Chapter Six: Plummeting

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Tossing and turning on a bed, the child brought his arms over his head as he fought within a dream- he struggled to move, and groaned in discomfort. The sleepy form lightly scratched at his own face, before jolting his body again. A frown played on his brow, and he bit his lip, indicating intense nervousness.

On the outside, he just seemed to be having a lively nightmare.

Within his mindscape, though, GingerBrave was running. Running as fast as his tired legs would let him- a burning pain surging through the limb that was still damaged from the projectile that had impaled it. He was out of breath, nearly collapsing from not breathing properly. He needed or escape.


He needed to keep moving.

Don't stop.

Don't stop moving they're going to find out- look out-!

All of a sudden there was an immense pain and pressure on The Brave Cookie's chest, and he felt as thought he was choking. He brought his hands up to his neck, and desperately tried to get air back into his system, but everything was moving so fast. His ears were ringing, heart pumping- everything spun and it felt as if there were animals clawing at him.

He tried to cover as much of his body as he could.

Curl up... look smaller... cover all of the important areas. When you are in this situation... turn onto your stomch, so you can try to protect the softer part of your body from damage.

Play... dead...?

GingerBrave let out a small whimper as he tried to muster up his sourage. He was The Brave Cookie... fear was normal... but... why... why couldn't he move now? 'Come on- get up- face your fears... take on your enemies head on. Don't just curl up and try to disappear. That would make you a coward!'

The basic cookie continued to reprimend himself. All of the complaining he did to himself didn't help him though. He just got more stressed.

All of a sudden, there was a deafening ringing noise- making a stabbing headache immediately start to blossom through the sleeping childs noggin. He curled up even more- desperately wanting this accursed flood of unpleasant sensations to cease. He teared up, and shook his head, which only made it feel as though someone was knocking on his forehead with a hammer.

'GingerBrave- come on... you need to get up..." a voice was becking out to him. The blue eyed cookie tried to pull himself into the world of the aware, but no matter wat he did- it felt like nothing actually changed. The pounding in his head dulled, but dind't stop. "Come on kiddo, you are starting to worry us." the came voice persisted.

By the sounds of it... it was Mr Almond and Avocado cookie.

Suddenly, it felt as if there was something was driven through his chest. At first, it was just a feeling of pressure, being winded. He experienced that when he was tossed into trees during battle a lot. Then- he felt a familiar stabbing pain. Except it was even closer to his head. It was almost as if something had been completely driven through his chest-

'I- can't... can't... br-breathe-' he heard himself screaming internally, his mouth not making a single move to produce a word. 'Wake up.'

He kept screaming at himself to wake up.

Whatever was below him in his troubled mindscape was keeping him trapped. He wasn't just falling, no he was plummeting and fast.

Just as he felt his back collide with an invisible surface- the young cookie woke up, gasping for air, as he snapped forward, gagging and choking on air he felt he wasn't getting. He let loose a loud, agony-laced scream, and brought his arms to his head, breathing hard as he frantically looked around the space he had woken up in.

The first thing the frantic child did was swing his arms around in desperation, only seeing shadows around him, rather than the forms of the other cookies that he racalled hearing while he was trapped in his sleep. He automatically tried to push them away, struggling and searching for his candycane to fight them back if he must- he couldn't see it anywhere.

All he could see were unpleasant mixes of colors and hues. Everything was blending together.

It hurt to think.

"GingerBrave! Calm down, it's us!" there was a quick exclamation from the blonde haired cookie, who had quickly put down his shaking cups that he carried everywhere for good luck. It was Sparkling Cookie.

The boy was still frantic, making it clear that he was ready to fight, if he must.

None of them needed that.

First, GingerBrave was a very tough, resourceful, and tough child. If he was crafty enough, he was able to take out entire teams, and push back enemies with considerable force. Second, was the fact that he was currently in a state of flash panic, and notable turmoil.

Two terrible combination, a small room, and a bunch of older cookies who didn't want to go and harm their friend.

Thinking quickly, Avocado grabbed the boy by his hands, and started to speak to him calmly. "Settle down, Pumpkin. You were having a nightmare. Deep breaths. It's me, Avocado. Breathe. Close your eyes, and relax." the instructed to him- the smaller cookie struggling for a few more seconds.

After that point, though, the child calmed down, and closed his eyes with force- shaking his head subsequentially.

His breathing and heart rate slowed, and he hesitantly looked back up, seeing the lot of concerned adult cookies surrounding the bed where he was resting not too long ago. He concentrated on their face... focusing on each one. They were really where... he was really awake.

Though, it felt like everything was still spinning.

"I-.... I'm sorry..." he breathed out, before gently removing his hands from Avocado's larder, more comforting grasp. "I....I... uh..."

He couldn't find the words he wanted to say.

He was still too worked up.

Almond Cookie took in a breath, and grunted, before sitting down on the bed.

"Do you want to talk about it, Brave?" he asked the young cookie, which, in turn, made the blue eyed youngster shake his head no, and look down at his lap. It seemed he was shutting down. A common thing he did, when it came to his own problems.

Everyone knew GingerBrave has a serious connection with what could be considered hero syndrome.

While he did considered others competant enough to be able to helpful, and strong- he would still do whatever he could to help them. Though, the error, or worrying side of that came with the fact that he cared very little about himself. His own problems always got back-burnered, even if he were the only one who needed help in the moment.

More than likely the only major reason that he talked earlier, for Avocado, was because he was still somewhat out of it- or... very out of it.

They were left with more questions than conclusions, even with the information supplied, and that was because... whatever place he knew he got hurt at or in... it didn't even seem to exist.

With that being said- all of the adults look between each other, before sighing. They knew it was going to be a long while before Brave considered saying anything else to them... so.. all they could do was wait. Hopefully they could persuade him to talk sooner than later...

((To Be Continued))

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