Chapter 25

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Today's the day of my math final. The last final of the semester. And I feel awful. My stomach hurts and I have a terrible headache. My muscles feel tense and I'm so sweaty it's disgusting. Sometimes I don't even think I'm normal.

High school "finals" are a joke compared to college finals. I spent everyday and all day during finals week. I would go to the library around 12am and leave at 8pm. Then I would go to my room, eat dinner, and then study again until midnight.

During "dead" week, I just studied a few hours a day for finals. Some may think they know the material, but professors think they're funny and like to throw some question that no one has seen before.

I walk into Mr. Duran's classroom, and I'm literally sweating before I get into my seat. I look around to see a few people already here, but not the entire class. I begin to doubt myself.

I walk to the back and find an empty seat in the back row. After, I take out the materials that are needed for the test. I patiently wait for the rest of the students to come in. I make eye contact with Mr. Irwin as he gives me a warm smile.

Michael is the last student to walk through the door, and Mr. Irwin gets up from his seat. "Good morning everyone, now I hope you all have studied." Yeah right, no kidding.

"There's no need to worry because everything is multiple choice, just make sure to show your work." I don't know if I heard him right, but I just felt a weight lift off my shoulders.

Mr. Duran passes out the test, and I immediately start on mines. I start to answer every problem to my best extent. I double check everything to make sure nothing is left unanswered.

After a good two hours of mouthing profanity and endless sweating, I've successfully completed my first and last final of the semester.

When I turned in my test, I didn't feel too terrible. I leave the classroom and open up my math book. I look to see if I used the right formulas for specific chapters. I immediately squeal as I come to find out that I used all the correct formulas for certain problems. I seriously I couldn't be happier.

The cold breeze presses against my skin as I make my way back to my dorm. The clouds begin to form and I suspect a storm coming. I'm hoping I'm not caught in it.

Just as I'm about to open my door, I feel my phone vibrate in my jeans. I grab my phone and I swipe the message to see it's from Anthony.

From Anthony (2:45PM)- Hey Emmy baby! What r u doing tonight??

In response (2:50PM)- Nothing planned, but I deserve something for surviving finals lmao

From Anthony (2:52PM)- How bout a movie night! Watcha think?

In response (2:54PM)- Totes!! Let's do it at my place :)

From Anthony (2:55PM)- So stoked! Can't wait, see u at 6?

In response (3:00PM)- 6 it is! Bring extra clothes, Brit left to go home early so the place is to us!

From Anthony (3:01PM)- WOOO!! yaaaas betch

I decide to change and relax for a bit. I switch out of my skinny jeans, and throw on some yoga pants. I grab my wallet, and stick my earphones in my ears. I listen to several songs while sitting on my couch until I decide to get up.

After walking for 15 minutes, I get to the supermarket and grab a kart. Tonight was going to be a good night so might as well go all out.

I walk down a few isles, and the kart is already halfway full. It consist of chips and dip, cookies, brownie mix, soda, and some sour candy.

I come across the frozen section and debate on which kind of pizza I should get.

I hear a familiar voice say. "Supreme. It's your best bet." I quickly turn my head around to see Luke.

His eyes slowly go wide as they meet with my own. "Oh Emily, sorry. I didn't recognize you from behind."

I lightly chuckle. "Hah, really funny. It's cool." I grab the cheese instead and throw it in my shopping kart.

He takes a look at my kart. "Looks like your feeding for a family of ten."

I shake my head. "Nope, just for two." I laugh and lean against my kart.

"Did you drive here? Or are you carrying that back to campus?" He questions.

"Oh, I don't drive. I'm just carrying it back, no biggie." I smile, and begin to push my kart in the other direction.

"Did you need a ride back? It's not a problem." He offers looking at me seriously.

"I mean, if it's no problem. I guess that'd be great." I shrug.

After checking out, Luke loads the car in the back of his BMW. I insist on helping, but he tells me to wait in the car.

I assume Luke comes from a very wealthy family or has a really good job because this was a nice car.

The drive back was rather quiet, but it wasn't awkward. We had small talk here and there, but that was pretty much it.

He insist on helping me carry the groceries to my dorm, so I don't put up a fight. I mean maybe I did go a little overboard on spending, but that's okay.

I turn to look at him. "Thanks Luke, I appreciate it."

He smiles. "Anytime Emily. Let me know if you ever need a ride again." He begins to walk to the door.

I follow him over to the door. Just as I open the door, I hear a familiar voice from the other side.

"Ohhhhh hey Luke! Wait what? Am I at the right room?" Oh great, it's Anthony.

I didn't have to see him to recognize his voice. I check the clock to see it's already 6:15PM. Damn it.

I quickly pop out behind Luke. "Yes, you're in the right place." Anthony couldn't see me because Luke was basically a giant and he blocked me.

"Ohhhh there you are Emily! If Luke wasn't such a giant, maybe I wouldn't have to think twice." I laugh as Luke was still in between us two.

Luke clears his throat, and takes a step on the side. "Well Emily, I'll see you later. Bye Anthony."

I quickly wave. "Bye Luke! Thanks again."

Anthony comes closer to me and whispers. "As soon as he's out of sight, you've got 5 seconds to explain."

This is one of the most read chapters I don't know if it's because of Luke being the angel he is but if this is so we will see him in more chapters 😉


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