Chapter 10

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I've always been one to love the rain. Whether I'm walking in it, or when I'm in my room. I love hearing the sound it makes when it taps on my window. It makes it easier to fall asleep. I love the gray clouds and the mild darkness. It's the best time for me to watch a horror movie or read a book.

As I approach my dorm, I shake off my umbrella before I open the door. It was awfully quiet for the first time, so I assumed Brittney was out.

I pass the counter but walk back to see a note. My eyebrows start to furrow as I read the note. I didn't know if I should laugh or be disgusted.

To Emily:

Hey Em, your brother came by this morning. It was hard for me to keep my hands to myself.. but I did, I promise. Anyways, there's leftover lasanga, help yourself :)



The clothes I'm wearing now need nothing but a good wash. Everything except Calum's hoodie.

I decide to take a shower, and change into leggings and put his hoodie back on.

As soon as I'm done, I grab my phone to text Anthony.

To Anthony (2:00PM): Hey, I'm at my place, meet me here. Let's watch a movie!!

To Emily (2:04PM): On my way, u need anything?

To Anthony (2:05PM): Ok, we'll decide when you get here. Grab some chips and chocolate! Thanks :)

To Emily (2:06): Gotchu girl

I bring out some pillows and blankets to put on the couch so Anthony and I can be comfortable.

After that's done, I decide to preheat the left over lasagna Brittney had left. While I'm waiting for the food to be done, I text Calum.

To Calum (2:16PM): Hey! I got home awhile ago, but I clean myself up from the rain. :-)

To Emily (2:18PM): Thank god, you were starting to smell.. hahah jk

To Calum (2:20PM): Then maybe you should wash your bed sheets?

To Emily: 2:21PM): Fiesty Ms. Creighton. I've never seen this side, but I like it. 😏

To Calum: 2:23PM): Expect the unexpected Hood

To Emily: 2:25PM): I'm prepared :)

As I'm about to text Calum back, Anthony swings the door open and he couldn't be any louder.

"ANTHONY IS IN THE BUILDING." Then he points his umbrella to me. "And as for you, you have a lot of explaining to do Ms. Creighton."

We gather up all the snacks, and pick out a movie. But Anthony said we couldn't watch it, until I explain everything that happened yesterday.

"So, cough it up Emily. You barely ask for favors, so I assumed you were in a bad place." He says, watching me intently.

I take a big gulp before I say anything. "Sooooo, uh. I, uhm accidentally fell asleep at Calum's last night."

His eyes go wide, and his mouth drops open. "YOU WHAT?! Was it just like your hot, hes hot, and y'all just banged?"

"I mean I've known him for awhile now, he's good friends with my brother if that explains it. And no, bang bang. We played fifa." I say in disgust.

"Playing fifa?! Guys in college, don't just bring a chick to their place to play fifa." Anthony says, not believing one word I've already said.

"Well not everyone on campus is the same." I scowl. I mean really now at least has some faith in our generation.

He smirks and realizes at what I'm wearing is not mines. "What a cute hoodie Emily. But you got the wrong size, it's way too big." Then he shrugs his shouldets. "I mean, unless it's Calum's then it makes sense." He says innocently.

"Wow, Anthony what a great guess? Did you want a cookie or a slap?" I say sarcastically clapping my hands together.

"Look, we're just friends, nothing else happened." I reassure him.

"Alright, Emily. If you say so." He says in a cheerful singing tone. Whatever, people will always think differently.

I ignore the subject and change it. "So did Max believe it when you said I stayed the night at your place?"

"Yeah of course. But if Max ever found out that you were actually at Calum's place, you'd be dead. Oh wait, scratch that out, you both would be dead." Anthony was true, Max was always very protective of me.

After almost an hour of talking, and being indecisive. We decided to watch White Chicks, we were planning on a horror movie, but we both know for a fact we wouldn't be able to sleep. I preferred comedies over horror any day, and so did Anthony.

White Chicks was probably one of the funniest movies to ever exist. Marcus and Kevin are the best undercover cops

"You want to talk about mothers? It's mother time, okay! Your mother's so old that her break milk is powdered."

I think everyone living on the 3rd floor could hear us laughing. When we laughed, we laughed loud, and it was uncontrollable. When Anthony found something very funny, he'd laugh to the point where he'd snort. It was probably the funniest thing I've heard in my life.

The movie was now done, and we couldn't have picked a better movie to watch.

Other than that, I was impressed by Brittney's cooking, well if she did make this lasagna, because it was amazing. I loved extra cheese, and that's how she made it.

Maybe that's what brings all the guys around here. Who am I kidding? They don't give a damn, they just like her perky melons.

"Well Emily, whatever you do just don't get hurt. But as for now, I better get back to my dorm. Cole is waiting for me." He says with a frown.

"Alright, and what I told you, keep that between us." I say, as we get up from the couch.

"Mark my word, Creighton." With that, I lead him to the door, and give him a hug. "I'll see you later, sunflower."

"Sunflower?" He says with a confused face as he walks to the elevator.

"Don't worry about it!" I wave him off, as I close the door.

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