Chapter 66

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("where's your girl?" calum: right there. ) oh stop it cal, you're too sweet.

I groggily check my phone to see a text message from Cal. I smile as I read every word. It's crazy how someone you care about can change your mood just by their words.

Good morning princess have a good day! I miss you and I'm always thinking of you 😉

Since Calum and I are spending time with our families, we don't really have time to talk during the day.

The only time we can talk is on FaceTime in the evening. And the seven hour time difference isn't so great.

But time will go by before we both know it.

I set my phone on my night stand give myself a moment to relax. I slowly stretch before climbing out of bed.

I inhale the smell eggs and chocolate chip pancakes. My stomach begins to growl and I make my way downstairs, towards the delicious smell.

It feels so good to be home.

Dad turns around and greets me with a smile. "Good morning Em."

I lazily smile. "Morning dad."

I grab a seat on the kitchen island as dad scoops off the last bit of the eggs on the pan.

I look around the kitchen for a sign of Max. "Where's Max?" I question.

"Oh, he went for a jog." A jog? It's like 9am, who was the energy to jog?

I pour myself a cup of coffee. "So what's the plans for today?"

Dad grabs the toast out of the toaster. "Well I was thinking maybe we could go on the boat today." He looks at me waiting for approval.

I suddenly hear the door slam. "Oh, that sounds fun!" I hear Max say. He's back already?

I nod my head. "Yeah that would be great." I needed some sun anyways, my tan was slowly disappearing.

Max greets me with a smile. "Hey sleepyhead, about time you're up."

I furrow my eyebrows. "It's only 9? Who gets up before then?"

My dad chuckles. "Well us." He swings an arm around Max shoulder.

My dad takes a seat at the kitchen island. "Alright dig in kids, breakfast is served."


As dad starts up the boat, I apply some sunscreen on myself. I had really lost my tan and I was aiming to get it back soon.

"So how's things between you and Calum?" Max's questions me.

I lean against the edge of the boat. "Everything's going good." I give him a reassuring smile.

He takes a sip of his Budweiser. "So did you guys fuck yet?" My mouth literally drops.

"Maximus Gabriel!" I hear my dad yell. Thank god he beat me to it.

He shrugs his shoulders. "What? I'm just asking."

He shakes his head. "That's none of your business what they do." See, this is what I loved about dad. He always minded his own business, but knew when it was necessary to know certain things.

I scoff. "Yeah, it isn't." I can thank my
Dad for saving the day. This would be an awkward situation to discuss.

He lowers his shades to look at me. "Well I'm taking that as a yes."

I roll my eyes. "Whatever, think what you want." I didn't really care what he thinks.

He leans in and whispers in my ear. "So how big is he?" I think he was a little drunk.

"MAX!"I shout. Dad turns around and gives Max a death glare.

He raises his hands in defense. "Okay, I won't ask any questions."

The boat ride becomes quiet, and I peacefully close my eyes letting the sun hit against my skin.

Dad clears his throat. "So Em, have you seen Ashton around?" He asks.

I furrow eyebrows. "Uh no, I haven't. How come?" I ask.

"Did you want to invite him over sometime?" He's joking right? That's the last thing I want.

I scrunch my face. "Uhhhh, no I think I'm alright."

"Why? Calum wouldn't mind, would he?" His voice becomes stern.

I bite the corner of lip. "Those two aren't on the best of terms dad."

Max pipes in. "Yup she's right, they aren't, and probably never will be."

He shrugs his shoulders. "Well that's too bad." I hope he wasn't being sarcastic, I couldn't really tell.

I was hoping dad wasn't planning to invite Ashton while Calum is staying with us because that would not turn out great.

It just wouldn't. I'm praying that he doesn't have anything up his sleeve.

I grab out my phone croll through instagram. I  see Mali posted a photo of Calum playing the guitar. I stare at the picture for a couple of seconds and pout. Ugh, how I miss him.

I know that spending time with my dad and Max would get me distracted but it doesn't always work.

But that's okay, because after next week he will be in my arms again and everything will be perfect.

Well at least I hope so.
OMG! OMG! Thank you for the 6k! Eeeeeek so exciting! im aiming to get this at 10k reads by the end of the year but I doubt it 😅 ANYWAYSSSS more chapters to come!

❤️ kayla

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