Chapter Twenty-Six: Reclaim

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((Skibi bop mm bada- *slaps face into refrigerator CutElY*))


((Note: Hello, as we all will know, P. Mushroom Cookie is a character of Ambiguous gender, if I accidentally call P. Mushroom by 'He' I appologize in advance. I still need to go back in past chapters and correct this. Thank you for you patience.))


The younger Gingerbrave look-alike kept smiling up to the darksides, his dark eyes were nearly unreadable. The sleeping cap and pajamas of the child were the thing that stuck out the most as a comparison.

Getting over their shock, and maybe even borderline apprehension, the group of older cookies all looked to each other, before Dark Enchantress stepped forward.

"So... you have been expecting us." she stated, a cold tone to her voice. "Just who are you? You clearly aren't the brat..." she noted with a bit of a light scoff. This, in turn, made the smaller boy grin more, closing his eyes as he tilted his head a little bit to the right.

"Oh? I wonder how you came to that conclusion." the child walked around the seemingly catatonic mental projection of Gingerbrave, standing right in front of the woman.

At that gesture, the woman quickly pulled her staff into a position that was more the willing to prepare for violence, all of the suboordinates of the aged woman getting into fighting positions as they went to move forward.

The child in front of them laughed, seeming to find a lot of amusement in the situation.

"Oh you all crack me up. Have you ever considered stand up comedy? My name is... Dozer." the hesitance before the name was a strange way to speak. "As much as I would want to kill all of you right here..." the child let his arm extend out a bit, pointing it at Red Velvet. "Especially YOU..."

There was a contemplative pause as Red Velvet narrowed his eyes to the kid, his larger arm displaying it's sharpened claws as a means to pose a threat. However, he didn't speak to the form that was mocking all of them. He didn't need to distract the others or himself from the mission that Dark Enchantress had put into place.

"I can't kill any of you... or even harm you. Even if I so desired. How much of a bummer is that?" with a sudden motion, Dozer's hand was pointed at Pomegranate, and a large pink spike rose from the ground.

She wouldn't have had the time to move, and avoid it, but- that was the thing. She hadn't been damaged in any way.

Standing in the exact same spot she had been before, the same spike rose through her body in a way that seemed to look like a phantom projection, of some kind. However, right under her, the ground where the spike had risen from was damaged, rocks, and pebbles jumbled around shifted dirt.

"You all could have avoided all of this drama and this annoying incident if you hadn't interfered. Now my powers are cut short, and I need to work harder. Selfish of you all, honestly." The boy walked around Gingerbrave's still form, a smile spreading over his face- wider than the other grins he had given thus far.

'Dozer', as he called himself, stood right next to Gingerbrave, before getting an idea. A wicked aura passed over the child, before he went back behind the older cookie.

"Why do you bother, anyways? You all could walk off scott free and not have to deal with all of the drama, and the annoyances that had had you annoyed for the last three or so days. Wouldn't that be nice?" Dozer leans over Gingerbrave's shoulders, a gesture that would have looked like a hug, at first.

Red Velvet glared, before stepping forward. He wouldn't admit out loud that even he wouldn't want Gingerbrave to be trapped in whatever warped mental state this was.

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