Chapter Twelve: 'PfFFFtth'

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'That wasn't Sparkling cookie...'

Trying to reason with himself was fruitless.

Gingerbrave walked away from the angered man when he had started to be berrated and talked down to. It wasn't because he didn't believe it. Whatever had come over the older cookie was something supernatural, or not of this plane, as most things seemed to be.

Whatever was speaking through the man was right, though.

There really was nothing worth while about him, and as much as he tried to lie to himself, and convince himself that there was that little something he could do that others couldn't... it was all untrue.

'I mean... even my name..! Brave Cookie.. the thing that I thought made me who I was for the longest time. I'm not the only brave one here. Everyone in the kingdom is brave. They face more and more days having to worry about kingdom attacks, or each other for various reasons. The main thing I am named after is just so.. useless.'

The thoughts were making him want to slam his head into the nearby wall.

The brave child was sitting on the sand of the shoreline, near the outer wall of the kingdom. Frustrated, he tossed a rock into the liquid that made up what would be called a river, before sighing. He kicked at the sand several times, feeling more frustration growing in his chest. He wanted to do something more drastic, but he wouldn't allow himself to, because it would make him feel worse than what he already did. Even if it eased his emotional turmoil for the shortest amount of time.

Just as he was about to fall into his own pit of self-broiled despair- so he could hopefully sulk it out, before heading back in when he was more emotionally competant- he heard something moving in the water. Looking up, the blue eyed cookie wiped at his softened peepers, and cleared his vision.

He was ready to jump, in case it was anything unfriendly. You can't be too careful at night.

With a quick movement, a head popped out of the water, causing Gingerbrave to flinch substantially, before noticing that it was just Sorbet Shark Cookie. They were taking a late night swim, it seemed. The shark-based cookie was in their somewhat fishlike form- their skin- by default was naturally a bit lighter.

"oo0oOooO0o!" the slightly younger cookie greeted Gingerbrave with excitement, despite the somewhat lazy, or tired-seeming expression they usually wore on their face.

The excitement quickly died down when the younger cookie took notice of Gingerbrave's note-worthy stressed expression, and tight posture. So the water based cookie gave a look fo sympathy, and settled down again, before letting themselves gently flop on the sanded shoreline that Brave was sitting on.

The younger cookie opened their eyes briefly, before closing them again, and flopping their arms on the shore several times, in a way to indicate something that could easily be associated with trying to act cute or playful.

Gingerbrave couldn't help it.

Even if he was upset, seeing Sorbet Shark stick out their tongue and blep at him a little bit, before going back to making their usual 'oOoOOooO0ooO' sounds did objectively make him feel better. Sorbet was a cute cookie by default.

Eventually, the beached fish version of Sorbet cookie transformed themselves into their normal somewhat pirate-like clothing that they seemed to like sporting- including the skin getting a tad bit darker, and their eyes closing more than they usually did while in their aquatic form.

Gingerbrave smiled more when the younger cookie stood up, and put their arms up in the air, before starting to do a small dance in a circle, making their common cooing noise at Gingerbrave again. The brave child wiped at his tears, before starting to break down right there on the spot.

He wasn't going to try and explain everything to Sorbet. Sorbet was very smart, but he just didn't want to make the other feel like they had to stay just to help him out emotionally.

As if on cue, the shark cookie puckered their lips a little bit, before reaching into their pocket, and pulling out a telescope. They smiled up to Gingerbrave, before putting the telescope up in front of themselves, and waving it a bit, as a means to get the others attention. Then, smiling up to Gingerbrave, the slightly shorter cookie placed the telescope on his head, before wobbling a little bit to maintain balance of the object, as their hair made it hard to center it for balance.

Gingerbrave started to laugh a bit, though he still cried in between the laughing. His sadness, at the moment, was melting away, slowly. However, at least it was dwindling down a bit.

His eyes were burning, so it was a good thing. He sniffled a few times, before taking in a deep breath, and keeping his arms over his eyes for a couple seconds, so he could dry his face of his tears the best he could.

Sorbet smiled up to him, before leanding their head forward, and cooing again, letting the telescope fall forward off his noggin and into their hands. The shark cookie then stuffed it back into their pocket, before inching their way closer to gingerbrave, their eyes clothes, as they almost always were.

The shark cookie then lifted their hands up, and placed their hands on Gingerbraves face, before taking in a deep breath, and puffing up their own cheeks- to which they were confident that Gingerbrave would get the gist of what to do.

The brave cookie smiled a bit more, before mimicking Sorbet, and taking in a really deep breath, and puffing up his cheeks, keeping the air from retreating.

Without a second wasted, the aqua-based cookie then gently slapped their hands over Gingerbraves cheeks, which made a short 'PfFFFtth' sound as air escaped the slightly taller cookies mouth from the action.

Both of them laughed at it, as it sounded like flatulence.

Sorbet then made the same face, indicating that they wanted Gingerbrave to do it again, but this time, the slightly older cookie puffed up his cheeks, and waited for the other to do the same. When they had- the brave cookie quickly, but gently plapped his hands over the others cheeks, making the same noise that was produced by himself a few seconds ago.

The shark cookie let out something that could resemble a bit of a chirp, or a giggle, before puffinf up their cheeks again, Gingerbrave mimicking them.

They both continued to repeat these actions, enjoying how simple the fun was- while it lasted.

In the end, Gingerbrave had been laughing, and actually enjoying his time.

"Thank you Sorbet. I really needed that..."


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