Chapter Twenty-One: Imprisonment

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((Just Fre-Sha-Voca-Do like ya do.))


Composing herself, the purple skinned woman striaghtened her posture before letting out a deep, aggrivated sigh. She tapped on Red Velvet's shoulder, letting the man know to move out of the way, so she could go in, and start to repair the boy's damaged back.

Red Velvet walked thoward the door, before leaning on the wall, giving the Enchatess as much room as he could.

As the woman worked on the brave child, though, she began to feel more and more off. She was old, and she had a lot of exposure. She could just tell there was some lingering magic around Gingerbrave. Magic that she, the medical equiptment, and Red Velvet had not produced.

It was foreign, and whatever it was, definitely meant to do harm.

Shoving these feelings aside, she quickly patche dup the child's back, before looking over to Red Velvet with an expectant, agitated stare.

"Go and make sure that his cell is ready for him. It's not like we will need to worry about anybody else being around, so pick whatever is going to be the most convenient for you. I have stuff I need to do in my quarters. Make sure he knows why he is in there. If I have to deal with him, because he is being loud, then it will get ugly really fast." the woman blatantly stated.

After adjusting her gloves, the woman grabbed up her staff, before starting to walk to the door.. She looked over her shoulder one last time. "If any of this causes trouble for the others, or myself; more than it already has- you will be punished accordingly."

Nodding, the man tensely felt him mentally slap himself. He was begining to feel ample distaste for this hole he had dug himself into. Though, in all honesty, there was no point in complaining about it now... he was stuck. That was the solid fact.

He couldn't back out, even if he wanted to.

Leaving the boy in the forest so he could wake up, and walk himself back to wherever his home was- it was a hit or miss idea. He may, or may not die, and there was no point wasting all those medical supplies, if that was going to be the case.

They didn't know where the kingdom was, so that was another option off the board.

With a heavy grunt, and a look of distaste, Red Velvet stood back up, and looked over his shoulder, picking out the cell that he thought would possibly work best.

He settled on the one that rested in the middle of the cell block the dungeon held. There was a heating and air conditioning unit somewhat nearby. The cell had no real lights, and there were some blankets, a book, and a pillow.

It wasn't much, but in comparison to what some other prisoners got in other places, it might as well have been fine treatment.

The Darksides were villains, however, even the Dark Enchantress had standards. They weren't barbarians. They weren't genocidal, either, despite what a lot of cookies may force themselves to believe.

The red and black haired man made sure that the cell was sturdy. The bars were close enough for the boy to not be able to squeeze through them, so that was a plus.

Chiffon had been with him the entire time. The hound clearly disliked the idea, tugging on the man's pant leg with his gentle teeth every time he got closer to the cell with supplies. The hound let out several whining sounds, but never pulled to hard, knowing that there would be minimal actions that could be taken to stop Red Velvet's progress.

After setting the cell up, Red Velvet walked over to the table where the boy was, before picking is body up, and double checking it to make sure that there was nothing else wrong with him.

Then, walking over to the cell once more, the blue eyed man gently put the child down in the blankets that were on the floor. There were several other pillows under the blankets, that way the ground wasn't messing with the boy's back all too much.

He covered Gingerbrave, before, walking out of the cell, and closing it. There wasn't a lock of any kind on the cell door, that way they could avoid lockpickers and other more simplistic escapees. Sitting down on the opposing wall, Red Velvet brought his knees up to his chest, before leaning his head back. Naturally, Chiffon trot over to him, and curled up right beside the man.


Waking up with a headache was never an ideal way to wake up anywhere. However, waking up after feeling like you died was really something else.

Gingerbrave sat up quickly, nearly lurching forward as he felt a bit of pain springing through his back. The boy quickly tried to catch his breath, as he had left himself a little winded from the sudden movement. Upon finally clearing his vision, though, the child went from barely calm, to considerably confused, and a little bit panicked.

Looking around, he spotted several things- the main thing being that he was behind bars. Around him, there were a few blankets, and one small book rested in the cell, presumably for him to read.

Looking just outside of the bars, the child managed to spot the red and black haired main that he had kept from certain death. Though, it seems death didn't want claim him, either.

Red Velvet was looking right at the child, his face fairly unreadable, and unsettlingly concentrated. it was clear that he was displeased... but the man didn't talk for a solid fourty seconds, at the least.

Noticing the look in the man's eyes, The Brave Cookie took it as a state of contemplation.

"So ... you are finally up." Red Velvet finally started to say, before he sighed, closing his eyes for a few seconds. "I guess I might as well get this dealt with right away. You are locked in there, to keep you from getting away from us. Then again, you likely would have figure that out on your own." the man continued to explain.

Gingerbrave locked eyes with Red Velvet briefly, not saying much of anything, but making it clear that he was still listening.

"You are our prisoner. Even so, you are going to have to follow rules here to ensure that one of the others doesn't kill you. The only reason we spared you is because you were still alive to be spared. Killing you while you are weakened is not an ideal thing that would sit with any of us." Red Velvet stood up, before putting his hand on his hip, his expression getting a bit colder.

Gingerbrave still kept his mouth shut, not wanting to dig himself into a deeper hole, until he could start to solidly consider a plan that would be good enough to get out of this cell.

Defiant, younger eyes locked with colder, aged ones.


Gingerbrave really wasn't liking this trend of being locked in cages. In fact, he rather hated it.

It was just like being trapped in the oven, all that time ago.. except, it wasn't as warm, which he was thankful for.

He needed to figure something out... and he needed to figure it out fast...

((To Be Continued))

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