Chapter Twenty-Seven: Bubble

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"Are you a boy?" -> No.

"Are you a girl?" -> No.

"Then what are you?" -> I ... am... AN IDIOT! **Dramatic pose time**


Dozer narrowed his eyes at her, a chill passed over the mindscape as the surroundings grew darker. "Just what do you intend to do to me? This is MY realm. MINE. You have no power here." he made a disgusted sneer in her direction.

Dark Enchantress got closer and closer to the child, her red eyes staring right back down to him, a similar sneer on her face.

"Oh? Is that so? If that is the case... then-" she leans down, getting close to the child's head as her eyes narrowed even more. "Just how did I get in here, if this place is YOURs to control?"

There was silence from the child, who's face went from the typical sneer, to an expression of outirght resentment.

"Thought so."

Dark Enchantress gestured to the other Darksides, who all started to run off in separate directions. They were going to find a way out of here first. The woman made sure to keep 'Dozer' etertained. She taunted the boy, made fun of him, ruined his composure.

"I already know that you won't tell me anything. Once I figure out exactly what I need to know- I can and will find out more about you. One way, or another. I don't believe you are who you say you are..." she leans down, getting eye to eye with the child, before smirking. "Two can play at the stubborn game."

Dozer smirked up to her, before moving back, the other Gingerbrave like duplicates doing the same thing.

"I may just have a way to defeat you all yet. You darksides are all going soft. All of this for someone you don't know well, care about, and is an enemy. How pathetic is that?" the question rung out, as Dozer and the shaded duplicates started to sink into the darkness. "You will get tired of him, and give up. Don't be mad at me when all of your efforts have been wasted."

Dark Enchantress grit her teeth, before firing off a burst of magic at the retreating forms.

Eventually, they were no where to be seen- or heard. It was clear that her magical burst did not hit the figures. However, with that being in mind, it would be better to escape this realm while they could. She turned, getting ready to walk away, before looking down to the mental projections of their prisoner.

The woman took three steps away from him, feeling a pull in her mind- telling her that she couldn't leave yet.

She hated these feelings. They were getting in the way of progress.

With a scoff, she gathered why she couldn't leave with a clean conscious.

"Damn this stupid feeling." she hissed in a hushed tone, before she held out her staff, and pointed it at the child. She might as well put him out of his misery...

Pulling her arm back, she let her magic charge up again, and with a whisper of a spell, the ball of energy was caste toward the unaware, catatonic child.

Gingerbrave was enveloped in a small beam of soft light, before it dispersed- revealing his body again- the burns that the shadows and that alleged 'brother' of his had marked him with were healing, slowly- but surely nontheless.

There was also a light orb of light around him- lighting up the rather dull space that would be this child's mind.

Even the Enchantress would say that this place was pretty bleak...

Testing out her work, the woman fired what would be considered a harmful beam of shock-magic at the bubble around the idle Gingerbrave- blisslessly unaware of everything that had been happening around himself.

The negative attack bounced right off of the bubble and was projected off into the distance where a shout of protest was heard.

"Aaaaaaa! My ass!" It was Licorice- of course. Dark Enchantress snickered a little bit under her breath, before shaking her head. "What was that about?!"

"I don't even have to hear you, but I know for a fact that you are were monologuing to yourself, weren't you?" she shouted, as she started to walk in that direction, somewhat... satisfied(?) that the protective bubble did it's job... for now.

There was silence from where Licorice's voice came from, before Pomegranate piped up, shouting from where she was.

"He was monologuing about being the best cook- he even called himself 'The Grand Soup Master.'" Pomegranate shouted out, letting herself produce an audible snicker.

"Sh-shut up!"

Dark Enchantress shook her head and snickered at the light-hearted bickering, before hearing Dark Choco calling from somewhere off in another direction.

"Hey, I found a glowing doorway. I think this is where we are supposed to go!" he hoisted his sword into the air, casting the slightest bit of light there was to spare on the blade.

With that, all of the Darksides were on their way- meeting with the armoured darksides, who had let down his arm, to rest it as soon as a couple of the others came into view.

Red Velvet was the first to walk over to the woman, readying himself to ask about Gingerbrave- to which the woman put up her hand.

"He is fine, for now. I wouldn't doddle, though. Get moving." she gestured to the doorway, to which the man let out a sigh and a nod. He head inside, following Poison Mushroom through the space, as they had walked in ahead of everyone else.

All of the suboordinates walked in before their leader had, by her request.

Turning around, the woman looked around, her gaze catching 'Dozer' and the multitudes of shadows that continued to stare menacingly at her from the darkness. Her posture became tense, and she scoffed.

"Better make this quick..." she walked into the doorway, and closed it behind herself, before sealing it shut with her magic.

Within miliseconds, she woke up, standing in front of the medical table where all of them were at when the twisted mental-escapade had started.

She looked aroud, observing as the other Darksides woke up from what seemed to be a dreamlike state where their bodies physically stood.

The Enchantress looks down to Gingerbrave's sleeping face, before pulling up a gloved had to rub the bridge of her nose. She couldn't tell if she was going mad, getting soft, or a mix of the two. Either way.. she didn't like it.

"We have a lot of work to do... let's get started..."

((To Be Continued))

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