Chapter One: Pedestal

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GingerBrave stood at the door of his home, grabbing his candycane. The day was already bright- though it was surely early. The door of his house was locked, as always. Something he made a habit after one of the times that enemies had gotten into the village. He remembered that night like it was just yesterday. Something he would never forget. He knew that for certain.

Their home was always improving. With that being said, there was always ROOM for IMPROVEMENT. It ran full circle really.

Today was going to a more quiet day. A day that was taken off in the middle of the week for all of the cookies to get some rest, and just have some fun.

There was already the sound of Hammering nearby. Most likely that was Avocado. She was always building, and repairing. It was one of the things she did best, and took pleasure in. Gingerbrave smiled to himself, before going to open his door, and closing it immediately afterward, hiding the key to his home in a nearby crevice that was under a couple bricks.

Turning, and quickly turning his walk into a sprint, he ran to the place that Avocado called home- and took notice she had put her tools down, for the time being. Perfect. Calling out as he continued to run at her, GingerBrave jumped onto her arm and starts to laugh, grinning up to her. "Hi!"

Avocado laughs a little, before rocking a little bit, keeping the child on her arm for a momend. "Heya there, kiddo! How are you doing this morning?" she finally put the younger cookie down, beffore picking up her hammer and looking to the child again.

"Just got up! How about you? What are you doing?" he looked at Avocado's newest project, not compeltely knowing what it was. He got a little closer to it, before the plus size cookie gently put her hand in front of him, stopping him with a small shake of her head. 'HM?"

"No touching that sutff yet bud. It's still a bit too warm." the older cookie warned, before giving the smaller cookie a few pats on the noggin. "I will show you when I am done, alright?"

Pouting a little bit, GingerBrave puffs up his cheeks, before nodding to the other. "Okayyyyyyyy." the word was prolonged into a small whine, before he tapped his cane on the ground a couple times. "I am going to explore the forest a bit more to see if I can find anything interesting!" The young cookie soon starts to walk off in the direction of the exit of the kingdom, before Avocado calls out to him.

"Hey, Hey! Make sure to go let a few of the others know you are going off into the forest- kiddo. If someone is looking for you later, they can spread the word, because I am not always out here." The woman moved her hand to adjust her goggles. "We don't want a repeat of what happened last time, Pumpkin' "

"Alright. I'll go tell Mr. Almond, Herb, and Mr. Mint." The kid soon ran off in the direction of the place Almond Cookie resided first. He was the first one that cookies usually went to if they wanted to know where someone was anyways.


It didn't take all too long to let the other cookies know where he was going. After about 20 minutes- GingerBrave finished his instructions from Avocado, and waves to her as he goes dashing by, running to the gate of the kingdom. He waves to Knight, before crossing over a small bridge, and taking the chosen path he wanted to use.

He did take note that the guard waved to him, but said nothing as he kept a composed profile, looking around for any visitors, or maybe even possible enemies.

The rather plain boy made a quick sprint into the forest a ways, following paths- and turning on ones that he had not been familiar with. Even if he did get lost, he would be able to find his way back. Tigerlily made sure that he knew how to navigate around, esepcially if he were, per se, unable to climb a tree so he could try to get a better scope of the ground.

Speaking of Tigerlily, she might be sleeping now- she usually goes off to look for things during night-time hours.

Barely even a quarter hour passes, and the brave cookie runs out of energy to keep running. He stopped in his tracks, taking a gander around at the many canopies, low-hanging branches, and other features that this more deepened part of the forest had to offer. Of course, there were some areas that were advised against being explored, due to previous incidents- though they were mainly alon the Eastern part of the forest line-

Gingerbrave had turned somewhere between North, and Northeast.

The sound of the forest was strange when there was no village or city clammour to dampen the many different senes that were easily overflowig from beig in such a place. The sounds of animals interacting, and chirping from bird like creatures in wht can be considered an ambiant, open space was almost a surreal feeling.

Strange, and it made ones nerves tingle in apprehension.

Gingerbrave was feeling the rush of adventure coming at him. It was almost overwhelming.

Smiling the basic cookie continued on his way, stepping over several rocks, vines, and small objects like suspicious looking plants. He also kept away from any areas that looked like an animals den. Yet another thing that Tigerlily Cookie had made sure to advise him about. Especially when he was in areas by himself.

Stepping back down on the ground, the blue eyed cookie made sure to watch where his feet landed, and used his cane to move fallen clumps of foliage off to the side. The chirping of birds somewhere in the trees somehow made him feel smaller than he actually was. He would admit that it felt strange.

Several minutes of poking around, and the youngster soon came to a small clearing. There was plush green grass sprawled out, covered in dew- and soft chiffon yellow flowers in patches within the lush greenery.

It was a sight to behold, despite how simple it might seem.

However, something caught his eye, and made him turn away from the stunning nature. He glanced up a bit more, spotting what seemed to be astone podium- carbed into a rock of sugar that rested toward the center of the field. Whatever it was seemed to be calling to the adventurous pre-teen- because he wasted no time making his way over to the structure.

Once he got there, he starts to look at the features a bit closer in immense interest. He wondered what it was- that was for certain- despite his desire to touch it, he was going to go and ask some of the other cookies about any possible rumours or myths that surrounded this part of the forest. He wouldn't touch the podium, as he knew well that a lot of bad things happened if one got a bit too zealous.

Turning around, he made a mental note to himself, looking for another path that he can start to follow, in hopes of finding something less confusing.

Jogging away, the lad turns to the left, and spots a path, going to find it with a smile on his face.

What he didn't see, though, was a bright pink glow coming from the stone podium that he had so quickly abandoned.

((To Be Continued))

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