Chapter Twenty-Five: Dozer

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((Roses are red; I'm inside your house; your door was unlocked; It's me, Mickey Mouse. haha))


After a considerable amount of minutes spent talking back and forth, Licorice noticed that the child in his lap was starting to get agitated again. So, grumbling, the man started to run his fingers through the kids hair.

He knew that brushing ones fingers through anothers hair worked to calm down most people he ran across. Hell, that is probably why a lot of people raked their fingers through their hair if they were stressed. It took a couple seconds, but he noticed that the child's body had become less tense, despite the look of disdain still written across his features.

The Enchantress continued to watch the man who was dealing with the child. She could say that she found it a bit... amusing.

Licorice, by default, seemed to be the kind of guy that would be afraid of children. Especially considering how she had met him. However, Licorice had been the prodominant one to look after Poison Mushroom.

Poison Mushroom wasn't much of a problem to begin with. The somewhat spacey child was good at what he did, and he followed orders well.

"What are we going to do with him now? Seeing as wel know all this information, I would imagine that you have some sort of plan, Enchantress?" this was where Licorice became fidgety. The man sometiems had a tendency to jump, tremble, or grow tense, even if he wasn't caught off guard, or in shock.

"To put it frankly, I don't want to have to come in here and deal with this kid every time he has a breakdown. I am still considering my options." the woman let out a bit of a huff, before setting her staff against the wall.

Licorice was silent, for a few moment, before simply laying back, and resting his head against the wall, his hood plopping over his face a bit from the sudden movement. "I mean, we could just leave him in the middle of the forest. There are Kingdom Cookies there all the time- he would be found. Boom, problem solved."

The woman nearly laughed to herself. Even she knew that Licorice knew it was a bad idea. He must have been trying to get the child out of there, in a hopes it would be less tension on everyone's end.

"You and I both know that leaving him out there in this condition could likely mean certain death." the woman chuckled to herself. In return, Licorice looked away from her, and just started to stare at the floor of the cell block.

Before either of them could speak, another voice finally piped up. "Am I interrupting something?"

Guiding his eyes back up, the amber eyed goth spotted Red Velvet, was was standing there with a weapon in his hands. The red and black haired man saw the boy in Licorice's arms- before letting out a begrudging, nearly apprehensive sound of disapproval.

"He finally tried escaping?" it was more of a question, than a statement, both the gray skinned man, and purple skinned waman looked at each other, and sigh, shaking their heads.

"No. Chiffon went and pulled Licorice down here. I suppose you could say that the boy might as well have been having a seizure, at this point- differences not being considered." Dark Enchantress stood back up, before tapping her staff on the groud, and walking over to Red Vel. "It seems that traces of Leeching Magic are within the boy, and he nearly drowned because of his own bloody nose."

Red Velvet looked confused.

The black haired man sitting on the ground with the child let out an annoyed sigh. It was easy to forget that Licorice was the only one with magic that even slightly resembled Dark Enchantres's own magic style. He would be the only one who WOULD understand- even if it took time to do so.

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