Chapter 70

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how cute is my baby 😍


I hear the flight attendant come onto the microphone. "Flight 125 now boarding to San Francisco."

I wave one final goodbye before I head through security. It was sad leaving my family, but I know I'll see them before I know it. Time flies by.

I walk onto the airplane, and find my assigned seat. I eagerly shaking my leg, waiting for the plane take off.

And just within minute, we're up in the sky, and in just several hours I'll be in a different city.

I stare out the window, grinning from ear to ear because I'm going to be seeing Emily later on today. I wonder what she's doing at this very moment. Probably sleeping.. or watching Netflix.

I'm excited about our trip to Lake Tahoe, I have everything planned out. I have a set schedule and our last day there I'm going to tell her that I love her.

Well I hope, that's if I don't choke up.


I get off the plane and follow the signs to baggage claim. Emily sent me a photo of what her dad is wearing, as I did the same for him.

The perks of being 6 foot is that I can see everything from up here. I mean in crowds I don't really need to tippy toe.

I look around, and my eyes meet a familiar face. What seems like to be Emily's father.

He sticks out his hand for a handshake. "Hey Calum, it's nice to finally meet you. I'm Tom."

I nervously stick out my hand meeting his. "H-Hi Tom, it's great to meet you sir."

He takes my luggage, and nods towards the exit. "Let's get outta here, and head on home. Someone is extremely excited to meet you." He grins.

The beginning of the car ride is quiet, but peaceful. I think Tom could see the bags under my eyes, and my messy hair that I didn't fix.

"So how did you and Emily meet?" Tom asks, keeping his eyes on the road.

The very first thing that comes to mind, is the nip slip, but I know it's best to keep that part out. "Oh, it was actually her first day, and she needed help carrying some of her things."

"That's nice of you, so you are a sophomore I believe?" He questions.

"Yeah sophomore, studying to become a athletic trainer." I nod. I was hoping he wouldn't judge my choice of major but that shouldn't matter. I mean some fathers expect their daughters to be with lawyers or doctors. Like I can't even take care of myself.

"Ah, very interesting. You seem like the athletic type." He chuckles. Tom is a very good observer. I've never had anyone ask me some of the questions he does, but there's nothing wrong with that, at all. 

He looks at me analyzing my face. "I can sense a slight accent. Where are you originally from?" I was surprised he noticed it. Not many people ask me about it.

"Sydney. Sydney, Australia." I reply.

He clears his throat. "Ah beautiful place mate." I chuck at his use of words.

I nod my head. "Yeah so is America."

We stop at a red light, and he turns to face me. "What made you move here?"

"I actually got offered to play professional soccer in America, but that didn't work out so great. So I decided to just go to school... here." I nod.

He raises his eyebrows. "Professional soccer you say? Or should I say football?"

"That doesn't matter, we're in America now." I chuckle. I never understood American football, I still don't.

He anxiously taps his thumbs on the steering wheel. "Speaking of actual football, how would you like going to a game?"

My eyes widen in excitement. "I would love it, that would be awesome." I haven't ever been to one, maybe this will change my whole idea of American football.

A grin expands on his face. "Good, I'm glad." 

"So does it annoy you when people pronounce your name wrong? Like column or call em?" Tom is a very random guy.

"Oh yeah, all the time. But it happens, it's alright." I reply. I was getting agitated even thinking about it.

"Did even Emily get it wrong?" I smile at the memory. She was the first one to get my name right in a very long time. Not even Michael or Luke got it right. Callum or Column.  I just respond, i"m so used to it. 

She tilts her head to the side analyzing me. "Calum?" Like with a C? And uh.. A-l-u-m?" She raises an eyebrow, unsure. 

I raise my eyebrows in shock. "Yeah exactly. No one ever gets it right."

She smiles., what a beautiful smile "Until now. I'm Emily. E-m-i-l-y."

I snap back to reality and answer his question. "Surprisingly not, she was the first."

Tom and I carry on our conversation for quite some time now. I came to learn a lot about him as well. It was rather interesting, there wasn't any awkward silences, and that was something I liked. He's an easy going guy. I can see that's who Emily get's her personality from.

Tom honks the horn. "Looks like we're here." I look out the window, and see a groggily Emily, but that suddenly changes as she sees the car come into view. A big grin is plastered on my face, as we get closer to her.

She smiles, her lips curving into that beautiful smile she keeps on reserve for only me.

"Hi princess." I whisper to myself.


gahhhhh how cute, i cant rn. im trying to update as much as i can, but two more weeks until the semester is over for me! then i can update 24/7 hahaha thank you guys for reading, never forget about you guys Xx

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