daughter talk was meant to happen because now I know how I feel. I have come to understand these feelings. I like Calum. I like him a lot. But I don't want to tell him, not just yet.

I'm laying down in bed, staring out my bedroom window, and my thoughts are distracted by the full moon in front of me.

I'm jealous of the moon. Why? It gets to view his exposed toned body. By him I mean Calums. The moon gets to touch every part of him as he falls into a peaceful deep sleep. It can stare at him for hours and never get caught.

But the sun is the luckiest of them all. When he's half asleep, groggy, and painfully unaware of how perfect he looks, the sun kisses his lips with light.


UGH OMG SORRY FOR SUCH A LATE CHAPTER. im literally studying my ass off for finals and tryna get somewhere in life here. but other than that, thanks a milli for the 2k! so stoked, and im glad people like you are reading. you are rad, so stay rad.

but ya, i use emojis cause computer symbols aint enough



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