Chapter Fourteen: Cell

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"What the actual hell has been wrong with you?!" an all too familiar voice was talking down to him, belonging to the blonde man that had done the same thing not too long ago. However, it was followed by many other angered voices, questioning him for his destructive, repulsive actions.

Gingerbrave said nothing, and just continued to look at the angered crowd of those that were his friends. He didn't completely know who they were now.

They felt like enemies, but he knew them.

The voice continued to laugh in his mind, taunting him silently.

'Come now, you can't afford to freeze up. You know that they mean business. What do you think they are going to do when they get your hands on you? For all you know, they have murder on their mind.' the voice continued to make fun of the child, before several gusts of wind blew past the crowd.

Gingerbrave looked tot he side. He trusted his friends.

That was part of being a good friend, it was himself he didn't trust. That's the only reason he had kept so much from them already, and now, they were all effected by this invisible coward that plagued his mind. He would trust them with his life, even if his trust was misplaced, because he would never think of them the way that they are now.

It wasn't him trying to deny the reality of this development.

He knew that he very well could be in danger. He very well could die... but he wouldn't have it in himself to hurt any of them. He was supposed to be a hero, and thus far... he had been far from great. He had been far from the hero that everyone deserved, or needed or even liked. That wouldn't stop him though. He would never stop caring, and loving them.

He closed his eyes, and accepted what was going to happen, before trying formulate a secondary plan in his mind. If he had to run, and get away, he knew exactly where he was going to go. He was going to go to the same place that he found that stupid pedestal. He would right his wrong, because.. he knew for a fact that whatever was happening here, was his fault.

'Don't just sit thereeee, come on- if they lock you up, there isn't any chance of you getting away.' he scolded himself, before shaking his head.

He was briefly brought out of his thoughts by the feeling of Almond grabbing his arm, and starting to drag him, with an annoyed grunt. The old man was still strong for his age, it was to be expected. After, all, he wouldn't be a policeman if he couldn't out-wrestle those he was arresting. Gingerbrave didn't fight being dragged, but he heard the man speaking to him, in yet another condescending tone.

"You know, we all would have expected better from you." Almond started to say, before turning the corner, and walking into his office, the boy in tow. He told Gingerbrave to sit down, before pulling out his handcuffs- and securing the child to the chair. "You have been getting worse and worse, you know. Do you care to confess anything?" the men tapped his fingers on the desk, before giving an expecting glare to the twelve year old.

Gingerbrave just looked the man dead in the face, before looking back down. "I have nothing to say." The boy then looked away, seeing an open window nearby. There were bars in front of the window, but.. if he turned to the side, he would be able to squeeze through the bars... right?

"You know what that painting meant to the town, Gingerbrave. You can't just go around destroying communal property. You can't go around stealing, and tripping others. You can't go around HARMING them." the man tapped his hand down ont he table, maintaining a piercing gaze. "You keep causing so much trouble, no matter how many breaks we cut you."

Wait... what? What did that mean?

Gingerbrave looks up to the man, genuine confusion was written all across his features, but he was sure that whatever was diluting the older cookie's actual self wouldn't really recognize that.

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