Chapter Sixty: Pathetic

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//A, B, C, D, E F U and your mom and your sister and your job, and your broke ass car, and that shit you call art. Fuck you and your friends that i'll never see again, everybody but your dog, you can all fuck off.//


All of the Cookies of Darkness sat around the table, holding light conversation with each other as they tried to conclude a solid reason why the child from the memory would be the one tormenting Gingerbrave.

Something about the notion just didn't rest well with any of them.

"It just isn't right. There is something wrong with the whole notion." Red Velvet finally interjected. "The child in that memory was tired, and meek. Not that it was a bad thing for the kid his age. I don't think that all of that rage would have come from no where. Even so... we could tell it was far in the past... why just start attacking him now?"

"You mentioned the child trying to destroy that Pedestal before right? Maybe this 'Dozer' has been following him around for a long time, unable to do anything until Gingerbrave made contact with it?" Pomegranate folder her hands over each other in her sleeves, before looking down to to the side.

"I suppose that is a theory. It's not like cursed or magically-conduited objected haven't existed before.." Licorice stated, before tapping on the table in front of the seat he had favored. "Even so... that doesn't sit right either..."

Poison Mushroom looked up from the table, where they were rolling around one of their purple shroomies. The child then raised their hand, waiting patiently for the opportunity to talk.

While they waited, they wobbled back and forth, waving their body and arm together to entertain themselves.

"Yes, Poison Mushroom?" Dark Encantress directed her gaze to the child, before leaning back in the chair that she held at the meeting table. Her expression was somewhere between lost in thought and frustration.

"When we were in the dream, something happened." not the best way to start out a statement, but they were trying. Really, they were. "The evil woman, she said- uh... she said 'How Pathetic is That?' while we were in there, right?" Poison Mushroom brought their hand up to their face.

"Yes, she did, Mushroom. Why do you ask?" Licorice got up from his seat at the table, before walking over to the child and kneeling in front of them.

Poison Mushroom was started to get a little anxious. Something that happened to them a lot when they went to propose ideas at the meeting table. It's happened many times in the post, mainly because of a sudden mount of pressure being put of them that they were not used to.

"Calm down. Close your eyes if you need to. We're still going to listen." Licorice brought Poison Mushroom's hands up to their eyes, hiding himself and the other Darksides from their sight. The child's breathing seemed to slow down, and they nodded before taking in a deep breath.

"When we went into Gingerbrave's mindscape for the first time.. when he was ah... uh.. a prisoner." Poison Mushroom swallowed a tense lump in the back of their throat. "When we saw the Nightcap Boy in his mind..."

The memory was starting to come back to them.

Dark Enchantress closed her eyes for a moment before leaning forward, reflecting back to that day when the instances started to peak forth in her own mind.

During their time in the mindscape, shortly before they tried to leave- 'Dozer' tried to intimidate them. The child had said that Gingerbrave's mindscape was his. That he was the one that had power over that realm.

Dark Enchantress stated that if she didn't have any power, she wouldn't have been able to get in at all. However, that was a bluff. That intimidation tactic worked though, because she recalled this 'Dozer' child losing his composure. Growing agitated at her every word.

Then, what the child had said before vanishing had made it's way to her foremost memory.

(("I may just have a way to defeat you all yet. You darksides are all going soft. All of this for someone you don't know well, care about, and is an enemy. How pathetic is that?" the question rung out, as Dozer and the shaded duplicates started to sink into the darkness. "You will get tired of him, and give up. Don't be mad at me when all of your efforts have been wasted."))

(("How pathetic is that?))

That's it... that's what Poison Mushroom was getting at.

They've heard that line before.

"The Nightcap Boy said it too." Poison Mushroom finally stated, before calming down again. The child brought their hands down, before going and sitting at the table. Mushroom hugged their shroomy for comfort, hiding behind it a little bit with a far-off expression.

Licorice stood back up from where he was crouched in front of the youngest Cookie of Darkness, before walking back over to his own preferred seat.

The recognition of the line came back to the rest of the cookies that were under the purple-skinned woman's leadership. It settled in over them a little slowly, but it caused something to both make sense and bring forth more questions than answers.

Dark Choco leans forward, beinging a hand to his face as the tried to think of a possible explanation. He may or may not even be correct in his theory, but having a theory was better than possibly having no clue at all as to what was going on.

After clearing his troat, the red-eyed man stood up, looking around the table. Closing his eyes as he let out brief, tense exhale- the man stood up straight, and proposed his mayber proposterous idea.

"That alleged 'Dozer' child in Gingerbrave's mind .. it wasn't the real Dozer."

(To Be Continued)

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